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Pet script

Just wondering if anyone had or could make a pet script where you grow your pet, like you can feed it, play with it, scratch it etc etc....

And at some time, when it "grows" strong enough, you can have it join your party...(like sonic adventure chao garden, except it can join you)
Also, it will stay at home, and will follow you when it joins your party(like pokemon yellow) and you can interact with it anywhere.

Also, this can probably just be done by events, but be able to choose what pet you have, and can have multiple pets.

And maybe a feature that if you dont feed it, and leave it at home with no food, it will slowly lose health and die
Well You could do this with events and the catipillar script, thats what i did in one of my old games. If you'd like me to write a sort of tutorial on how to do it for you I can do that.... but i dont know of any scripts that could do ALL of what you want.

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