[ignore]The main purpose of this topic is to show you how far I've develop a simple game on Chingu, a pure Ruby framework built on Gosu, that allows you to make it simpler even to make your very own RPG some day...[/ignore]
Here I let you take a look at some screenshots that'll show you how easy it'd be to implement such games on Gosu by telling the game how to show a specific frame set taken from a single bitmap with a single character... So I chose to use Vlad's character file to demonstrate it.
Of course, I had to modify Chingu::Animation class and create my own Hero class (that inherits methods from GameObject) in order to let the game show a single player tile at a time based on what's the last button you pressed...
NEW!!! First DEMO
You'll need to run kyogame.rb to start playing / testing...
Here I let you take a look at some screenshots that'll show you how easy it'd be to implement such games on Gosu by telling the game how to show a specific frame set taken from a single bitmap with a single character... So I chose to use Vlad's character file to demonstrate it.
Of course, I had to modify Chingu::Animation class and create my own Hero class (that inherits methods from GameObject) in order to let the game show a single player tile at a time based on what's the last button you pressed...
NEW!!! First DEMO
You'll need to run kyogame.rb to start playing / testing...