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I kinda want to know if anyone here can relate to having a disease or other problem that makes their life difficult sometimes.

I've lived with type one diabetes for around four years now. I have good control over it, but it's impossible for me to say my life is normal. I take anywhere from four to six insulin shots a day, and close to that number of blood sugars; oddly enough, I don't mind this part so much. The more annoying part is the curious people. For the record: No, I'm not going to die anytime soon; yes, I can eat sweets; no, shots don't hurt.

I'm not a baby because I have a disease; I just have to deal with crap that most of you don't have to. I mean, people will ask me frequently about the pain of a little finger prick and I can't get it into their heads that it doesn't hurt. I'm just used to it.

Anyways, ignoring my BAW above, do any of you have a disease or other problem that affects your everyday life?



i have bad scoliosis and one of my lungs is smaller than than the other or something dumb, and one of my eyes doesnt open all the way
I have terrible insomnia. Can't get to sleep till about 2 in the morning. Type one diabetes is probably worse but hey at least you don't fall asleep in the middle of an exam. Insomnia really is a pain in the arse; just lying there, staring into space, trying to get to sleep. Then in the day I do fall asleep in the most awkward of sit (falls asleep at keyboard)


Awesome Bro

Darth, that's not insomnia, my average "bed time" is like 4am, and this is on college days which either start at 8:30 or 10:30, and if I'm lucky, I'll nod off in the middle of the day, it'll seem like ages, but it's only been like 10 minutes, haha.

Also, I've got epilepsy, it's weird though, cause I had it as a baby, then they managed to treat it, and it stayed away, but then it came back like, just over a year ago, and I'll have a fit if I see too many flashing images/colours whatever, usually from strobe lights though, although some of the images on the net can make it start (Stupid Ven with that stupid thread with all the stupid images that aren't in spoilers!). I've gotta' take 4 pills a day, which isn't too bad, one in the day and night that relaxes my muscles to stop the fits, and another at day and night that do something with my brain, lol. I've also had to go in for blood tests and stuff every few months, as well as having cat scans and MRI/MRA scans every few months also, because they haven't found a definite cause, and the pills don't help too well... lol.

So yeah, that's me!

Although to be honest, some of you should have clicked on about my epilepsy by now, I mean I DID go into an epilepsy related coma for a few days... and made a thread about it afterwards!
anyway <.<
I have very powerful adult-onset asthma. They try to keep me on 3-4 different meds at a time just so I don't have attacks. But they all make me feel like shit so I don't take them and just use my inhaler like 8-10 times a week. I have an attack every time I laugh too hard or work up too hard a pant. I actually have to watch the way I breathe during sex, lol. I've had attacks so bad I start to black out. Which is scary but oh well. I don't have allergies. Pulmonologist thinks it came about due to a case of tuberculosis I had as a kid. Lungs permanently scarred from it.

I have mild epilepsy; it's not as bad as JBrist's, it doesn't even need medication. My face and the extremities on my left side twitch and spasm uncontrollably when introduced to flashing lights. And sometimes (only like once a day) my whole body jerks randomly. But it doesn't affect my day-to-day life much, except for when they decide to test the emergency alarm strobes at work @_@. They thought I had narcolepsy because I randomly fall asleep, but I'm starting to believe I'm just really tired all the time because of the insomnia >_>

I have TMJ and a lot of tendon problems, and a worn-out disc in my spine. Much of the pain associated with it is absolved with stretching though. It doesn't limit my mobility, I just feel pain more often than a 25-year-old probably should.

When I was a kid I had a low white blood cell count. I got sick a lot, and when I got sick, I'd be sick for a lot longer than normal people. But as an adult it's gone back into [the low side of] the normal range.

Can't have kids either. Which is actually pretty great. But I guess if I ever want a little shithead someday it'll be something that negatively affects my life.

All in all though, outside of having to puff my inhaler or pop a painkiller occasionally, I wouldn't say I'm unhealthy or anything.



