Okay I found the solution in the script under configuration the actor ID 1 is set to use default battlers you should delete the 1 from this line
# * Default Battler Style Switches
DEFAULT_ENEMY = false # If true, these switches allows the use
DEFAULT_ACTOR = false # of default battlers for actors/enemies
DEFAULT_ENEMY_ID = [] # Ids of enemies using default battlers
DEFAULT_ACTOR_ID = [1] # Ids of actors using default battlers
DEFAULT_COLLAPSE_ACTOR = false # If true, restores the old 'red fade'
DEFAULT_COLLAPSE_ENEMY = false # collapse effect (using spritesheets)
and the problem with the enemy is because you're using an 11 pose battler and the script is only set for 4 poses
# Individual Spritesheet Control Center
**change this entry **
MNK_POSES_ENEMY = {1 => 4} # ID and # of poses for each enemy
**instead of = {1 => 4} make it = {1 => 11} and if that doesnt then just use the character graphic as a 4 pose battler(which is what I did)**
MNK_FRAMES_ENEMY = nil # ID and # of frames for each enemy
MNK_POSES_ACTOR = {2 => 4} # ID and # of poses for each actor
MNK_FRAMES_ACTOR = nil # ID and # of frames for each actor.