# ** Animated Battlers - Enhanced  ver. 11.2            (11-24-2008)
# Â * (2) Sprite System: Â The Sprite Battler Class
# ** Sprite_Battler
# Â This sprite is used to display the battler.It observes the Game_Character
# Â class and automatically changes sprite conditions.
class Sprite_Battler < RPG::Sprite Â
 # * Public Instance Variables
 attr_accessor :battler_offset     # Degree of action forcing Â
 attr_accessor :skill_used       # Degree of action forcing Â
 attr_accessor :item_used        # Degree of action forcing Â
 # * Object Initialization
 alias mnk_init initialize
 def initialize(viewport, battler = nil)
  # --Initialize poses
  @frame, @pose, @last_time, @last_move_time  = 0, 0, 0, 0
  # --Initialize Battler placement and pose types
  @battler_offset, @skill_used, @item_used   = 0, 0, 0
  # --Initialize Boolean values
  @statusd        = false
  @dying         = true
  @s_pose        = false
  $game_system.victory  = false
  $game_system.defeat  = false
  @winning        = true
  # ORIGINAL Initialize call
  mnk_init(viewport, battler)
  # --Obtain the Sideview switch
  $game_system.sv_angle = $sideview_mirror
  $game_system.sv_angle = 0 if $sideview_mirror == nil
  # -- Obtain the max party size
  $game_system.max_member = $formation_max_member
  $game_system.max_member = 4 if $formation_max_member == nil
  # --Obtain the highest position for the formation
  $game_system.form_top = $formation_max_height
  $game_system.form_top = 220 if $formation_max_height == nil
  # --Obtain the formation's width
  $game_system.form_wd = $formation_max_width
  $game_system.form_wd = 128 if $formation_max_width == nil
  # --Obtain the height of the Battlestatus Window
  $game_system.bstat_ht = $battlestatus_height
  $game_system.bstat_ht = 160 if $battlestatus_height == nil
 # * Update
 alias mnk_update update
 def update
  # Only perform sprite edit for valid battlers
  return unless @battler
  if @battler.battler_name != @battler_name
   @started = false
  end  Â
  # Regular Update
  # Set Translucency Â
  if @battler.is_a?(Game_Enemy)
   battler_translucency(@battler, MNK_TRANSLUCENT_ENEMY)
   battler_translucency(@battler, MNK_TRANSLUCENT_ACTOR)
  # Reset hash for Advanced Pose/Frames
  pose_temp = {}
  # Start Routine (Performed at startup for each battler)
  unless @started
   # Set the pose based on battler's state
   @pose = state
   # Turn off Casting pose
   @battler.casted  = false
   @battler.casting = false
   # Configure Enemy Spritesheet
   if @battler.is_a?(Game_Enemy)
    # Use spritesheet unless specified
    unless DEFAULT_ENEMY or DEFAULT_ENEMY_ID.include?(@battler.id)
     @width  = @width  / cell_divider(MNK_FRAMES_ENEMY,  MNK_FRAMES)
     @height = @height / cell_divider(MNK_POSES_ENEMY,  MNK_POSES)
   # Or Configure Actor Spritesheet
   else Â
    # Use spritesheet unless specified
    unless DEFAULT_ACTOR or DEFAULT_ACTOR_ID.include?(@battler.id)
     @width  = @width  / cell_divider(MNK_FRAMES_ACTOR,  MNK_FRAMES)
     @height = @height / cell_divider(MNK_POSES_ACTOR,  MNK_POSES)
   # Distance the battlers
   @battler_offset = @width * 0.75
   # Obtain battler position (simulating 3-Dness)
   @display_x = @battler.screen_x
   @display_y = @battler.screen_y
   @display_z = @battler.screen_z
   @destination_x = @display_x
   @destination_y = @display_y
   @destination_z = @display_z
   # Opacity fadein feature
   self.opacity = 0 if MNK_FADE_IN
   # Make invisible if dead at battle start
   self.visible = false if @battler.dead?
