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Partners in Battle system request

Partners in Battle system request

I want a new system that changes standart skills and leveling. I f you can do please check this out
What is a "partner" system? (screenies down)

This allows you to be a simple human. With no magic, and when you battle enemys give you a special item "tarot cards" this are classificated by tipe "hermit", "lovers" and so there is a special one that is the "free tarot" that can be painted by an artist into any other kind and its totally free. Then you go to a
special shop where you can summon your choosen partner that can be at max 5 levels above your level from 6 to up they wont show up. Summoning a partner requires a determitate amount of "tarot cards" then you change these for a "partner card" that can be equipped among with the other weapons. Your partner "ranks up" everytime he gains points and he does when you cast a spell on an enemy on battle. Any partner has 8 ranks and makes appear a single spell everytime he ranks up so, when he is rank 1 he has only 1 spell rank 3 2 spells rank 5 3 spells and rank 7 and 8 the final spells.When you change your partner also changes your spells.Yor partner has level and stats that doesnt grow up.Every aprtner has a different sp use for a spell for ex. a partner level1 wastes 3 sp for a fire spell and a level 5 uses 10 sp for the same spell.Also a new partner means a new animation showing the partners picture going up above your head on battles.

You can also "mutate" your partner into another. this effect is produced by chance during end of battle. It it shows "modification avaliable" you can go tho the shop and select comand mutate

In addition to this cards are also "spell cards" that allow you to add a spell to your partner when summoning "incience cards" that boost a partners stats depending to be a "dex card", "agi card" or maybe "all card" and finally "material card" that adds a special partner to the summoning list.

When you get rare spell card or incience you can "register" them at another shop giving one of each tipe to the manager. Then the card would appear in a buy list

A last addition to this is the fact that your patner has a status screen too, and your cards can be shown in the menu by clicking the buttom "cards" then you choose "tarot" "partner", "spell", "incience" or"material"

http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c207/ ... cience.gif[/IMG]
Analize of inciense
http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c207/ ... terial.gif[/IMG]
Analize of Material
http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c207/ ... artner.gif[/IMG]
Analize of Partners
http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c207/ ... fspell.gif[/IMG]
Analize of Spells
http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c207/ ... ftarot.gif[/IMG]
Analize of Tarot
Buying cards
http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c207/ ... ngfree.gif[/IMG]
Requesting Cards form Free ones
Registering Cards
http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c207/ ... moning.gif[/IMG]
http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c207/ ... oning2.gif[/IMG]
Summoning second part
http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c207/ ... oning3.gif[/IMG]
Summoning Third Part
http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c207/ ... oning4.gif[/IMG]
Summoning 4
http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c207/ ... ing4-1.gif[/IMG]
Summnoning 5
http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c207/ ... oning6.gif[/IMG]
Final Summon
Any animation shown after selecting a parne to summon

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