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Password System

Alrighty, I'm creating a password system where in the game where you touch an event, it pulls up the password system, you enter the password, it checks if the string matches up with the correct password, if it does, does it's action, else, does whatever.

What i'm doing is editing the Window_NameInput and Window_NameEdit - But I'm looking for where it stores the name AFTER you hit [OK]
the name is stored in


And the code is in Scene_Name#update

    if Input.trigger?(Input::C)
      # If cursor position is at [OK]
      if @input_window.character == nil
        # If name is empty
        if @edit_window.name == ""
          # Return to default name
          # If name is empty
          if @edit_window.name == ""
            # Play buzzer SE
          # Play decision SE
        # Change actor name
        @actor.name = @edit_window.name
        # Play decision SE
        # Switch to map screen
        $scene = Scene_Map.new

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