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Punk's Systems (Double Tap Dash System now available for XP)



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Note: These event systems takes only ONE copy-paste to install. They're that fucking easy to install and pack a lot of customization. They're not a pain in the ass to install. SERIOUSLY!!!

"What is this" you might ask?
Well, I was making a couple (5) of event system topics for about a week, I wrote no actual tutorial on my event systems and advertised them as plug and play. I sucked at writing tutorials so I didn't really write any for most of my topics. Eventually, I was faced with the choice of either having my topics merged (which they are now) or that I should write out actual tutorials for them. Like I said before, I really suck at writing how-to guides. Initially, I wasn't so sure about merging the topics but after a few minutes of thinking about it, I decided to go with it.

How you should reply. (It's to help with support over some of my event systems)
When replying, your subject should have the name of one of my event systems. It's not required, but recommended. Plus, it'll just help both me and you. You with trying to get support and me trying to figure out what event system are you talking about.

Other stuff.
If you knew me, you'd know I love to create event systems. I always want to try to experiment with events, just to see if there's certain things I could do with events without requiring the use of the script editor.

I made a couple back in the day, most were pretty cool but were pretty hard to install into a project due to changing switches and variables and all that jazz, which in turn resulted in plenty of my event systems not really getting used. I want to change that. I've been getting back into making event systems recently. My aim is to try my best to make my event systems easy to install with a simple copy-paste, an easy tweak of the customizations and a change of the condition switch.

My Event Systems
RPG Maker XP only!
Punk's Dash System 2.4
Message Boxes System 2.1
Change Leader! (Port to events, script snippet thanks to modern algebra)

RPG Maker VX only!
Completely Disable VX's Built-in Dash System

RPG Maker XP and RPG Maker VX!
Move During Messages
Dying on Game Map! (Port to events, script snippet thanks to Arbiter)
Punk's Data Backup Event System
Wait (In seconds!) (Port to events, script snippet thanks to Zeriab)
Double Tap Dash System 4.1.1
The Map Helper":2lo2rpg8 said:
Thats pretty cool, but this is the wrong section.
Actually it's not, event systems have always been posted in tutorials since there's no place specifically for them.
This is pretty nice punk ^_^ If I needed a dash system I'd use this over a script :thumb:
This is the correct forum for event systems, TMH.

This is pretty good, Punk.  However, from what I've seen, it's easier just to have a conditional branch based on whether or not a button is being pressed that changes the character's speed.  The only benefit I can see with doing it this way is the ability to use buttons usually not available, but I guess that's something a game maker could find useful.
Oh, I didn't read that it was an event system! Sorry! I thought it was a script. My apologizes. It seems pretty good, but it won't fit my game :|



Punk's Dash System
Version 2.4

It's a Dash System event system. Although somewhat not coded like how it's usually coded. It allows players of your game to move at a faster pace while holding a button.

  • Plug and play!
  • This dash system attempts to prevent dashing during dialogue. (It can't prevent dashing during cutscenes, that's up to you to do it.)
  • Change dash button by editing the script call.
  • Specify which maps disables the dash system. (New in Version 2.3)
  • Easily customize the player's dashing speed by typing a value. (New in Version 2.4)

1 Game Switch

Download (These demos include the event code!)
Download Version 2.2!
Download Version 2.3!
Download Version 2.4! (Includes a cheesy Arshes/Felix cutscene for your entertainment.)

Copy-paste the entire common event to your project. Depending on how far into development you are with your project, you should probably change the condition switch of the common event.

Version 2.1: I've replaced the global variables in this system with Constants. Demo has been updated.
Version 2.2: I've changed some bits of the event code. You're no longer required to use Input::key for PK_DASH_BUTTON.
Version 2.3: For developers, I've added an option which enables them to specify which map IDs does not allow dashing.
Version 2.4: Added a new option: Easily change player's dashing speed.

What was the point of including the PK_DASH_BUTTON variable?
I was experimenting with the event code to see if I could do something I thought was "cool". I kind of did that in some attempt to make it easier for users of this event system to choose a button to use for dashing.

Help! Some guy exploited your system and was able to use the dash button through one of my cutscenes! D:
This is something I can't help you with. You'll have to disable the switch that activates the "Punk's Dash System" common event as well as change the speed of the player to his/her regular speed.

Credits and Thanks
Go me! :O
Also, thank Zeriab. Version 2.4 wouldn't be possible without him. :D

Author's Notes
Some users might look at this event code and say it was unnecessary to add some things into the event system. Very understandable.



Even if I know how to do most of your event systems (because they are small addons)
they are good and useful :)
Keep up the great work!



Message Boxes System
Version 2.1

This is a remake of my old "Message Boxes System" event system.

  • Plug and play!
  • Message box appears at the top if you're at the bottom of the screen and vice versa.
  • Doesn't require a game variable this time.

1 Game Switch.

Download here. Includes event system.

Copy-paste the entire common event to your project. Depending on how far into development you are with your project, you should probably change the condition switch of the common event.

Version 2.1: I've replaced global variables with instance variables. Demo has been updated.

Any reason why you're not using game variables?
I don't want to give you a hard time regarding installation.

Help! My message windows are displaying at the top of the screen during a cutscene!
I can't help you with that. You'll have to disable the switch that activates the "Message Boxes 2" common event as well as using the change text options event command.