   # Set the started flag
   @started = true
  # End of Start Routine (for each battler) Â
  # Again, ensure a pose is set
  @pose = state if @pose == nil
  # Obtain animation cell/frame from Enemy
  if @battler.is_a?(Game_Enemy)
   # Use spritesheet cell unless specified
   unless DEFAULT_ENEMY or DEFAULT_ENEMY_ID.include?(@battler.id)
    self.src_rect.set(0, 0, @width, @height)
  # Or get it from an actor Â
   # Use spritesheet cell unless specified
   unless DEFAULT_ACTOR or DEFAULT_ACTOR_ID.include?(@battler.id)
    self.src_rect.set(0, 0, @width, @height)
  # Position Sprite
  self.x = @display_x
  self.y = @display_y
  self.z = @display_z
  self.ox = @width / 2
  self.oy = @height
  #  Party Turned Around
  #  $game_temp.advantage_set == 6
  # Adjust sprite direction if facing the other way...
  if $game_system.sv_angle == 1
   if @battler.is_a?(Game_Actor)
   if @battler.is_a?(Game_Actor)
  # Setup Frames per Pose
  if @battler.is_a?(Game_Actor)
   poseframe = cell_divider(MNK_FRAMES_ACTOR,  MNK_FRAMES_STANDARD) if cell_divider(MNK_FRAMES_ACTOR,  MNK_FRAMES_STANDARD) != nil
   poseframe = cell_divider(MNK_FRAMES_ENEMY,  MNK_FRAMES_STANDARD) if cell_divider(MNK_FRAMES_ENEMY,  MNK_FRAMES_STANDARD) != nil
  pose_chk = 0
  pose_chk = @pose+1 if @pose != nil
  poseframe = MNK_FRAMES_PER_POSE[pose_chk] if MNK_FRAMES_PER_POSE.include?(pose_chk)
  # Set Advanced Poses for Actors
  if @battler.is_a?(Game_Actor)
   pose_temp = MNK_POSES_FR_ACTOR[@battler.id] if MNK_POSES_FR_ACTOR.include?(@battler.id)
   poseframe = pose_temp[pose_chk] if pose_temp.include?(pose_chk)
  end  Â
  # Set Advanced Poses for Enemies
  if @battler.is_a?(Game_Enemy)
   pose_temp = MNK_POSES_FR_ENEMY[@battler.id] if MNK_POSES_FR_ENEMY.include?(@battler.id)
   poseframe = pose_temp[pose_chk] if pose_temp.include?(pose_chk)
  # Make visible if returned to life
  unless @battler.dead?
   self.visible = true if @pose == pose_obtain(MNK_POSE1, MNK_APOSE1, MNK_EPOSE1)
   @freeze = false unless $game_system.victory
  # Setup Animation
  time = Graphics.frame_count / (Graphics.frame_rate / MNK_SPEED)
  if @last_time < time
   @frame = (@frame + 1) % poseframe
   if @frame == 0
    if @freeze
     @frame = poseframe - 1
    @pose = state
  @last_time = time
  # Setup Dying Animation
  if @battler.dead?
   if @dying == true
    @pose = state
    @dying = false
  # Otherwise, all non-dead actions... Â
   # Setup/Ready for Battle (Let's get ready to RUMBLE!)
   if @s_pose == false
    if tmp_pose != nil
     @pose = tmp_pose
     @s_pose = true      Â
   # If Victory pose (Who's your daddy?)
   if @battler.is_a?(Game_Actor)
    if $game_system.victory == true
     if @winning == true
      @pose = state
      @winning = false
  # Move It
  move if moving
 # * Current State
 def state
  # Reset Statusd Flag  Â
  @statusd = false
  # Set Translucency if not dead
  unless @battler.dead?
