
It's a retelling of a classic Sega RPG released back in 1994.
It's called Phantasy Star IV:A Retelling.
Let's get down to the basics first.
Prosperous,flourishing and well-educated in the
manner of all things natural and scientific.
Life was prosperous and good.
Then disaster struck,one of such magnitude
it would alter the lives of everyone involved...
A massive explosion,near extinction of the
human race,a desperate attempt to flee
the ensuring chaos...
And society spiralled downwards into an
almost medieval-like state.The advancements
made in technology were lost,as were over
90 percent of the first planet,Parma's,populace...
And now,nearly a 1000 years later,our tale begins...
You play as Alys,a female bounty Hunter on an investigative mission,along
with her partner,Chaz Ashley.Mysterious monsters have suddenly
appeared in the basement of Motavia Academy,and the Dean has
called you to have a look into it.This simple mission eventually spans
into an adventure that will span three diffrent worlds,and Alys
and the rest of her companions find themselves pitted against a seemingly
unstoppable enemy,an ancient evil being long thought closed.It may seem
a bit basicin the beginning,but there are plenty of shocker moments
as you progress through the game...
In the Phantasy star games series, Algol is the name of the planetary
system that serves as the setting for the first four installments of the
Phantasy Star computer role-playing game series.The system consists of a
single star (called Algol or Algo), around which orbit four planets: Palma, Motavia, Dezoris and Rykros(in order from closest to farthest). Many space stations
and other artificial satellites exist in the system as well.
The names of the planets (and even the system itself) are sometimes spelled
differently from game to game.In Phantasy Star Universe, the Gurhal
system fills in for Algol, with three new planets seen as tributes to
the original three from Algol. The name Algol was probably taken from
real life – The real Algol is a star system (not a planetary system) in the
constellation Perseus.PSIV takes place in the year AW 2284,roughly 1000
after the 'Great Collapse'.

Motavia was originally a desert planet, but it was radically transformed because of two events: the Conjunction in AW 843 which caused the planet to orbit farther from Algol; and Mother Brain's climate control program which included extensive forestation
and irrigation, started in AW 852. By AW 1284, the planet was green and
water was abundant, but the destruction of the Climate Control Center
(Climatrol) and the resulting flooding of the planet's four dams started
a slow reverse of the planet's environmental state. By the time
of Phantasy Star IV, most of the planet's surface has reverted back to desert.
Palma is a green planet, and apparently the original homeworld of the Palmans, Algol's most widespread species. The planet was ruled by the evil emperor Lassic
in the first game, but he was defeated in AW 286 and Alis Landale was established as Queen.
In the Conjunction of AW 843, the planet switched orbits with Motavia, bringing
it much closer to Algol; just a year later, the royal family was murdered
by the Earthmen, who then established democracy on the planet.
By AW 868, Mother Brain had taken control of the planet. Palma was the
center of the Algol system's government until AW 1284, when the space
satellite Gaira malfunctioned and caused the planet's destruction.
This destruction of Palma was called the Great Collapse.
Dezolis is an ice planet populated by green-skinned intelligent humanoids.
Because of the planet's harsh environment and dangerous native creatures,
very few Palmans and no Motavians live on the planet; it is for this reason
that the Espers live here in the hidden Esper Mansion.
Alys 'The Eight-Stroke Warrior' Brangwin
The protaganist of PSIV:A Retelling.
A bounty Hunter whose prowess with the blade and good looks
have earned her an awesome reputation.A witty,sarcastic woman
with an infamous temper.She was orphaned at age 14,when her
parents were murdered by highway bandits,and it was one of
the reasons why she became a Hunter in the first place:to ensure
that what happened to her parents doesn't happen to anyone
else,not if she can prevent it.
Height:183 cm
Weapon usage:Greatswords and longswords.
D.O.B:31 March AW 2256
Chaz Ashley
Alys' lovable,though somewhat dim partner.He is a fresh recruit to the Hunter's
Guild,and strives to be like his partner and best friend,Alys.He is hot-headed and
immature at times,but certain situations bring out his more heroic side.
Weight:72 kg
Weapon usage:Knives and longswords.
D.O.B:15 April AW 2268
Hahn Mahlay
A kind-hearted scholar who accompanies Alys...(for a fee,of course),in
order to discover the whereabouts of his missing Professor.
A bit of a coward at times,and is a nervous wreck around Alys.(Perhaps
hinting at something?)
Height:178 cm
Weight:68 kg
Weapon usage:Knives
D.O.B:16 June AW 2260
Rune Walsh
An arrogant,(but gorgeous)soul,Rune is descended from a race
that marks him as a rare breed,the Espers,the only remnant
of Parmanians who possess few have seen and even fewer
possess...true magic.He knows Alys from a past encounter,though
how they met still remains a mystery.He shares a very powerful
bond with the Hunter.
Height:183 cm
Weight:70 kg
Weapon usage:Staffs
D.O.B:31 July AW 2255
I'll try and upload the remaining three characters at a later date.

