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Past, Present, Future - "Destiny"

This is just something to cease boredom, for you the reader and for me - on my lunch break. It is merely that of an ideology that is limited by my non-omniscient comprehension and an attempt to look smarter than my actual IQ, which is equivalent to that of room temperature, if the room in question is an industrial refrigerator. (Shhh, you-know-who. :p) All in all, I will most likely not regularly participate in the possible discussion or critiques; because last time I did, it drained all my free time. :|

And lastly, everything discussed is based on human logic - which when it comes to such a topic beyond our knowledge, does not have to apply. So again, this is merely for the entertainment of a bored mind on lunch break. I hope it gives off some interesting thoughts on the subject none the less. :>

(This is rather rushed due to time constraints, my apologies.)

Destiny, fortune, fate. These are some of the things that's many RPGs and stories have been centered around. I, like many other, cringe a little now days as they come across as the center of the story ("the one destined to save the world").

But in a way, I believe "destiny" truly exists in the real world. Perhaps not in the way of the fairytale, but it is inevitably existent; at least in semantics.

The occurrence of everything is determined by the conditions that affect it at the given point in time. You flip a coin and it lands on heads. While this might seem random to us, if we scroll back in time and let that coin fall again, it will always land on heads because every circumstance around it, its environment, air circulation, gravity, air resistance - are the same. Given the same input of circumstance, the outcome of an action is inevitably the distinct result of every factor of determination.

The behaviour of animated beings are no different - The chemical reactions of the brain is the cause for actions at a given time. In the end, it is still structured with physical matters. Given the exact circumstance, the resulting behaviour/outcome will inevitably be like the result of a function - one to one.

This would mean that given scenario 1, the only possible outcome is scenario 2. And given scenario 2, the only possible outcome is scenario 3. If we scroll back in time to scenario 1, the same occurrence of scenario 2 will occur, which then will lead to scenario 3.

And hence, scenario 1 will inevitably result in scenario 3. In other words, the moment when dinosaurs roamed the Earth, what happens in our present time is inevitable. Everything happened the way they do, for a reason - but that reason does not have to have a mind, does not have to have a morale structure, but rather just a sequence of unavoidable frames of occurrences restrained by the world's physical laws.

In a way, I guess you can say that is destiny.

Now, moving on to a similar topic - this is an old theory I was thinking of back in High School to try to feel smart about myself, but now I've realized that it is rather basic; so many of you probably have thought of this at one point in time. First of all, this is based on the theories of dimensions.

The first dimension is a line.

The second dimension is a plane.
-It can be seen as the composition of a stack of lines, which is the first and its previous dimension.

The third dimension can be symbolized as a cube.
-It can be seen as the composition of a stack of planes, which is the second and its previous dimension.

And now, based on that pattern, we look at our fourth dimension - time. It would be seen as a composition of a stack of the third dimension, motionless-frames of 3D spaces. Which would seem to make sense.

But now, note the previous dimensions, the inferior ones to us so that we can understand:
-While a plane is made up of stacks of lines, the stacks of lines all co-exist together for the plane to be formed.
-And while a cube is made up of stacks of planes, all the planes have to co-exist together for the cube to be formed.

And ultimately, this seems to imply that the fourth dimension, time, would require all the frames of motionless 3D space to co-exist together for the 4D space to be formed.

Now, think back to my first point. The two ideologies are now crossed - that everything in terms of time, past, present, future - they are already pre-constructed. Because of the functional nature of the physics in this world, one scenario can only produce the exact next scenario, based on all the conditions affecting it - and hence the "branching out" possibilities of future is null.

When people say that they will now change the future, it is still a vain statement. While if what I said is true, that the future is pre-existing, it is still out of reach of our comprehension. And how can you change something that we do not know of? If Bob is slacking off in school and suddenly had a realization, and now he says he is going to change his future by studying hard, he is merely changing his perception of future, instead of the actual future itself. The actual future, for all we know, is the future that was "changed" - and the "old future", when Bob was slacking, have never even existed. Because when the time comes to that point, Bob starts studying hard and that old perception of the poor future was never reached.

