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Project Fallacia: A Bit Of Storyline

Okay, here goes.

In my introductory topic I posted when I joined, I mentioned that the storyline (and backbone) of my RMXP project is the novel I wrote. I did not copy other people's works, but I won't deny being influenced by other games and books. Isn't everyone? I just want to avoid cheesiness.

I began writing Fallacia when I was thirteen, wrote for about two years, took some time off, and finished up the editing and such in Winter 2008. Roughly a two-year project with a two year gap in-between.

I've given the story to a few family members, a couple friends, and my manager. They say it's good, (which was expected from family members), but I was hoping for some opinions.

Anyway, here is the first chapter.

The night was cold, and the air was thick with fog. The rain had been pouring for hours. A cloaked figure stalked through the puddles alongside a nobleman's mansion. The dense maze of hedges and a few guardsmen were the only things blocking his path. The fog made it difficult for the guardsmen to see, giving Kireth a distinct advantage. After all, he wasn't wearing the face-veiling helmets the guardsmen were equipped with. Using his trained, swift movements, Kireth easily bypassed the first two guards. He arrived at a two-way path, and had only seconds to decide.

If Kireth's position was given away, he would have to escape and forfeit the money he would earn for this assassination. If his identity was given away, he would have to flee the country. Worse, if he was caught, he would surely be publicly executed. None of the options were appealing to him. Reacting quickly, Kireth saw a guard coming from the right side of the hedges. He darted left around the corner, avoiding the guard. An unseen guard saw him and was about to yell for the others, but Kireth administered a nerve pinch that would keep the guard out cold for at least a couple of hours.

Kireth shoved the guard into a hedge, then continued his infiltration. He ran lightly up the steps, then ducked around the corner to the right. No doors were visible, but an ornate window sat in the wall. Peering inside the window, Kireth spotted his target. A slightly overweight man was lying in bed, fast asleep. Examining the window, he found it to be rather flimsy. Using the pommel of his blade, he pried open the edge in the lower left corner of the window and reached inside to unlatch it. He slowly pushed the window open, creating a slight squeak. The man in bed stirred but did not wake. Even slower Kireth crept to the side of the bed, closing in on the sleeping target. He lifted his long, silver katana, and did his deed. He immediately took the noble's seal from the nightstand. Next, he dropped a white rose on the man's body, then silently slipped out the window and back into the heavy rainfall. Walking down the hill, the man went back into town.

As Kireth walked through the muddy streets, the moonlight shimmered beyond the hills. The old lantern above the tavern door was dim, and homeless children roamed the walkways. He entered the tavern and immediately whiffed the stench of stale beer. The groans of drunk men filled the air. He found his way to the back of the building, where another cloaked man was waiting.

"The deed is done." said Kireth, giving him the noble's seal.

"Good, good. Here is your pay, as promised." The man cackled, dropping a bag filled with coins on the table. He stood to leave, then turned around, saying: "Nice doing buisness with you, Kireth." Kireth stared at the man as he left. Once he was gone, he made his way back onto the streets of western Succidia. The rain was still battering the sandstone buildings, but the fog was beginning to dissipate. Before he could locate an inn, a trumpet rang out through the rain. The battle had begun! Reacting quickly, Kireth found his way to the western gate. Succidian Elites were already starting to barricade it, and many more were arming themselves. Without being seen, Kireth scrambled on top of a roof and strained to see through the downpour. A sea of Proelium soldiers were closing in on the western gate! He ran across the rooftops and leapt over alleys in the northeast direction. A skirmish was about to begin, and he wanted no part of it. Jumping down into an alley, Kireth crouched behind a barrel. Several cavaliers and an official of the Succidian Army came galloping down the road.

"To arms!" The official shouted, raising her lance. He watched as more soldiers came charging behind her, then he darted out of the alley and towards the northern gate. There was no way he could make it back to Proelium via the western gate, so he would have to use the inner sea route.