   if @battler.is_a?(Game_Actor)
    battler_translucency(@battler, MNK_TRANSLUCENT_ACTOR)
    battler_translucency(@battler, MNK_TRANSLUCENT_ENEMY)
  # Damage State
  if [nil,{}].include?(@battler.damage)
   # Battler Fine
   state = pose_obtain(MNK_POSE1, MNK_APOSE1, MNK_EPOSE1)
   # Battler Wounded
   temp_woozy = MNK_LOW_HP_PERCENTAGE
   if @battler.is_a?(Game_Actor)
    temp_woozy = MNK_LOW_HP_ACTOR[@battler.id] if MNK_LOW_HP_ACTOR[@battler.id] != nil
   if @battler.is_a?(Game_Enemy)
    temp_woozy = MNK_LOW_HP_ENEMY[@battler.id] if MNK_LOW_HP_ENEMY[@battler.id] != nil
   # If Set to Flat Rate
    if @battler.hp < temp_woozy
     state = pose_obtain(MNK_POSE3, MNK_APOSE3, MNK_EPOSE3)
     @statusd = true
   # Otherwise, use percentage of battler's health
    if @battler.hp < @battler.maxhp * temp_woozy
     state = pose_obtain(MNK_POSE3, MNK_APOSE3, MNK_EPOSE3)
     @statusd = true
   # Battler Status-Effect
   for i in @battler.states
    tmp_pose2 = pose_array_obtain(MNK_POSES_STATUS, MNK_POSES_STAT_A, MNK_POSES_STAT_E, i)
    state = tmp_pose2 if tmp_pose2 != nil
    @statusd = true if tmp_pose2 != nil
   # If Battler Dead
   if @battler.dead?
    # If using default battlers or default collapse
    if (DEFAULT_COLLAPSE_ACTOR and @battler.is_a?(Game_Actor)) or
     (DEFAULT_COLLAPSE_ENEMY and @battler.is_a?(Game_Enemy)) or
     (DEFAULT_ACTOR and @battler.is_a?(Game_Actor)) or
     (DEFAULT_ENEMY and @battler.is_a?(Game_Enemy)) or
     (DEFAULT_ENEMY_ID.include?(@battler.id) and @battler.is_a?(Game_Enemy)) or
     (DEFAULT_ACTOR_ID.include?(@battler.id) and @battler.is_a?(Game_Actor))
     # Do absolutely nothing :)
     # Dying Animation pose
     if @dying == true
      tmp_pose = pose_obtain(MNK_POSES_DYING, MNK_POSES_DYING_a, MNK_POSES_DYING_E)
      if tmp_pose != nil
       state = tmp_pose
       state = dying_pose
      end Â
      state = dying_pose
     # Fix Opacity
     if @battler.is_a?(Game_Enemy)
      if MNK_TRANSLUCENT_ENEMY.include?(@battler.id)
       set_translucency(@battler, MNK_TRANSLUCENCY)
       set_translucency(@battler, 255)
      if MNK_TRANSLUCENT_ACTOR.include?(@battler.id)
       set_translucency(@battler, MNK_TRANSLUCENCY)
       set_translucency(@battler, 255)
  # Casting State
  if @battler.casted
   state = casting_pose if $game_system.mnk_det_para_spell and @battler.spelling?
   state = casting_pose if $game_system.mnk_det_sd_casting and @battler.sd_casting
   state = casting_pose if $game_system.mnk_det_rtab_systm and @battler.rtp != 0
  # Victory State
  if @battler.is_a?(Game_Actor)
   if $game_system.victory
    if not @battler.dead?
     if @winning == true
      # A Pre-Winning Pose display
      if MNK_POSES_WINNING != nil
       state = tmp_pose if tmp_pose != nil
      # Final Pose
      state = victory_pose
     # Final Pose
     state = victory_pose
    end    Â
  # Perform check for Enemies Â
   if $game_system.defeat
    if not @battler.dead?
     if @winning == true
      if MNK_POSES_WINNING != nil
       state = tmp_pose if tmp_pose != nil
      # Final Pose
      state = victory_pose
     # Final Pose
     state = victory_pose
    end    Â
  # Guarding State (not if dead OR in victory)
  if not @battler.dead?
   if not $game_system.victory
    if @statusd == false
     state = pose_obtain(MNK_POSE4, MNK_APOSE4, MNK_EPOSE4) if @battler.guarding?
