Hey people,
I'm trying to make an animated CMS using the "move" method in "Method and Class Library", but I'm with this problem when trying to animate the equipment scene item window with this small script:
the windows are moving correctly when I set visible = true but when I set visible = false the windows are not backing to the screen corner. I've already checked and the values are correct. Can someone help me?
I'm trying to make an animated CMS using the "move" method in "Method and Class Library", but I'm with this problem when trying to animate the equipment scene item window with this small script:
class Window_EquipItem
alias_method :ozycth_cms_weqitem_init, :initialize
def initialize(*args)
self.x = -width
def visible=(value)
# p "#{@equip_type} : #{value}"
self.move(value ? 0 : -width, y, 16)