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problem with script

hi guys:) , i need a little help, my problem is that i just add the limit break script to my battle system and it works just fine, but i want to move the limit bars, so they would appear below the atb bar [yellow one] or below the names,so if anyone could help me':|

this is the pic of my problem


and the script

#_/  ââ€â€Â
play with the following lines in the script until you get it the way you want it

 # � 戦闘時OverDriveゲージ�置

and this

draw_actor_od_gauge(actor, x , y - 39, 420) #420
thanks for the quick reply, i already did it but nothing, maybe if i could know how to move the second and third limit bar below the first one, with that i could manage to do what i want, but thanks
try modifying this part

     dx = actor.index * 120 + 16 #160 + 16
     dy = 35
     self.contents.font.name = $defaultfonttype
     self.contents.font.size = 14
     self.contents.font.color = Color.new(0, 0, 0, 255)
     self.contents.draw_text(dx + 51, dy - 20, 120, 32, "")
     self.contents.font.color = normal_color
     self.contents.draw_text(dx + 50, dy - 21, 120, 32, "")

This piece of code is the problem it cancels out whatever x and y you send to the method keep trying you'll get it the way you want it to look
ok already try that and it work, i can move the bars but, (i hate the word but), i could'nt move it one by one, only the three bars at the same time, so i guess, that i can't do what i want to.:(
Try this
     case actor.index
     when 0
       dx = ???
       dy = ???
     when 1
       dx = ???
       dy = ???
     when 2
       dx = ???
       dy = ???
     when 3
       dx = ???
       dy = ???
     self.contents.font.name = $defaultfonttype
     self.contents.font.size = 14
     self.contents.font.color = Color.new(0, 0, 0, 255)
     self.contents.draw_text(dx + 51, dy - 20, 120, 32, "")
     self.contents.font.color = normal_color
     self.contents.draw_text(dx + 50, dy - 21, 120, 32, "")

replace the ??? with actual values

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