  # Moving State
  if moving
  # Adjust sprite direction if facing the other way...
   if $game_system.sv_angle == 1
    # If enemy battler moving
    if @battler.is_a?(Game_Enemy)
     # Battler Moving Left
     state = pose_obtain(MNK_POSE5, MNK_APOSE5, MNK_EPOSE5) if moving.eql?(0)
     # Battler Moving Right
     state = pose_obtain(MNK_POSE6, MNK_APOSE6, MNK_EPOSE6) if moving.eql?(1)
    # Else actor battler moving
     # Battler Moving Left
     state = pose_obtain(MNK_POSE6, MNK_APOSE6, MNK_EPOSE6) if moving.eql?(0)
     # Battler Moving Right
     state = pose_obtain(MNK_POSE5, MNK_APOSE5, MNK_EPOSE5) if moving.eql?(1)
   else   Â
    # If enemy battler moving
    if @battler.is_a?(Game_Enemy)
     # Battler Moving Left
     state = pose_obtain(MNK_POSE6, MNK_APOSE6, MNK_EPOSE6) if moving.eql?(0)
     # Battler Moving Right
     state = pose_obtain(MNK_POSE5, MNK_APOSE5, MNK_EPOSE5) if moving.eql?(1)
    # Else actor battler moving
     # Battler Moving Left
     state = pose_obtain(MNK_POSE5, MNK_APOSE5, MNK_EPOSE5) if moving.eql?(0)
     # Battler Moving Right
     state = pose_obtain(MNK_POSE6, MNK_APOSE6, MNK_EPOSE6) if moving.eql?(1)
  # Return State
  return state
 # * Move
 def move
  time = Graphics.frame_count / (Graphics.frame_rate.to_f / (MNK_SPEED * 5))
  if @last_move_time < time
   # Pause for Animation
   return if @pose != state
    # The standard 'full' opacity
    opa = 255
    if @battler.is_a?(Game_Enemy) and MNK_TRANSLUCENT_ENEMY.include?(@battler.id)
    if @battler.is_a?(Game_Actor) and MNK_TRANSLUCENT_ACTOR.include?(@battler.id)
   # Phasing
   self.opacity = phasing(opa)  if MNK_PHASING
   if @battler.is_a?(Game_Actor)
    self.opacity = phasing(opa) if MNK_PHASING_ACTOR.include?(@battler.id)
   else   Â
    self.opacity = phasing(opa) if MNK_PHASING_ENEMY.include?(@battler.id)
   # Calculate Difference
   difference_x = (@display_x - @destination_x).abs
   difference_y = (@display_y - @destination_y).abs
   difference_z = (@display_z - @destination_z).abs Â
   # Done? Reset, Stop
   if [difference_x, difference_y].max.between?(0, 8)
    @display_x = @destination_x
    @display_y = @destination_y
    @display_z = @destination_z
    @pose = state
   # Calculate Movement Increments
   increment_x = increment_y = 1
   if difference_x < difference_y
    increment_x = 1.0 / (difference_y.to_f / difference_x)
   elsif difference_y < difference_x
    increment_y = 1.0 / (difference_x.to_f / difference_y)
   increment_z = increment_y
   # Calculate Movement Speed
    total = 0; $game_party.actors.each{ |actor| total += actor.agi }
    speed = @battler.agi.to_f / (total / $game_party.actors.size)
    increment_x *= speed
    increment_y *= speed
    increment_z *= speed
   # Multiply and Move
   multiplier_x = MNK_RUSH_SPEED * (@destination_x - @display_x > 0 ? 8 : -8)
   multiplier_y = MNK_RUSH_SPEED * (@destination_y - @display_y > 0 ? 8 : -8)
   multiplier_z = MNK_RUSH_SPEED * (@destination_z - @display_z > 0 ? 8 : -8)   Â
   @display_x += (increment_x * multiplier_x).to_i
   @display_y += (increment_y * multiplier_y).to_i
   @display_z += (increment_z * multiplier_z).to_i
  @last_move_time = time
 # * Set Movement
 def setmove(destination_x, destination_y, destination_z)
  movekind = @battler.current_action.kind
  unless (@battler.is_a?(Game_Enemy) and MNK_STATIONARY_ENEMIES) or
      (@battler.is_a?(Game_Actor) and MNK_STATIONARY_ACTORS)
   unless (MNK_STATIONARY_WEAPONS.include?(@battler.weapon_id) && movekind == 0) or
       (MNK_STATIONARY_SKILLS.include?(@battler.skill_used) && movekind == 1) or
       (MNK_STATIONARY_ITEMS.include?(@battler.item_used) && movekind == 2)
    @original_x = @display_x
    @original_y = @display_y
    @original_z = @display_z     Â
    @destination_x = destination_x
    @destination_y = destination_y
    @destination_z = destination_z
 # * Movement Check
 def moving
  if (@display_x != @destination_x and @display_y != @destination_y and !@battler.dead?)
