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Problems with RTAB V.1.15!

Okay, so I was using DerWulfman's script listings to find RTAB, I got then added to my script database, above main. But when I go into battle it doesn't even start. it just goes directly to my fanfare music and ends the battle. WTF IS WRONG!? lol...please help me.
hmmm...are you using some sorta script that automatically wins the battles or something? (I'm sure I've heard of a script like that before?!) I hope you know what I'm talking about :D

after thinking about it: aha! the same thing happened to me! Just check which monster you were supposed to be fighting, is it the right group? are there any monsters init? Usually if you dont have a fiend in the battle it'll just win anyway...
OK - hope this helps too! Good luck on this one ;)
I can probably assume that you downloaded the demo. Did you have the same problem with it? If not, it's DEFINITELY a script-conflict problem. Been running into a number of these. Weird as it seems, last time there was a problem, it came from fukuyama's caterpillar system (for whatever reason I dunno) which is weird as I've used it too.

Sometimes, the placement of scripts affects their usage. If you placed RTAB (and it's related scripts) BELOW your other custom scripts, try placing 'em ABOVE these custom scripts. Point of fact, all RTAB add-on script HAVE to be placed below RTAB for them to work.

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