Author's Notes
If you're using other message systems, there's probably no need to use this event system. ;)



The Panda":ymnbkdrr said:
Actually it's not, event systems have always been posted in tutorials since there's no place specifically for them.
This is pretty nice punk ^_^ If I needed a dash system I'd use this over a script :thumb:
Awesome, thanks man.

Guardian":ymnbkdrr said:
This is pretty good, Punk.  However, from what I've seen, it's easier just to have a conditional branch based on whether or not a button is being pressed that changes the character's speed.  The only benefit I can see with doing it this way is the ability to use buttons usually not available, but I guess that's something a game maker could find useful.
Hmm, I see your point. I just wanted to try something different for the basic dash system as well as attempting to prevent the dash button from being used when exchanging dialogue, just in case the player moves around (through move route) while the message box is being displayed.

asdren":ymnbkdrr said:
Even if I know how to do most of your event systems (because they are small addons)
they are good and useful :)
Keep up the great work!
Thanks.  :thumb:


My Dash System has been updated to Version 2.3! What does this little update include? For those using the dash system so far, you will now be able to specify which maps disables dashing for players.



Dying on Game Map
The Evented edition.

This event system is an evented port of Arbiter's Dying on Game Map script snippet.
Arbiter in his script topic.":2dslxjq5 said:
Well I noticed a while ago by chance that you can't die on the map (outside of battle) which is a bit daft to leave that feature out, also when you are at zero hp and you enter battle only then do you get the game over screen.

Now I don't know how many of you know the fact that when your party dies on the map from terrain damage nothing happens until you go into battle, but for those who do and haven't solved the problem here is an easy guide.

  • Plug and play!
  • It's an evented version of the script.
  • If your party is down to 0hp, it's game over. Seriously.

1 Game Switch.

Download! (Includes Event Code)
Dying on Game Map for RPG Maker XP (cheesy cutscene included! ;))
Dying on Game Map for RPG Maker VX

Copy-paste the entire common event to your project. Depending on how far into development you are with your project, you should probably change the condition switch of the common event.

Credit and Thanks
Arbiter for being the creator of the snippet. I just "ported" it to events.

Author's Notes
I had fun doing the cheesy cutscene in the XP demo. :x



Change Leader
The Evented edition.

This event system is an evented port of Modern Algebra's Change Leader script snippet. Basically, the script allows you to switch your lead character on the map by tapping certain buttons (you'll have to set the buttons, the defaults are "L" and "R" input keys).

  • Plug and play!
  • Change your Party Leader on the fly!

1 Game Switch.

Download! (Includes Event Code)
Change Leader demo! (Watch out for Arshes.)

Copy-paste the entire common event to your project. Depending on how far into development you are with your project, you should probably change the condition switch of the common event.

Credit and Thanks
modern algebra for being the creator of the snippet. I just "ported" it to events.

Author's Notes
I was so bored, I decided to go rip a new one on Fighter-01, alright? :P



Move During Messages
Version 2

This is a remake of an event system I've made a little over three years ago. "Move During Messages" should be pretty self-explanatory. It allows players to navigate the map while a message is up.

  • Plug and play!
  • Move while a message is displayed.
  • Arrow Keys or WASD? (New to Version 2)
  • Specify which maps allows the player to move during messages. (New to Version 2.0)

1 Game Switch.

Bugs I'm aware of
  • No encounters when moving during messages.
  • Can't use dashing. [VX Version]
  • Walking during number inputs and show choices. (Bug?)

Download! (Includes Event Code)
Download XP Version! (and talk to Arshes!)
Download VX Version!

Copy-paste the entire common event to your project. Depending on how far into development you are with your project, you should probably change the condition switch of the common event.

Credit and Thanks
Go me. :O

Author's Notes
I'm not really too sure whether I deserve credit for this. I mean, I was working on some little Pac-Man demo (for fun) one morning, three years ago. Then I remembered having the demo displaying a message and Arshes was still navigating the map while being controlled. I made the first "Move During Messages" by accident. @___@
Since you posted this in the Tutorial section, I think you should make a real tutorial instead of just giving away a demo.
You should show what we have to do step by step and post picture of how the event commands should look like.



Hmm, I would argue that there's really no other place I could submit my event systems. I used to submit it at General Support but it's not fitting for event systems since it's a support forum. So I thought tutorials would be a more fitting place to do it.

I also suck at making some sort of how-to guides when it comes to implementing these and this event-system is super easy to install. (Simple common event copy-paste with some tweaking around in the customizations)

Errr, sorry about that Dargor. *gives cookie*  :tongue:



An entirely uninformed question from someone who hasn't popped open the demo yet: are there potential compatibility issues with custom message systems such as ccoa's UMS?



Whoa, awesome post, Miek. :D

I've just tested out both UMS's. (VX and XP) and they're working pretty fine. No compatibility issues between UMS and this event system. :)



Yep, I just had to go for some kind of eye-catching title, didn't I? :(

Global Dash Disable

When I first got the Japanese demo, which was almost a year ago, I was trying to find a way to disable RPG Maker VX's built-in dash system.

At the time, I didn't know users were able to disable it via map properties. And I probably shouldn't be credited for this as it's a really simple
and short event system.
I decided to go work on this today. :P

  • Plug and play! d:3
  • Disable VX's built-in dash system completely!

1 game switch.

Download! (Includes event code)

Copy-paste the entire common event to your project. Depending on how far into development you are with your project, you should probably change the condition switch of the common event.

Credit and thanks
Go me! :O

...actually, I'm not really sure, no wait, highly doubt that I deserve credit for this. It's too simple of an event system, methinks.

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