So having only heard Dark Side of the Moon up until now I've picked up Relics from my Dad's CD collection and put it on my itunes.
First thoughts after Arnold Layne - this sounds more Beatles than Pink Floyd. Nice song all around and very sixties.
Interstellar Overdrive - usual weird shit that you have to be on durgs to appreciate.
And then See Emily Play. Ok, I never realised this was Pink Floyd man but I love this song!
If we ever get there. There's still five minutes of Interstellar Overdrive to go.
Anyway this has been an episode of life of wyatt I'll keep you posted as I hear more~~~~
First thoughts after Arnold Layne - this sounds more Beatles than Pink Floyd. Nice song all around and very sixties.
Interstellar Overdrive - usual weird shit that you have to be on durgs to appreciate.
And then See Emily Play. Ok, I never realised this was Pink Floyd man but I love this song!
If we ever get there. There's still five minutes of Interstellar Overdrive to go.
Anyway this has been an episode of life of wyatt I'll keep you posted as I hear more~~~~