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[Problem] Gosu won't work?

I have Gosu v0.7.14 on my Windows laptop. I'm trying to make a game with it, but it won't load. The DOS window just sits there, and it won't load the Gosu window. When I close it, it says it needs more time to complete an operation, but i've left it on for a half-hour, and nothing. Does anyone know what might be causing this?
Does this script do anything on your comp?


require 'rubygems'

require 'gosu'


class Game < Window

  def initialize

    super(640, 480, false)

    self.caption = "Does it work?"




$game = Game.new

@Commodore Whynot

I guess you are thinking he has Rubygems installed, if he doesnt that that code wouldn't work.

therefore you would have to use this code:
# require 'gosu'


# class Game < Window

#   def initialize

#     super(640, 480, false)

#     self.caption = "Does it work?"

#   end

# end


# $game = Game.new

# $game.show


Also, have you put the files found in lib/
into the project folder and then ran the .rb file using Ruby interperter?
I have RubyGems, it's just that every other time i turn my laptop on, Gosu won't work. Like this:

Turn on - It works.
Turn off & Turn back on later - It doesn't
Turn off & Turn back on later - It does
etc, etc

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