FC: 2449 1134 2374
Okay, here we go, this is my list:
Houndours, including quite a few modest ones(I only have one modest female left however, so if you want that, be quick about it, I'm not breeding any more houndours)
Totodiles(all the ones I'm offering for trade have dragon dance, I have a few in my boxes, and can breed some more)
Treekos(I can everstone for mild, and can breed for more)
Burmies(I have 4 female, and can breed some more)
Rhyhorns(including eggs, they come from parents with great IVs and are everstoned for a relaxed nature)
Cyndaquils(can breed more)
Charmanders(need to breed some)
Heracrosses(can breed more, currently have some eggs in stock)
Pokemon with POKERUS
I can breed Chimchars, Turtwigs, Eevees, Scythers, modest Misdreaveus, and Larvitars and can catch most pokemon for you(so long as they aren't legends, aren't swarms, and aren't mansion pokemon, and are available in pearl).
However, when I trade, I only trade for HATCHED pokemon, and usually pokemon that are with good IVs and nature. Also, please keep all pokemon that you wish to trade with me UNTOUCHED, as I EV train them to maximize their competative effectivness.