Due to the old Project Criticism Partnership losing interest and being difficult to maintain, I'm starting up a slightly different critiquing station based on suggestions from others.
Here's how it works. All you have to do is post in this topic asking for somebody else to look over your project and give you some critique, using the template below. The person giving you the critique can either have or not have a project - it doesn't matter. It's quite simple, really!
You can do critique swapping as well (giving critique to the person that gave you critique) - just specify in the template that you're willing to give a critique to somebody else. It's not absolutely required but it's polite and you get loads of appreciation points. (redeemable for Spondulicks and Boondollars)
So basically, just fill out the template, stick it in here, and other people will use the template to give you advice on your project.
This can only work if you guys are willing to give critique. So for the good of mankind, take a few minutes, stop posting in The Rec Room, and help out your fellow game developers! (you'll feel really warm and fuzzy inside if you do!)
Feel free to ask any questions and I'll clear things up. Hopefully we can get things off the ground here and get some hot, steamy critiquing action going :fap:Project Name:
Link to the thread:
Focus (what you really need advice on):
Willing to critique another project?:
Criticism Strengths (what you're good at critiquing):