Post your links to the image sites or galleries you frequent so we can compile some neat places to go to when you're suffering the dreaded :dead: ARTISTIC BLOCK :dead: .
Please give us a description of the link.
If you want to link to a very large community gallery full of private artists (i.e. DeviantArt), please provide a link to specific artist's page instead of the root url.
And please, keep the manga/anime stuff to a minimum, unless it's particularly amazing.
Please link to galleries, not forums or single images. Private Photobucket and Imageshack galleries are allowed.
If the gallery contains nudity, please label [NSFW].
FFFFOUND! | A blog comprised of submitted images, scans, and photos, pulled together by graphic artists with an eye for the unique and interesting. (Warning: Some images may be [NSFW].)
TextArt on DeviantArt | There is some very exotic and eye-catching text art here to give ideas to the budding graphic designer.
gelatometti | Home of some of big artistic inspirations, such as Jim Lee, Ale Garza, JJ Kirby, etc. | Quirky, short comics, which deal with video games.
jdillon82's DeviantArt Page | This artist actually does professional-quality digital paintings for book covers and posters. Her use of color and light is very interesting.
Inquisitor's Gallery | Inq, a highly-influential artistic member here, does 3D, digital paintings and high-quality pixel art.
Dustin Nguyen's Gallery | Awe-inspiring watercolors.
Mr.Delicious Loves art! | It sounds like a porno name but its damn good art. [[NSFW]]
Pockybox! Gallery | Her artwork is absolutely phenomonal. Mostly MGS-inspired but its definitely worth a look.
PixelJoint | A well-known library of the best of the best pixelling talent on the web.
Eboy | If you've not seen eBoy before, it'll be a surprise. Their art isn't specifically amazingly outstanding quality, but its the sheer size, the isometric look and the accuracy of shapes that makes it popular. It is pixel art. [[some images contain art nudity, though not real nudity.]]
This list needs more content! Share with us your links!