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Problem with a CBA request



okies, I was requested to make a CBA for someone but in the battle damage algorithm i need to use decimal numbers. I get an error when I do. Can some one help me with this. I have tried to come around it with other equations and such but it seems the algorithm depends too much on the decimal number.
Multiply everything by 10 (making 2.3, 23), and then divide everything by 10.


(Weapon Attack +20)/10 + (Strength x2.3) - 400

would become

Weapon Attack +20 / 10 + (Strength x 23) / 1 0 - 400

Or vice versa if you want to divide something by a decimal.

That should workk...?
Hmmm, actually this is not needed, here goes an example:
atk = [attacker.atk - self.pdef / 2.1, 0].max
@dec_damage = atk * (20.9 + attacker.str) / 20
self.damage = [b]Integer(@dec_damage)[/b]
By putting the decimal value inside a Integer(value) object, will cut the decimal value.
atk = [100 - 50 / 2.1, 0].max
@dec_damage = 23,809523809523809523809523809524 * (20.9 + 80) / 20
self.damage = Integer(@dec_damage)
self.damage output will be 120 instead 120,11904761904761904761904761905

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