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quest request



ok so i need quest help i have no writing ability so im asking for help on quest for my game

the title is Welcome to Endarium

it is a fantasy medieval setting

i currently have one genral area started. the map is called the ruins of alakar. they link together, the ruins is a tower that will be 5 story's high and 2 story's underground so i have a little work to do. there thats the extent of how far this areas going to stretch.
i would like one decent sized quest going back and forth between the areas, and two that are smaller ones thats all i need for right now

feel free to create NPC's and i haven't decided on a name for my main character either so don't worry about that put what ever you want(thats appropriate please)

thank you for your help i greatly appreciate it



I'm sorry, but your atrocious grammar will make people not want to help you.  Besides, this is where you post your own works, or ask for help with things you have already started writing, not a request forum for other people to write your story for you.

Regardless, you NEVER write a story to fit an area.  You make the area fit the story.  It makes it easier when you have the freedom to write any story you want, than if you were confined to a specific setting.  Many people like to create their settings as they write.  It works, but only if the writer provides enough detail (as long as they are not the one creating the area).

What you have given us is the barest glimpse of your setting, and nothing esle to go by.  What kind of tower is it?  How wide is it?  Does it have complex puzzles?  Simple ones? Or, maybe none at all?  These are the kinds of things the writer would define in the story if it were a book, and the designer (presumably you) in a game.

EDIT:  On a side note, five stories may seem high for a tower, but in reality, it is average for a tower built any time before modern construction.  When people think of a tower, they think ten stories at the lowest.  Also, two floors below ground is more appropriate for a ten story building than a five.  Remember, the World Trade Center only had six basements, though its foundation had to go all the way to the bedrock.



This can be a request station to an extent, but Darkfire is right, no one will write your story for you.

And even after you were told your grammar in your first post is terrible you still havent corrected it? Dude, come on. =\



If you want someone to write your story for you, post in the Recruitment sub-forum of the Projects board and ask for a writer to add to your team.



i didn't think of that thanks darkfire

and TokyoKenshin why do you think im asking for some one to make quests for me......(i suck at grammer)

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