And by the way, in that same ideology, all we are is just this one single frame in time. We might have our memories, but we are merely one single frame, along with everything else at this very moment. The sense of "moving through time" is an illusion - we will always exist as this one moment in time, but it does not matter because it will always feel new to us, due to our static memories and as such. While we are here, the us in the next frame and the past are existent as well, as a film roll. I'd expand more, but I'm running out of time - and that last point is a fairly common one anyhow, so there is no need to anyway.

I'd go on, but class is starting and I have to get off this cafe table. D:

In conclusion, I would just like to note that none of this matters outside the purpose of an interesting thought to burn some boredom. Even if it is true, it doesn't matter if the future is fixed - because that doesn't change anything for us. We still do not know it, and to us, it is still non-existent. And no, it does not mean that "fate" will run your life for you and that you do not have to do anything.
Is there any evidence to the existence of a first and second, let alone fourth dimension? And if there is, what evidence suggests that it's time?

See, I don't think that time is a space - something you can move forward, backward, or side-to-side in - it's just the human inability to perceive everything at once.

I suppose my view of fate is: you can choose whatever you want to choose, but you were always going to choose it, so it matters, but it still would've happened.
I don't really have anything to say about the dimensions' evidence, as they are just widely accepted theories - you can look it up for the logical support behind it I suppose. Again, this is just for a read to ease boredom, nothing too serious. :> And whether time can be seen as a "space" or not widely depends on the definition of space to begin with.

Yes, you can technically choose whatever you want to choose, freedom of choice is not interfered - but the bottom line is, you only end up making one choice - and that one choice is what you would always make given all conditions of interference at that point. In a way... you choose to only choose to perform one action as if a function.
Theory of relativity... explains time and space... al 4 dimensions, there's nothing to be said about it since no one ever managed to question Einstein's flawless theory as it's always proven to be truth.

About Fate, destiniy and whatever, it seems as if, logical (meaning that mathematically too) it's correct.

An event unchains another event... the true question comes when we ask ourselves: "what if" I go back and stop it from happening?

That event would be different and so its consequence, nevertheless, it'd still have a consequence that's not the same and over and over if you could repeat that event.

Meaning, time and space it's destined to flow constantly (relativity Th.) and carrying out its points (persons, 3D objects) with it.

The speed on which time flows is unreachable, because if the speed is matched it's like breaking trough the dimensions, meaning, time traveling...

So we have no choice but to travel on with time and space, that's fate. Althought it doesn't mean that a weird force controls your actions. Just that those actions will have a consequence that can't be changed and will be carried out until its end.



PINEDAXP;292143 said:
So we have no choice but to travel on with time and space, that's fate. Althought it doesn't mean that a weird force controls your actions. Just that those actions will have a consequence that can't be changed and will be carried out until its end.

That's just stating the obvious, and what's more, you could have said something along the lines of "Once you make a choice, you can't go back in time and change it."

The fact that it's our inevitable destiny to continue on through time is something that doesn't need to be included in what you're saying, and neither does the rest of it to be honest. Everyone knows that they continue going through time in a linear fashion, without going backwards.

As for the whole speed on which time flows thing, that's just completely flawed. We can reach the speed in which time flows, and in fact we HAVE. We are living in the speed in which time flows, it goes this fast. We've created measurements for it and everything!
Wrong, the speed on which time flows is unreachable, is light speed, if light speed is reachable please let me know and I'll stop studying and become a time traveler
PINEDAXP;292158 said:
Wrong, the speed on which time flows is unreachable, is light speed, if light speed is reachable please let me know and I'll stop studying and become a time traveler

Time is not a physical entity that possesses any form of velocity. It does not 'flow' at any 'speed'. Crom's laughter continues.

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