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party switcher pt. 2/appology

I would like to start by appologizing to Reaper*, Sol_Fury, and SephirothSpawn for my previous misconduct in the forum "party switcher". It was my fault that I didn't specify directly what I wanted, and I will be sure to keep my life emotions from interfering with my judgement when it might have an effect on other users.

If anyone is willing, I'd be more than much obliged to have somebody make me a script that allows for a party switch system like the computers on pokemon. I think it would be farely simple, and I promise to treat any responding guests or members with utmost respect.

Again, my most humble appologies. -_-
forlorn_content;109885 said:
I would like to start by appologizing to Reaper*, Sol_Fury, and SephirothSpawn for my previous misconduct in the forum "party switcher". It was my fault that I didn't specify directly what I wanted, and I will be sure to keep my life emotions from interfering with my judgement when it might have an effect on other users.

If anyone is willing, I'd be more than much obliged to have somebody make me a script that allows for a party switch system like the computers on pokemon. I think it would be farely simple, and I promise to treat any responding guests or members with utmost respect.

Again, my most humble appologies. -_-

Hehe i forgive you but there are many party switch systems not only on this site but like on dubealex too so why don't you search in different sites?
If you want it exactly like pokemon's one then i can't help you. If you don't find what you like as a party switcher repost on your thread
I searched some other website forums, and did find a couple of scripts which would be useful save for a few minor defects (I don't know how to script...at all...and there are a few little bugs in each of the scripts that I found). These problems may be minor, but my rgss ignorance dissalows me to use them. Maybe you can help me, though, because I don't need an exact replica of the Pokemon party changer.

I could probably just make an event which has three choices, then says more. The more has three more choices, etc. until I have all of what I want, then set a conditional branch for each choice that only makes it available if the player has that specific monster in custody. Then, make it so that when you initiate the command, it adds the monster in question. The problem is, though, (aside from the immense complexity this would entail), that adding the monster doesn't work if there are already four party members...

I don't know how complicated a script would be for making this work out a little better for me, but, if I'm going about this the hardest way possible, could somebody inform me of an easier means?

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