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"Paperdoll" effect


I would like to know if there is a script or some way that I can enable characters in battle to have a paper doll effect.


main character's normal outfit is jeans and a t-shirt, and no head gear.

I equip a leather cap and a sword to that character.

In battle, the leather cap adn sword appear in hand and on head, in addition to the regular clothes.

This is assuming that you would have a side battle system using sprites.
I was going to do this, you have two options:

1) Make all the possible combination sprites.
2) Add the clothing/weapons JUST to the right spot by drawing the images over them.

I decided that the best way to go for me would be assigning a certian starting coordinate to all the possible armor and weapon types, example:

32X32 pixels for ALL weapons and armor,
Body armor starts 1 pixel away from right edge,
Weapons start 6 pixels away from right edge and 2 from the bottem edge.

You get me?

Either way, this project turned out to be more work then writing my own CBS and Quest Log, not only did it take more time, but it had many bugs, so I abandoned it.

I'll see if I can find my old script, but it applied to ALL the display areas, such as on the map, in combat, menu, and avatar.

Well, I hope that helps, and good luck!

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