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Passibility and showing pictures



Hi there, just needs some pointers. What I want to achieve is to show a picture on the screen whenever the leftside of the player is non-passable and then disappears when that area becomes passable.

what I've gathered so far is...
To set correct variables...

case $game_player.direction
when 2
@e1x = $game_player.x + 1
@e1y = $game_player.y
when 4
@e1x = $game_player.x
@e1y = $game_player.y + 1
when 6
@e1x = $game_player.x
@e1y = $game_player.y - 1
when 8
@e1x = $game_player.x + 1
@e1y = $game_player.y

Then to check passability (not to sure)...

If $game_map.passable?(@e1x, @e1y) == true
Show picture
Erase picture

I assume to show a picture is...
@image.bitmap = Cache.picture("w1-E-L_R")
@image.x = 0
@image.y = 0
@image.z = 99
While to erase a picture is...

Hope you can advise me. Cheers!
To check the passability you can use this: $game_player.passable?(x , y)
And lets say you wanted to check if the left side of the player is not passable, then you could store the players x and y
and then check it like this:
    x = $game_player.x
    y = $game_player.y
    if $game_player.passable?(x - 1, y) == false
      # If it isn't passable, then something happens

What i would do if i wanted to show a picture whenever the left side of the player wasn't passable, is something like this:
    x = $game_player.x
    y = $game_player.y
    if $game_player.passable?(x - 1,y) == false
      @picture = Sprite.new
      @picture.bitmap = Bitmap.new('Graphics/Pictures/filename')
      @picture.x = 0 # The pictures x-position
      @picture.y = 0 # The pictures y-position

And then replace "filename" with the name of the picture that you wish to show.
I hope that helped! :thumb:

Over and out - Gando

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