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Quest Log Script Request

Like many rpgs, my project will include quests for the player to complete. I looked around for a quest log script and I was not able to find anything simple to fit my needs. The few that I did find were impossible to implement.

First, I'll show you a mock up and then I'll describe what features I would like to have included.

http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r228 ... mockup.png[/IMG]

As you can see, the window will look identical to the items window. Here is how I would like the quest log to work.

  • I would like to be able to make the window appear using a call script command. This way, I can have the window appear using a common event. I would like for the player to be able to access the window via a journal item or by pushing a button, like S.
  • I would also like to be able to customize the windowskin within the script so that it could possibly differ from the message box windowskin.
  • I would like to customize the font size, color, type within the script.
  • I would like to customize the icon that appears next to the quest title. This is so that I can differentiate between the key and side quests.
  • I would like for the quests to be grayed out once they have been completed.
  • I would like for the bottom window to have a scroll function to accommodate all the quests that will be in the game.
  • I would like to add quests using a call script command, or whatever method you think would be easiest.
  • I would not like anything to happen when the player presses a button on the quest. However, I would like the top window to be extended down one line further so that I may have 2 lines of text for the description.
  • Okay, I'm not sure where or how this would fit in, but I would like some sort of counter to show the number of quests completed compared to the total number of quests.
  • One final note: I would not like a colon or number to appear next to the quest name. It is only on the mock up because I created it in rmxp.

To whoever accepts this task, I will be eternally grateful. Right now, my sorry excuse for a quest log is:

Accepted ?/? Quests
Completed?/? Quests
Well, I'm making a quest script too, but it's incomplete yet. So far:

1. Quest window appears via pressing a button (RMXP's L button, or keyboard's Q). Changeable if desired.
2. Gray-out quest steps once completed (doable with call script command).
3. Add quest by calling script, but first you should define the quest steps by editing a text file (this way you won't mess up with the script editor so much).
4. Nothing happens when pressing button in quest window, except (of course) to close it. By default, it's RMXP's B button (keyboard's X).

1. Have side quests aside with main quest (my game currently has no side quests).
2. Numbers of taken and completed quests.
3. Scrollable quest window to be able to handle more information (currently my quest window can only show 8 steps).
4. Additional info for each quest (e.g. gold/item reward, quest requirements).

I don't really care about cosmetic features (windowskin, font, size, etc.), but if you need them, I'll include.

Note that I am currently busy in preparing my second demo launch, so during this month I cannot make the script (and unless you already found one/someone had made it before I did). If you'd like to, please specify which features you don't want to implement from the lists above.

By the way, the screenshot above I assume is only the quests selection. How would you like the quest detail to be? (make a scratch in Paint if you can't do it, or use Window-Scene Wizard). Mine is currently like this:

Sorry for being written in Indonesian. This is the main quest window, the only window I have. Tugas utama sekarang is the main quest description, and 8 lines below are the steps needed to accomplish the quest. Greyed out is completed steps, green is current step, and whites are next steps needed. I add additional info by the next 3 lines, that are bonus requirements, start time, and total time elapsed. You can exclude these if you don't want to.

Here's the screenshot:

What do you think?

First of all, thank you for responding to this request. So far, a lot of your features mirror the features that I would like. As far as the description goes, all I really needed/wanted was for the description to appear on the top window similar to the item description window. But I would be happy with whatever description window you come up with.

A couple things that I didn't see in your quest script that I would like are:

- have the quests listed in the main quest window and then when the quest is highlighted or clicked on (depending on how the description window works) have the quest description appear
- change the windowskin so that it could be different than my message box windowskin
- icons appear next to the quest title so that I could differentiate between key and side quests (I would like to sort the quests so that all key quests are first and side quests are second)
- either add quests to the quest log as the character accepts them or have them all visible but have ????? in place of the text for the non-accepted quests and then have ????? change to the text when the player accepts the quest.

That's about it. Thanks again for offering to help me.

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