me and my beardage: ... r/me-1.jpg[/img]
rjphillips Member 47 Dec 7, 2007 #1 me and my beardage: ... r/me-1.jpg[/img]
Despain Member 22,574 Dec 7, 2007 #2 Congrats, you've just started the new picture topic (the other one was getting MASSIVE and had a lot of ugly "hacked" posts in the first few pages). And on a man with such a great beard...couldn't have been any better.
Congrats, you've just started the new picture topic (the other one was getting MASSIVE and had a lot of ugly "hacked" posts in the first few pages). And on a man with such a great beard...couldn't have been any better.
rjphillips Member 47 Dec 7, 2007 #4 Cruelty":ok87gkwy said: leonidus! Click to expand... THIS IS SPARTA!!!
Rare Member 894 Dec 7, 2007 #5 Sorry if I look slightly homosexual and/or retarded in these pictures. The reason for this is because I am. Jokes. Uhh Music night...I think I was slightly drunk. Uh hi ... 7_9193.jpg[/img] Backstage...before the show. Don't ask what I was doing, please. I don't even remember. ... er/px2.png[/img] o hay me again ... er/px1.png[/img]
Sorry if I look slightly homosexual and/or retarded in these pictures. The reason for this is because I am. Jokes. Uhh Music night...I think I was slightly drunk. Uh hi ... 7_9193.jpg[/img] Backstage...before the show. Don't ask what I was doing, please. I don't even remember. ... er/px2.png[/img] o hay me again ... er/px1.png[/img]
benku Member 55 Dec 7, 2007 #8 me.[/img][/img] ... 9708_l.jpg[/img]
me.[/img][/img] ... 9708_l.jpg[/img]
Vampiriclayer Member 186 Dec 7, 2007 #9 ... 071746.jpg[/img] A retarded picture of me skating at a mobil across the street. Yes it was freezing out.... ... 071746.jpg[/img] A retarded picture of me skating at a mobil across the street. Yes it was freezing out....
Rare Member 894 Dec 7, 2007 #11 Venetia":2ztrhe6b said: You still look twelve. [heartz]<3<3<3<3[/heartz] Click to expand... I'm too tall for 12, you know that. Sides, a 12 year old couldn't make a lady pregnant. How do you think you got little Johnny? OBURN. Joking. I think. :D
Venetia":2ztrhe6b said: You still look twelve. [heartz]<3<3<3<3[/heartz] Click to expand... I'm too tall for 12, you know that. Sides, a 12 year old couldn't make a lady pregnant. How do you think you got little Johnny? OBURN. Joking. I think. :D
Rare Member 894 Dec 8, 2007 #13 HAY. Who looks 12 now?! And he's older than me! Nice pics TREG, you look like my friend Patrick. But I bet you already knew that.
HAY. Who looks 12 now?! And he's older than me! Nice pics TREG, you look like my friend Patrick. But I bet you already knew that.
Rare Member 894 Dec 8, 2007 #15 No I'm not 18. :P I really should change that in my profile. But I'm not 13 either =X. Also, you don't look 12...but you don't exactly look your age, either. OH WELL WHO CARES. When we're 50 we'll look 20 kkz. =) EDIT: TREG, what nationality are you?
No I'm not 18. :P I really should change that in my profile. But I'm not 13 either =X. Also, you don't look 12...but you don't exactly look your age, either. OH WELL WHO CARES. When we're 50 we'll look 20 kkz. =) EDIT: TREG, what nationality are you?
Venetia Sponsor 3,718 Dec 8, 2007 #16 I think TREG looks 18-ish. [suck up]He's also teh hawt[/suck up]
sixtyandaquarter Member 1,113 Dec 8, 2007 #18 You look like Tom Monic and you look a 15ish year old Tom Monic at that.
sixtyandaquarter Member 1,113 Dec 8, 2007 #20 Nah you probably wouldn't, it's no one famous don't worry.