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Bored, and did these during school.

This one was during spanish class, and I felt... spanishy.
Premonitions that dance this wintry eve
Lighten my heart a fathomless degree.
When sun touch sky, day begins a nueva
Even though a memoria is forever.

¿Cómo esta? How are you?
Why so sad, so serious, so blue?
Dawnless days long since behind,
Future is for us to see, seek, and find.

Blood coated corazónes,
Are now dried shades of marrónes,
Even if I'm not here,
Me lo lloras, hold me dear.

I like this one.
Darkest moon does sing anew,
Every night I bid adieu.
Howling winds and chilling frost,
Night embrace always the lost.

On the precipice of reality,
Realize your coil of mortality,
Decadence of ethnics and morality,
The loss of all fatality.

Children sleep with no woe,
While Santa gets a ho(?),
Memories lost, with not I,
Grammer wrong I don't deny.

Eyes blind to the transcendentality,
Truth the lie of ephemerality,
Looking for tears of actuality,
In the sea of surreality.

Shifting clouds and phantom light,
Shades and specters lurk this night,
When darkest moon sing anew,
I now bid all adieu.

The Coin Paradox
On the other side of the coin...

For you to be happy, someone must be sad.

For a person to be rich, someone must be poor.

For the for the light to exist, shadows must extend.

And hate lies within the other side of love.

And yet...

And yet...

And yet...

The absence of light doesn't mean darkness...

Only Words and Us
I won't make a promise I know I won't keep.

I won't tell you a lie when I know it ain't true.

I won't give you mercy when death ever so sweet.

I won't deny...

That these are the only words...

Between me and you.

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