The center of Succidia was where most of the nobility lived. The citadel was here too, and it was where King Kierkai resided. Kireth moved silently and swiftly along the sides of the buildings, staying in the shadows. Finally, he arrived at the northern gate. Because of the fighting, most of the guards here had been deployed to the western defenses. Luckily, only one was on duty, and Kireth had no trouble slipping through the gate unnoticed. Once he was outside the city, Kireth found his way to a small cave only a few paces away. He ducked inside and examined his pack. His food supply was fine, he had just enough to make it to Malasujoy. Malasujoy was a port town on the northern shores of the Succidian country, usually packed with merchants and tradesmen. He leaned against the wall and sighed, staring at his katana. Why must so much blood be shed? Why can't this war end? Kireth thought. He slid his hood back, revealing his solid white hair. Although he was young, in his early twenties, he was born with white hair. His emerald green eyes scanned the outside of the cave, waiting patiently for the rain to end. Water dripped irritatingly from a nearby stalagtite, causing his eyes to roll. How he despised that sound. Kireth sat down and leaned against his pack, resting. The rain should stop soon.

* * *

Waiting for what seemed like an eternity, Kireth grew increasingly impatient. This rain will never end! He thought. After a few more minutes of rain, Kireth leaned back and sighed. He would have to make camp here. Rummaging through his pack, he dug out a small skillet, a few pieces of dried meat, and some random vegetables. Next, he began scraping flint against a small rock. The sparks that fell landed on some dead leaves on the floor, creating a small fire. Kireth began to cook his meal. Eighteen more leagues.... Had it not been for this senseless war, I would've been able to walk through the southern valley. He thought. Now I must endure the inner sea. After eating he sat down, facing the exit of the small cave. The rain had not let up. He slowly began to tire; his eyes drooped. Propping his head against his pack, he quickly fell asleep.

Upon wakening, Kireth found himself half-twisted on the damp rock. He jumped up, dusted himself off, and immediately looked outdoors. The rain had stopped. Strapping his pack on, he quickly walked out of the cave. He had a lot of ground to cover, for the rain had slowed him down. Glancing ahead, he noted that the plains were quite flat, with a few clumps of trees here and there. This would be a fairly easy trek. In the morning, the sun made the dew glitter across the plains. The shining sea of grass looked amazing. Even so, that was all one could see going north. Kireth jogged along the dirt path, worn by many years of use, in the northwestern direction. Almost passing a small group of trees, Kireth stopped dead in his tracks. A small group of three Succidian soldiers were camped there. What are they doing here? Shouldn't they be at Fort Grey? He thought. Ducking behind a petite boulder, he listened to their conversation.

"Who are we looking for again?" said a short soldier.

"An assassin. The killer of Count Thomas, to be precise." replied barrel-shaped soldier.

"Okay. He isn't the, um.... You know, is he?"

"The "Shadow Knight", eh? Don't tell me you're afraid of a sissy with a knife."

"N-n-no. I never get scared, Hugo." Jon replied.

"Yeah, well tell THAT to the tone of your voice." Hugo laughed.

"Both of you, shut your traps!" A gruff voice bellowed. Jon and Hugo clumsily stood to attention. "I thought I heard something.... Back to your posts; and stop your chattering!"

"Yes sir!" they replied. Jon headed to the north end, and Hugo waddled southwest. Kireth's left knee began to twitch. He had been standing still for a while now. Not long after, it went numb. Kireth cursed his incompetence, then limped northeast, away from the encampment. A small patch of dirt dislodged and rolled down into the circle of trees. The gruff voiced shouted:

"Hey! I heard something that time, go check it out." Hugo and Jon scrambled towards Kireth's forsaken boulder. Kireth's leg had regained it's blood flow, and he was now up to full stride. Hugo and Jon chased after him, but they weren't close enough to identify him. Their cumbersome armor slowed them down significantly, giving the lightly-robed Kireth an advantage. Up and down the hills Kireth ran; seeking a hiding place. There was nothing but flat plains for leagues in all directions, save a gap at the bottom of a hill, just wide enough to jump. Kireth bridged the gap with a leap and ended his fall with a frontwards roll. Jon and Hugo skidded to a halt and stared at him. Their heavy armor wouldn't allow them to jump that far, let alone catch up with Kireth. Waving his arm, Kireth ran off towards Malasujoy.