Venetia":1g9z3r1q said:
Atlet":1g9z3r1q said:
sorry i thought you were joking and that's a mean thing to joke about :(
can you blame me, you're always trollan ;o;

nah i dont blame you, but yeah those are actual problems; i even had to wear a back brace at one point cause i couldnt stand up straight.

also jesus christ ven thats alot :< i had a horrible low white blood cell count too when i was younger, i missed alot of 5th grade cause i kept getting sick (i was scared i had aids or something until they told me why i was so sick :x)
yeah haha when i was in like 2nd or 3rd grade I told my teacher i had HIV so I could get out of going to P.E. or having them bitch at me for being out of school all the time.
I'm totally fuckin serious
it worked too, when they went to P.E. I could just sit in the class and read books, and the teacher was always extra nice to me
I moved away in the middle of the year so I never got caught lol
I'll try to make this short as I tend to ramble on.

Thanksgiving '07 I got the whooping cough. That fucked up the middle third of my school year, but I passed everything (most things with 90+ which still makes me O_o a little) and the cough eventually stop stopped in July. In the worst of it I actually broke a rib from coughing so hard.

September '08 I got what appeared to be a re-lapse of the whooping cough. It lasted about the same amount of time, same symptoms, nothing helps it at all, etc. (Again, I have no idea how I still did good in school considering I missed a third of it.)

September '09 I got it AGAIN, but this time it still hasn't gone away. It's been over six months now and no one knows what's wrong. It's died down quite a bit from the horrible hacking by now (just a kinda average cough that's somewhat frequent), but when I start doing too much physical activity it gets worse again. I ended up having to quit my job when I got it because I obviously couldn't do it (when it's horrible, adding lots of exercise to that equals me almost not being able to catch my breath (not to mention it scares the crap out of people because it sounds like I'm coughing up a lung or something)). I assumed it would just go away like it did last year but it just simply isn't. So now I'm afraid that starting to work again might make the cough worse again (effectively sending me back to Start), but my free health insurance through my parents ends in April. I have enough money to pay for it after that for about six months but I am having a hard time deciding what I should do at this point. :\

By the way, these illnesses should relate almost exactly to my activity here. >_>
For me, the problems have always been more mental than physical. As a child, I was diagnosed with ADHD, Aspergers Syndrome, and ODD (Oppositional Defiance Disorder) Not only that, but I had an insanely short temper. Although, that proved to be a benefit in that it kept me from being bullied, since I beat potential bullies to a pulp. At this point, I still have to take meds for my ADHD, or I end up unable to stay still (If I forget my meds, it feels physically uncomfortable to not be moving) as well as keeping me from being able to focus on one thing for more than a minute or so. At this point, I no longer have a severe temper, but I still have a great deal of trouble reading facial expressions or body language, and I have trouble grasping the socially acceptable.

On the physical side of things, I'm mostly lucky, I guess. I've never been one to be sick. When my family got something that forced them to stay home from work or school, I would either not catch it, or blow through it like it was nothing. I know I caught the flu at least twice, as well as the chicken pox, but the only reason I wasn't at school then was because they didn't want me spreading stuff to the other students. I also have an extremely high pain threshold, apparently.

On the other hand, I have been susceptible to headaches for my entire life. As a kid, I used to get at least one migraine a week, and was almost constantly afflicted with a headache of some sort. At this point, I usually end up with about one migraine a month, and two or three major headaches a week. Still, like with everything else, I just blew right through them. The only time a headache has ever gotten to the point where it stopped me from doing what I wanted to do was when I had a reaction to something in these vanilla chips at an ice cream parlor. That one got so bad that all I could do was lie down in a dark room. Up until I threw up, that is. Then it went away in about 15 minutes.
Venetia":3ph2rjgz said:
anyway <.<
Can't have kids either. Which is actually pretty great. But I guess if I ever want a little shithead someday it'll be something that negatively affects my life.
Well, that sucks. I always thought you were the one, but now, I'm not so sure..

I've been hard of hearing since I was about 3, and have had to wear hearing aids since. It really sucks for work, because most people tend to mumble or talk really fast when they're explaining things and I can't understand 800000000 words per second. I've got these new hearing aids that are bluetooth capable (which is absolutely great on a cell phone, comes in crystal clear), but the world isn't in bluetooth, so it's almost a lost/wasted technology.

idk, plug your ears for a day and just go around saying "what" all day every day. That's pretty much how it goes for me.

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