The protaganist of PSIV:A Retelling.
A bounty Hunter whose prowess with the blade and good looks
have earned her an awesome reputation.A witty,sarcastic woman
with an infamous temper.She was orphaned at age 14,when her
parents were murdered by highway bandits,and it was one of
the reasons why she became a Hunter in the first place:to ensure
that what happened to her parents doesn't happen to anyone
else,not if she can prevent it.
Height:183 cm
Weapon usage:Greatswords and longswords.
D.O.B:31 March AW 2256
Chaz Ashley

Alys' lovable,though somewhat dim partner.He is a fresh recruit to the Hunter's
Guild,and strives to be like his partner and best friend,Alys.He is hot-headed and
immature at times,but certain situations bring out his more heroic side.
Weight:72 kg
Weapon usage:Knives and longswords.
D.O.B:15 April AW 2268
Hahn Mahlay

A kind-hearted scholar who accompanies Alys...(for a fee,of course),in
order to discover the whereabouts of his missing Professor.
A bit of a coward at times,and is a nervous wreck around Alys.(Perhaps
hinting at something?)
Height:178 cm
Weight:68 kg
Weapon usage:Knives
D.O.B:16 June AW 2260
Rune Walsh

An arrogant,(but gorgeous)soul,Rune is descended from a race
that marks him as a rare breed,the Espers,the only remnant
of Parmanians who possess few have seen and even fewer
possess...true magic.He knows Alys from a past encounter,though
how they met still remains a mystery.He shares a very powerful
bond with the Hunter.
Height:183 cm
Weight:70 kg
Weapon usage:Staffs
D.O.B:31 July AW 2255
I'll try and upload the remaining three characters at a later date.
An animated battle system designed by Atoa.(Front-view system.)
A long,engaging storyline that twists and turns at a breakneck pace.
Lovable characters.A total of seven are avaliable throughout the game.
A loot-system much like Final Fantasy XII.
Hidden Limit Breaks for you to discover.(Only during boss battles.)
A fully animated menu designed by MogHunter.
Hidden cutscenes exploring the main character's past.
Movie-like stills depicting major cutscenes.
Estimated gameplay time:Around 10-12 hours if you know what
you are doing.
And many more!
A long,engaging storyline that twists and turns at a breakneck pace.
Lovable characters.A total of seven are avaliable throughout the game.
A loot-system much like Final Fantasy XII.
Hidden Limit Breaks for you to discover.(Only during boss battles.)
A fully animated menu designed by MogHunter.
Hidden cutscenes exploring the main character's past.
Movie-like stills depicting major cutscenes.
Estimated gameplay time:Around 10-12 hours if you know what
you are doing.
And many more!
Battle system
An animated battle system by Atoa.Easy and straightforward to use.
Well,I hope you enjoyed that.Feedback is welcome.