Only a day had passed since Kireth escaped from Jon and Hugo. He had covered about nine of the eighteen leagues to Malasujoy. His food supply was still good, and the weather had been decent. At his rate of speed, those sad excuses for soldiers would never catch up, unless they had horses. Deciding he had earned it, Kireth slowed his pace. Just before nightfall, he found a small grove nestled among some pine trees. Preparing to make camp, he scanned the plains to the south. There were no signs of pursuit, but he decided keep his guard up. He did not make a fire; that would draw too much attention. Instead, he ate dried meat and a few pieces of bread. There was a bush yielding blueberries nearby, so he munched a few of those as well.

"Will I ever make it home?" Kireth thought aloud. Kireth had a small home in the Red Forest, just south of the Succidian Kingdom. He did not sleep at all that night, for his thoughts consumed him. Thoughts of home, and thoughts of peace. Now that I think about it, how am I going to make money? I've finished my last mission; I'm sure the Proeliums have another assignment for me.... Kireth's thoughts trailed off. He quickly packed his things and left, for his desire to reach his destination burned within him.

The quiet moon of Aesculetum loomed in the distance, its blue flare ominous. Using its light to guide him, Kireth nimbly ran through the trails. Only a league or so until he reached the Malasujoy Republic border. Surely there would be guards there. Under normal circumstances, Kireth could have gotten through easily, though during this war they might need to check him. After a few hours, he arrived at the border. A good-sized camp was set up along the border, with guards swarming everywhere. Nonchalantly, Kireth strode past the guards, acting as if he belonged there. He continued until he reached the edge of the camp, then a rude man stopped him.

"Who the heck are you? And what're you doin' here?" The rude man snapped. Although surprised, Kireth was not about to be caught off guard.

"Buisness, as usual. If you'll excuse me...." He replied.

"I've never seen the likes of you before. I haven't seen a garment like yours either -" Kireth let the man say no more, for he applied the nerve pinch once more. The man fell into his arms, and Kireth sat him down on the ground gently. He walked off towards the city as if nothing had happened. Only a few more leagues to go. Kireth thought.

I made some minor changes when I put this into RMXP. For example, Jon and Hugo are not important characters, so in the game I left their names as generic "Fat Soldier" and "Slim Soldier". By giving them names, I felt as if that would indicate an appearance later on.

The final soldier, the "rude man", I turned into a boss fight against a sentry that had been following Kireth. After all, what kind of RPG doesn't have boss fights? ; )

Questions? Comments? Concerns?

Thanks for reading, guys.

- Potato Man
wow! O.O all i can say is wow! it got my attention from the start, i want to read more to see what happens :)

i didn't see any mistakes in grammar and punctuation, so that's a big +

i also think it's a good idea to base a game off of a book. my only problem/concern, is in the game, with little graphics, it won't be able to display everything as writing does. like sneaking and subtle things, but that can't be helped, it would be that way with anything.

i am VERY interested in this. keep us updated

Glad you liked it. I agree with you, though. My first concern was also the translation into game-form, having to take away some of the "graphical" elements.

I don't know if the following paragraph goes in this section of the forum, but here goes:

Initially I hoped to make this my "big" project, but it's turning out more condensed than I'd hoped. I was thinking, when I finish, to go back through with the same Database / Script that I've got, and re-doing the entire thing.

In a perfect world I'd make my own character sprites. My only worry was that they wouldn't blend in with the RTP enemies and NPCs.

Anyway, here is the second chapter if anyone's interested. This is where I switch to Timothy's point of view in the book. (And also in the game, but I was thinking about doing a character selection option so they "play through" three times as three different characters on the same time line. Good idea?)