   return (@display_x > @destination_x ? 0 : 1)
 # * Set Pose
 def pose=(pose)
  @pose = pose
  @frame = 0
 # * Freeze
 def freeze
  @freeze = true
 # * Fallen Pose
 if @derv_anim_bat_stack.nil?
  @derv_anim_bat_stack = true
  alias mnk_collapse collapse
  def collapse
   if @battler.is_a?(Game_Actor)
    mnk_collapse if DEFAULT_ACTOR
    mnk_collapse if DEFAULT_COLLAPSE_ACTOR
    if DEFAULT_ACTOR_ID != nil
     mnk_collapse if DEFAULT_ACTOR_ID.include?(@battler.id)
    mnk_collapse if DEFAULT_ENEMY
    mnk_collapse if DEFAULT_COLLAPSE_ENEMY
    if DEFAULT_ENEMY_ID != nil
     mnk_collapse if DEFAULT_ENEMY_ID.include?(@battler.id)
 # * Phasing / Vanishing
 def phasing(opa)
  d1 = (@display_x - @original_x).abs
  d2 = (@display_y - @original_y).abs
  d3 = (@display_x - @destination_x).abs
  d4 = (@display_y - @destination_y).abs
  return [opa - ([d1 + d2, d3 + d4].min * 1.75).to_i, 0].max
 # * Mirror Pose If...
 def mirror_pose_if(adv_value)
  if $game_temp.advantage_set == adv_value
   self.mirror = true
   self.mirror = false
 # * Mirror Pose Unless...
 def mirror_pose_unless(adv_value)
  unless $game_temp.advantage_set == adv_value
   self.mirror = true
   self.mirror = false
 # * Casting Pose
 def casting_pose
  tmp_pose2 = pose_array_obtain(MNK_POSES_CASTED, MNK_POSES_CASTED_A, MNK_POSES_CASTED_E, @battler.skill_casted)
  tmp_pose = tmp_pose2 if tmp_pose2 != nil
  state = tmp_pose if tmp_pose != nil
  return state
 # * Final Victory Pose
 def victory_pose
  tmp_pose = MNK_POSE10-1
  tmp_pose = MNK_APOSE10[@battler.id]-1 if MNK_APOSE10[@battler.id] != nil
  if not MNK_LOOPS_WINNING.include?(@battler.id)
   @freeze = true
  return tmp_pose
 # * Final Victory Pose
 def dying_pose
  state = pose_obtain(MNK_POSE11, MNK_APOSE11, MNK_EPOSE11)
  if @battler.is_a?(Game_Actor)
   @freeze = true if not MNK_LOOPS_DEFEATED_ACTOR.include?(@battler.id)
   @freeze = true if not MNK_LOOPS_DEFEATED_ENEMY.include?(@battler.id)
  return state
 end Â
 # * Battler Translucency
 #   battler       : actor or enemy battler
 #   battler_trans    : translucency array for battler
 def battler_translucency(battler, battler_trans)
  tcheck = {}
  tcheck = battler_trans
  set_translucency(battler, MNK_TRANSLUCENCY) if tcheck.include?(battler.id)
 # * Set Translucency
 #   battler       : actor or enemy battler
 #   trans_level     : translucency level
 def set_translucency(battler, trans_level)
  # Check for default RTP battler type
  default_flag = false
  if (DEFAULT_COLLAPSE_ACTOR and battler.is_a?(Game_Actor)) or
     (DEFAULT_COLLAPSE_ENEMY and battler.is_a?(Game_Enemy)) or
     (DEFAULT_ACTOR and battler.is_a?(Game_Actor)) or
     (DEFAULT_ENEMY and @battler.is_a?(Game_Enemy)) or
