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Persuasive essay on Totalitarianism

This is a persuasive essay for my Honors Western Civlization Class on why The Rise of Totalitarianism is the most important time period in the history of our world.

Many events in the history of our world have changed it and shaped it into what we call “home” today. From the Renaissance, to the French Revolutions, to the Industrial Revolution, and to hundreds of wars, our earth certainly has a rich history. But, what is the most important time period you ask? The most important period of time in the history of our earth is The Rise of Totalitarianism because it showed us why totalitarianism was an unacceptable form of government, made the world the war hating society it is today, and taught the world how to avoid another devastating conflict.[/FONT]

The Rise of Totalitarianism, which lasted from 1920 to 1939, showed us many things; chiefly it showed us why totalitarianism is an unacceptable form of government. If you look at communist Russia, or the USSR (United Soviet Socialist Republic) following its revolution in 1917, you can see exactly why totalitarianism can never work and must never be allowed again on the face of the earth. First off, communism stole from the all the people and made them work for next to nothing while the government got all the money. This of course led to unrest throughout the nation, but the people were powerless against the government and their secret police. Second, whatever Lenin or Stalin said went, which would ultimately lead to the breaking up of the USSR during the Cold War, because of the incapacity to handle such power. Thirdly, what kind of good style of government persecutes its own people, and makes them works as slaves? Surely, a government who sends its own people to labor camps to make canals that lead to nowhere is no good style of government. Now, take a look at NAZI Germany, fascist Italy and militarist Japan, their leaders also showed the incapacity to handle such power, as they became full of themselves and were positive they could do whatever they wanted with whomever they wanted, whenever they pleased, such as Hitler persecuting millions including Jews, Gypsies, and handicapped people, just because they were different. Ultimately, the leader of a totalitarian state is like a spoiled, self-centered child, and is sure to fail in life, whether it be by the hand of its peers, in this case the citizens of the country, as was the leader of Italy, Mussolini, or by the hand of the parents, in this case Democracy. No matter how many time totalitarianism tries to stick its head out of the sand, it will never win until it learns that it is not the only person in the world that wants a say in things.[/FONT]

After three spoiled children ran ramped on the world, most of it was in devastation, especially Western Europe. Much of it lay in ruin, and most of the countries in severe depth, due to the fact that they had poured their whole economy into the war, which is also known as total war. It took nations many years and many billions of dollars to recover. People had thought there would never be such a war after World War I and the Kellogg-Briand Pact, which outlawed war, but now, after so much devastation, after so much of Europe and North Africa lay in ruin, and after so many innocent people were slaughtered and massacred, it seemed that the hate of war rose to a newfound degree. Well, it’s all good to say you hate war and everything, but will anybody take any action to prevent the next world war?[/FONT]

If you look at the world today, you see a couple figures that can easily be replaced by the bid three totalitarian rulers from The Rise of Totalitarianism era. President Ahmadinejad of Iran is starting to appear more and more like Hitler. He is saying what the people want to hear right now and is gaining popularity. Much like Hitler and Mussolini did during the Great Depression, he is giving the people of his country a reason for their hardship, and the reason, perhaps too much like Hitler, are Jews. "They have invented a myth that Jews were massacred and place this above God, religions and the prophets," Ahmadinejad said in a speech, according to CNN. This is the first time in which he has publicly doubted the Holocaust. He went on to say, "The West has given more significance to the myth of the genocide of the Jews, even more significant than God, religion, and the prophets.” “(It) deals very severely with those who deny this myth but does not do anything to those who deny God, religion, and the prophet." "If you have burned the Jews, why don't you give a piece of Europe, the United States, Canada or Alaska to Israel.” In this part of his speech, he is clearly opposed to the Zionist nation of Israel being on the map, further more he said that he wanted to wipe Israel of the face of the world, and that he would continue pursuing nuclear fuel. Which can only lead to two scenarios, him backing down, or war, and this time it might be a nuclear war. The Rise of Totalitarianism, though, has taught us that if we do not act now, it may be too late, and many countries and hundreds of millions of people will be devastated for years to come.[/FONT]

Finally, we have seen why the most important period of time in the history of our earth is The Rise of Totalitarianism because it showed us why totalitarianism was an unacceptable form of government, made the world the war hating society it is today, and taught the world how to avoid another devastating conflict. But is the next World War in the making? Hopefully not, with any luck the worlds’ leaders have paid attention to the growing list of similarities between Ahmadinejad and Hitler, and will take action, before it was too late, as it was in The Rise of Totalitarianism. If not, our world has a long, perilous, and ultimately doomed journey ahead of it.[/FONT]

If anybody has C&Cs they would be greatly appreaciated, this is the written part of my final and is due in...about 3 hours.


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