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Proofreader needed!

Hello, fellow Authors! I don't usually post in this particular sub forum, but I thought it would be appropriate to do so now, considering I've had this on my mind for the past couple of weeks.
Essentially, I need help with someone proofreading a story that's been in the works for about five or so years. It's quite long, which is why I don't think I can actually post it on the forum. Perhaps bits and pieces, but...
Anyway, if anyone would care to read through it and give me suggestions/feedback/critique, I'd be much obliged! I'd be happy to send it to more than one person (if anyone even cares to do it), so don't worry about me being stingy with readers.
I suppose I should at least put a kind of synopsis here, so that this doesn't come across as an empty post. It's difficult to summarize something you've been working on for so long in only a few short words...but I guess the most direct summary would be: It's an examination of human character, and how different people react to similar situations- some good, others not so good. In the end, it is up to the reader to decide who (if anyone) was wrong in their decisions over the course of the story.
That, in my opinion, is an incredibly shallow summary, but perhaps anyone who decides to help can assist me in focusing it as they become more familiar with the story.
As far as setting goes, it takes place in an all together different kind of world (one much bigger than earth) but with similar elements to our own. So it's a standard fantasy, I suppose...I did intentionally try to avoid many of the cliches present in such a category, but whether or not I was entirely successful is debatable.
But there are no elves and dwarves, so that's a start, eh?
Thank you all for your time, and I eagerly await your gracious response!



maybe I could give you hand with it. I don't have a degree in literature or anything like that, but I like to read any good story. If you want some criticism etc, I'd be happy to help. You could upload the text file in either notepad/word/yWriter5 format and send it to me via PM. As soon as I get it, and I have a bit of free time, I'll read it and give you some feedback.

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