preihelom perilhellion perihelium
Mega Flare Awesome Bro 265 Dec 21, 2009 #2 hi peri WAY TO MISS THE POINT GOD Actually, I'm going to use my mod powers to DELETE THIS!!!!!1111
Tindy Sponsor 744 Dec 21, 2009 #12 pregonator persimmon pegglesneggle perchidorium partridgeinapeartree
Ellie Staff 838,587 Dec 22, 2009 #14 St Paddy's Day is Hell (in Ireland (I've heard)) (Ok that was pretty loose)
Ellie Staff 838,587 Dec 22, 2009 #16 Como has 10 HP Lion has 5 HP Commo attacks PARRY Commo attacks PARRY Commo attacks HIT LION