Trapped in a black-and-maroon void, Timothy stumbled in the darkness. He scrambled backwards, trying his best to escape several shadowed creatures. Although they looked like beasts, they could speak perfectly. Their eyes were ruby-red, and their fangs dripped with saliva. He screamed while continuing his futile struggle to escape. One of the beasts pounced on top of him, and his teeth began to close in on Timothy's neck. He went silent as he watched a beast from afar blow a trumpet. All of the other beasts backed off him and fled into the unseeable void. The trumpet bellowed once more. Everything began to fade.

Timothy jumped from his sleep and quickly realized what was going on. The Proeliums had finally begun their assault against Succidia. The fort Timothy was stationed in was being forewarned. He hastily removed his undergarments and began to prepare for battle. He looked out the window to the west as he changed, and spotted the colossal army of Proelium in the distance. Running after several other footsoldiers, Timothy snatched up his equipment from the floor. He was armed with a slim lance, and a rather big shield. Before he knew it, he was standing in a line-up with several other footsoldiers. A gruff male voice growled as it entered.

"All right, men. Those accursed Proeliums have begun their assault. We have been charged with the first defense, and you are going to be the front line until the cavalry arrives." Timothy gulped. "Remember, we fight for the honor of Succidia, and we will not let King Kierkai down! To arms!" The man finished, and pointed his arm to the exit. Timothy and the other nineteen soldiers rushed outside and entered what was going to be his first battle. All of them wore dark blue armor, and they blended in with the rain and darkness, as opposed to the brightly colored orange armor of the Proeliums. They were easy to see, downpour or not.

Timothy's heart raced as he watched the Proeliums prepare their catapults in the distance. The gigantic contraptions were being pushed by soldiers up to the top of the hills. From there, those catapults could hit anyone, anywhere on the plains. The Succidians had no such weapons, as they were generally peaceful folk. The Succidians were religious, as most people in Aesculetum were. Only a few heart-racing moments passed on the front line, then Timothy saw his salvation. Several cavaliers rode past Timothy, kicking up the mud, and Lieutenant Nicole Grey was among them. She was beautiful in every way. Her blonde hair draped down to her back, and her eyes were deep-blue sapphires. Although her armor veiled most of her features, Timothy had a good idea what she looked like. However, even though she was strikingly comely, her attitude and personality were less desirable. She was cold, calculating, and crude. She was well aware of her position above lackeys like Timothy, and she flaunted it. Nevertheless, most of the other soldiers still fantasized about her.

After they passed, he resumed running to his new position at the back of the fort. This was most fortunate, as it placed him far from combat. Four other men stood by with him, and they were much older. Timothy was one of the freshest recruits, and he was also one of the youngest. Rain dripped off his helmet, and he leaned against his lance. He was located near a small defense wall. It was on the northern end of the field, closer to the inland sea. How he longed to flee in that direction, to find safety and peace within the walls of Malasujoy. While soldiers ran in an orderly fashion, Timothy began to daydream. The thoughts of running away brought back memories of the story of Lance Diamondscale, the cowardly Wyvern Rider. During a large-scale war, when Wyverns still existed, Lance Diamondscale was nothing but a mere soldier on wings. In combat, their foe had built powerful ballistae to bring down the Wyverns. In fear, he fled the battle, while his comrades fought with valor and strength. While historians claim that all of the Wyverns died in that war, no one knows where Lance went. He may still be alive. Wyvern Riders were said to have long lives. A thunderbolt flashed in the sky, and Timothy stumbled back to his senses.

"What's going on?" Timothy wailed. A nearby soldier heard his cry, and moved closer.

"The Proeliums have loaded their catapults, and most of our soldiers have been positioned in the front. Is this your first battle?" Timothy nodded. "I see.... It is mine also. We have been ordered to be the rear guard, but I seriously doubt any Proeliums will come from behind us."

"Yeah, we're practically guarding the city gates." Their chat was interrupted by another thunderbolt.

"Shouldn't we be in battle?" Timothy asked.

"No, it's not our job. Unfortunately, we've been commanded to babysit the gates, in case the Proeliums break the front lines and come against the city. Which will never happen, of course."

