First of all, greetings and hello as this will be my first post on these boards.
So I've been toying with particle effects lately (good simple fun) and I would like to pull two things from ya'll if I could: Opinions and possibly some assistance.
Point 1:
Ta-da it's a fire ball. Not the most inspired idea but it gets the idea across.
It's a smaller Fireball because for a weak spell i wanted something well ... weaker. This one was actually able to be saved with alpha's but I'm still having troubles with the script. See my last post for more details on that little headache.
A tiny li'l wind bullet. enjoy. Also managed so save with alpha for this one.
Wimpy Ice.
This ones significantly more flashy as (in my opinion) Higher level magics should be. It's meant to be Holy.
But photocucket seems to have resized it as well. Apparently it hates long images. Still I suppose you can get the idea behind it
Yeah just simple things that aren't too phenomenal but but they look nice anyways.
The only real issue is they don't lend themselves well to multiple purposes. they really just have their 1 function 1 animation.
Thoughts comments etc are always welcome
Now we come to the important part:
I have a problem. Does anyone know of a program that can create something similar to Adobe Photoshop's contact Sheets, but still keep alpha channels intact? My particles are outputted in numbered stills, and i can out put them w/ alphas but to place them all in a sheet piece by piece, especially with animations upwards of 100 frames, would be downright painful. Adobe's automated contact sheets are very nice, but i can't save the alphas with them, thus I am forced to use RMXP's Added blend effect, which makes things difficult to see on certain backgrounds. It's grinding my gears a bit.
Anyone who could help me in that regard, it would be greatly appreciated.
Anywho, I'll put some more of them up later. If you like them you are welcome to use them, Just give credit where credit is due of course.:2thumb:
So I've been toying with particle effects lately (good simple fun) and I would like to pull two things from ya'll if I could: Opinions and possibly some assistance.
Point 1:[/IMG][/IMG][/IMG][/IMG][/IMG][/img]
But photocucket seems to have resized it as well. Apparently it hates long images. Still I suppose you can get the idea behind it
Yeah just simple things that aren't too phenomenal but but they look nice anyways.
The only real issue is they don't lend themselves well to multiple purposes. they really just have their 1 function 1 animation.
Thoughts comments etc are always welcome
Now we come to the important part:
I have a problem. Does anyone know of a program that can create something similar to Adobe Photoshop's contact Sheets, but still keep alpha channels intact? My particles are outputted in numbered stills, and i can out put them w/ alphas but to place them all in a sheet piece by piece, especially with animations upwards of 100 frames, would be downright painful. Adobe's automated contact sheets are very nice, but i can't save the alphas with them, thus I am forced to use RMXP's Added blend effect, which makes things difficult to see on certain backgrounds. It's grinding my gears a bit.
Anyone who could help me in that regard, it would be greatly appreciated.
Anywho, I'll put some more of them up later. If you like them you are welcome to use them, Just give credit where credit is due of course.:2thumb: