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Pet interaction (think pokemon yellow)

Ok, I used the search came up with nothing...
I looked through the forum script listing, and saw his trailing characters and pets script, but I need to be able to INTERACT with the person behind the hero.
Hello there,

Yep Raz is right about using the search function. I was able to find Sephie's script in about five seconds. Also if the interaction thing you want is not available in this script, SephirothSpawn has a Scripts Request Station in exchange for your soul (becoming a subscriber or sponsor). All you would need to do is have a look at this topic right here : Clicky : , become a sponsor and request an edit of this original script. :)

: Clicky for the Pet/Caterpillar Script : :)
I think this may be possible if the trailing character was an event.

Wings":xe4623dr said:
SephirothSpawn has a Scripts Request Station in exchange for your soul

Why does everything run on souls...
That would be your best bet, bring forth some cash!

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