     (DEFAULT_ENEMY_ID.include?(battler.id) and battler.is_a?(Game_Enemy)) or
     (DEFAULT_ACTOR_ID.include?(battler.id) and battler.is_a?(Game_Actor))
   default_flag = true
  end  Â
=begin  Â
  if battler.hidden
   self.opacity  = 0
   self.opacity  = MNK_TRANSLUCENCY
  # Perform translucency check
  if battler.hidden
   self.opacity = 0
  elsif battler.dead? && default_flag == true
   self.opacity = 0# if @collapsing = false
   self.opacity  = trans_level
  end  Â
 # * Cell Divider
 #   divider_check    : array to divide cells by custom actor or enemy
 #   divider_standard  : standard number to divide by
 def cell_divider(divider_check, divider_standard)
  dcheck = {}
  divided_cell = divider_standard
  dcheck = divider_check
  if dcheck != nil
   if dcheck.include?(@battler.id)
    divided_cell = dcheck[@battler.id] if dcheck[@battler.id] != nil
  return divided_cell    Â
 # * Obtain Individual Cell
 def cell_obtain
  # Only permit for valid poses & frames
  if @pose != nil
   if @frame != nil
    self.src_rect.set(@width * @frame, @height * @pose, @width, @height)
 # * Obtain Pose
 #   pose_base  : default pose to return
 #   pose_actor  : list of poses for actors
 #   pose_enemy  : list of poses for enemies
 def pose_obtain(pose_base, pose_actor, pose_enemy)
  # create Arrays
  pos_a = {}
  pos_e = {}
  # fill created Arrays & Set pose
  pos_a = pose_actor
  pos_e = pose_enemy
  pose_now = pose_base
  # Obtain pose if not a standard pose
  if @battler.is_a?(Game_Actor)
   pose_now = pos_a[@battler.id] if pos_a[@battler.id] != nil
   pose_now = pos_e[@battler.id] if pos_e[@battler.id] != nil
  # Return the final pose (minus 1 for neceties)
  pose_now -= 1 if pose_now != nil
  return pose_now
 # * Obtain Pose from hashes
 #   hash_base  : hash with default poses
 #   hash_actor  : advanced list of poses for actors
 #   hash_enemy  : advanced list of poses for enemies
 #   condition  : value determining where to get the final pose
 def pose_array_obtain(hash_base, hash_actor, hash_enemy, condition)
  # create Arrays
  hash_b   = {}
  hash_a   = {}
  hash_e   = {}
  pose_temp = {}
  # fill created Arrays & Set pose
  hash_b = hash_base
  hash_a = hash_actor
  hash_e = hash_enemy
  # Setup the temp Array
  if @battler.is_a?(Game_Actor)
   pose_temp = hash_a[@battler.id] if hash_a.include?(@battler.id)
   pose_temp = hash_e[@battler.id] if hash_e.include?(@battler.id)
  # Obtain the base pose based on condition (or nil)
  pose_now = hash_b[condition] if hash_b.include?(condition)
  # Obtain the optional actor/enemy pose based on condition (unless nil)
  pose_now = pose_temp[condition] if pose_temp.include?(condition)
  # Return the final pose (minus 1 for neceties)
  pose_now -= 1 if pose_now != nil
  return pose_now