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Welcome to HBGames, a leading amateur game development forum and Discord server. All are welcome, and amongst our ranks you will find experts in their field from all aspects of video game design and development.

Post a video you made.

This is kinda like "Post a picture of yourself.", only you post a video you made, it can be of absolutely anything, just as long as you made it yourself.

Here's mine:




hahaha what the hell man... i don't understand it at all, but it's so funny HAHAHA i dont have a video... yet *evil glance*



I got a nice video of me on my birthday. I got 15 bucks of pennies from a friend who put it in a big block plaster cast. He filmed me trying to open it, where I threw it off our upstairs deck then went down and kicked it and hurt my foot. :/

It's pretty wacky, if I get ahold of it I'll post it.

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HBGames is a leading amateur video game development forum and Discord server open to all ability levels. Feel free to have a nosey around!


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