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Paragraph (I was bored)



I was bored, so I wrote a paragraph to amuse myself. How many people are amused?

I like black panthers run along trees burn down as the wind stops brushing paint against the canvas is tearing and I cannot stop crying is sad panda wants some sleep tonight is not tomorrow however much we want it to be good if you want some cake is delicious, though I have never eaten by a rhino when trying to ride a gazelle runs for it’s life is fragile contents of a cardboard box of tricks seem childish games are played an instrument called a cello strings are broken, and I cannot buy more cheese would be nice, with this tea leave story book opened to page three hundred butterflies float away from the gun, and into her arms are tired from working all day in the life of a fisherman is poor and lonely and on the sea of envy can be consuming dinner from a diner on the corner of a square hole in the round wall of smoke can be harmful toxins are hazardous waste in barrels of steel magnolias is a film is all used up on the roof top, click, click, click the button on the remote to change the channel on You Tube is void of videos are old, DVD’s are new and cool winter air is refreshing bubble gum in my mouth cannot open any wider without ripping a major fart in the middle of class clowns are not as funny as some people stand quietly in a crowd, staring at the night sky is cloudy, but rain has not fallen here for some time is precious, do not waste it.
OS":1r9fgkgy said:
This is serious; we used to do this in Language Arts as a kind of writing practice.
What the hell did you do with it? The only use I see for this is PUTTING PUNCTUATION IN to make some sense of what is written.



Why make sense is pointless talking all night is dark and silent ninja strikes.

It was to see who could string together the most interesting phrases. It is actually a lot of fun when you get into it.

Anyways, I plan on posting a new Paragraph sometime soon, but it will be a 'serious' attempt at creating a mood. No more of these for awhile, ok?
OS":2jmy8n6p said:
Why make sense is pointless talking all night is dark and silent ninja strikes.

It was to see who could string together the most interesting phrases. It is actually a lot of fun when you get into it.

Anyways, I plan on posting a new Paragraph sometime soon, but it will be a 'serious' attempt at creating a mood. No more of these for awhile, ok?
yeah I've done this before in the kinda thing I already spoke of, it's really fun to write this shit but god, reading it is so horrible(no offence though)



OS":3jiqc6wn said:
This is serious; we used to do this in Language Arts as a kind of writing practice.

Ah, my apologies, I thought you were just being random.

I agree with Farah, though, it is rather an annoyance to read. @.@



We all know how to avoid such an annoyance, don't we?

Well, I'm bored again, so I'm gonna go away for awhile and write a story.


~Owen Sael



Well, thanks, I guess. nI haven't written another one in a while. Been really busy with VRE. Well, I'm taking this weekend off to write, so maybe I'll have something a bit easier to follow posted?

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