The two soldiers sat quietly, but alert for what seemed like hours. Timothy was occasionally spooked by the sound of screaming or a stone crashing into a distant wall, but he became used to the sound of blades clashing far away.

"I didn't get your name earlier." He said.

"My name is Walter. I was just recently assigned to this troop."

"I see. I'm Timothy Stoneman, and I've been in this army for two years. I'm still not used to all this violence. I just want it to end."

"The violence doesn't really matter to me. As long as I'm paid, I'm in." Walter paused. "Speaking of violence, did you hear about the assassination of Count Thomas?"

"No, I didn't.... Why was he killed?"

"According to rumors, he was murdered because of his wealth."

"When did it happen? Do they know who did it?" Timothy inquired.

"It happened one night ago, actually. The word spread like wildfire. A servant found him dead, but it was no ordinary thief. Count Thomas was supplying our military with funds. He has no heir; therefore no one will inherit the money. It will go directly to that greedy pig, Clyde."

"Who's Clyde?"

"Clyde is the treasurer. Not even a bronze coin escapes his pocket. He wouldn't supply the military with funds unless it meant his life."

"If it wasn't a robber, then who killed him?"

"Some people say it was the "Shadow Knight"." Timothy looked perplexed. "We don't know for sure if it was him, but many people have been killed and left with a white rose. Somebody claimed to have seen a shadow with a blade running off after someone's death, but the shadow couldn't be identified. Hence the name, "Shadow Knight"."

"Has he been targeting only the rich?"

"No, each person that had a white rose was different. Rich, poor, noble, or knight, it doesn't matter. Perhaps he is a mercenaric assassin...." Walter suggested. A crash erupted from the southwest.

"I'm afraid that's the least of our worries! The Proelium soldiers are coming!" Timothy scrambled to his feet and grabbed his lance. He and Walter rushed outside and saw the southwestern fort being consumed by flames. Burning fragments were flying about, and the sounds of swords and spears rang in Timothy's ears. Somehow, the Proeliums managed to break the front line. Together they ran into the skirmish.

* * *

Timothy's ears were ringing, and his head began to throb. Steeling himself, he grunted and surged forward with his lance. Walter was at his heels. Looking ahead, Timothy spotted Nicole and a few other soldiers. They were fighting a stout, grim man with a long sword. The man's shield was plain, and rectangular. It curved towards him, creating a tall barrier. Nicole had dropped her lance long ago, now she fought with a short sword and buckler. The other footsoldiers were armed as Timothy; an iron lance and a round shield. Without warning, a chunk of scorching debris hurtled into his shoulder. He groaned, the small rock was stuck fast. He tried to ignore the pain, and focused his attack on the grim man. He lunged forward, lance first, into the man's shield. Although the man was not hit, evidence of Timothy's assault remained as a dent in his shield. The man cursed, flinging the shield aside. Attacking violently, the man thrust his long sword into a footsoldier, piercing his armor and killing him.

Nicole was now being ravaged by three opposing knights. Leaving the grim man to the other footsoldiers, Timothy and Walter raced to her aid. Walter began by skewering one of the oblivious knights, boring him into the dirt. Nicole valiantly fought off the other two, with minimal assistance from Timothy. It was then when they realized they had ignored the grim man, and now he was gone. Nicole spat, then released a series of muffled curses. When the grim man had retreated, so had his infantry. The plains were now empty, and the only audible noises were rainfall and the clanging of metal armor.

"Well, we should collect the dead and ready ourselves for the next battle," Nicole said. Timothy and Walter didn't listen to what she said, for they were hypnotized by her melodic voice. They stood still, staring. "What are you looking at, maggots! Get moving!" she grunted, motiviating them. Embarassed, Timothy and Walter strode away. Together, they found a total of eight dead footsoldiers. Timothy had seen them all at one time or another, but knew none of them personally. Still, it saddened him to see fellow comrades dead and dying.

At Nicole's order, they piled the bodies on a stone slab and burned them. Moving west, Nicole and the remaning soldiers arrived at Fort Grey by nightfall. The fort was unlike anything near the city; it was so colossal it was like a city itself. There were a few peddlers on the street, and many soldiers were walking around. Most notably, there were four great torches - presumably beacons - atop each corner of the defense wall. Upon their entrance, Nicole was greeted by one of the commanding officers.

"Officer Lanford, what is our status?" Nicole asked. Her icy glare petrified him.

"O-our position is currently being fortified, ma'am," he studdered, "The Proelium forces are concentrating their attacks on Fort Grey's front lines."

"Good. Keep it that way. We don't want their forces going north or south." She finished, walking away. Timothy, Walter, and the other footsoldiers were escorted to a bunker, where they were shown to their quarters. Their place of rest was nice, but open to everything. This was for a quick start when a battle began. Timothy removed most of his iron armor, then sat down on the bed. As exhausted as they were, Walter and he could not sleep. Although the battle was a fair distance away, the noises were so loud that Timothy wanted to scream. He could hear the smashing of metals, the shouts of men, and the rain battering the tents. The thought of having to jump at any moment's notice frightened Timothy. He remained still as a painting all night; not moving a muscle nor making a sound.

Eventually the dawn came. The rain had stopped just before, and Timothy was still awake. His eyes sagged, he longed for sleep he could not grasp. A short soldier entered the barrack with a large tray of food, offering it to the men there. Timothy swiped a piece of bread and some fruit, then sat against the wall. He mindlessly ate his food, then donned his dark blue armor once more. Stepping out into the light, Timothy squinted. His arms ached. A trumpet echoed throughout the fort, and Timothy ran for the line-up. Walter was already there. This time a man on horseback raised his wickedly-curved sword high, then shouted:

"To arms! We ride for King Kierkai!" Nicole was beside him, and they rode off in the lead. Timothy, Walter, and twenty-three other footsoldiers ran after them. As they trampled through the mud, Timothy re-gripped his lance. It never left his side. Burning debris was scattered everywhere, and the battle raged endlessly. A flood of Proelium archers and experienced marksmen shot a volley of kindling arrows. The rain of fire hit the main portion of the battlefield, injuring both friends and foes. As Timothy thrust an enemy footsoldier into the mud, he noticed a thick fog rolling in from the south. The Succidian Port was in that direction. He thought. Without warning, another foe bored his lance into Timothy's armor. Although it did not pierce it, a large dent was there. Walter was right behind that foe, and struck him down without hesitation.

"Timothy! Are you all right!?" Walter shouted.

"I'm fine - Look out!" He yelled back. Walter sidestepped, avoiding a flaming arrow. The trajectory hit the mud and fizzled out. In response, Walter dashed after the misfortunate archer. Timothy began to run after him, but his leg cramped up and he fell - face first in the dirt. Timothy's leg went numb, and he inspected the dent. It gouged deep into his left thigh, cutting off his blood flow. He tensed, then began limping back towards Fort Grey, using his lance as a crutch. He could barely support himself; much less walk.

I had to do a few changes in Timothy's chapter for the game version. For example, in the game, I use the DarkSpace tileset for the "void" dream-area, and he wakes up in the fort interior. Commander and two "SuSldr" NPCs call to arms and exit, then the player can follow.

Outside, they do a couple scripted (not literally program-scripted) battles against sets of "ProeSldr"s. (Two temporary SuSldr characters join Timothy for this map and the next one.)

I have Timothy meet up with Walter on a third map, where the two SuSldrs leave the party and Walter joins. Walter tells Timothy that Lieutenant Grey is in trouble, so the player can work westerly to the confrontation with the Grim Man.

I actually had to change quite a bit in Timothy's story, from the way it was in the book. I drew up a time line on notebook paper for the game's events, from each character's perspective, and noticed that a good deal of Timothy's time was spent traveling west with the Succidian Army, so I had to condense a little here and there. :grin:

I don't know. The whole thing is one giant experiment I suppose. To better myself in RPG Maker XP. Perhaps in the future when I'm decent I can re-do the whole book and make it "good". :lol:

Questions? Comments? Concerns?

Thanks for reading.

- Potato Man

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