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Outcast's Grab Bag of Event Tutorial's

Im done. Only thing this does is get in the way so here is an easy list to keep up with onall the demo's, all links work.

Outcast's Grab Bag 3.0 FINAL LATEST

I'm only going to post a few.... I can guess there are already a few on here and there are those who don't know HOW to use Ruby. This here is for those who don't know a thing about scripting
However Ill post more late, these are........ Well little add-on's, grab-bag events you do with your maps.
It would be wise to grab a anit-lag script if you plan to use a lot of Parrallel Process's. Otherwise cut back on them, and use a few ruby scripts.
I call these Grab Bag events because they are short yet they work and are effective.

Fire Flies

You may want to make a battle animation first of a dot glowing and fading for about 8-10 frames.
Set this event for Parrallel Process, and put in the following.

Event Type = Parrallel Process
Page 1
Wait:XX Frames <N1
Show Animation: This Event, [001 Fire Fly Light]

If you like to add realism, set the XX at any random number for any random number, so that when the game plays and you have more than one, they won't all flash at the same time. My only warning is not to put in to many or the game will lag unless you have another method of keeping this going.

Battle Sys. ABS: Large Grab Bag
The VERY first yet simple ABS on event's, Can be made with RM 2k and 2k3 as well

If you want simplicity besides having all these scripts crashing over and over again because you can't get this one script to cooperate with the ABS script, then this event Script is for you, Ill talk about adding a Bow and Arrow's option later within the post's. Best thing to this one is, there's only 1 Parrallel Process event used

First things first, If you want Animation, we go to the Common Events Page.
and make 4 animations attacking all 4 directions

Common Events
Type= Parrallel Process
Trigger = Switch "ABS on"

Conditional Branch: If the C button is being pressed.
Conditional Branch: If hero is Facing Up
Show Animation: Hero, [Slash Up]
Wait:20 Frames

Conditional Branch: If the C button is being pressed.
Conditional Branch: If hero is Facing Down
Show Animation: Hero, [Slash Down]
Wait:20 Frames

Conditional Branch: If the C button is being pressed.
Conditional Branch: If hero is Facing Left
Show Animation: Hero, [Slash Left]
Wait:20 Frames

Conditional Branch: If the C button is being pressed.
Conditional Branch: If hero is Facing Right
Show Animation: Hero, [Slash Right]
Wait:20 Frames

It cannot be done with only Animation. However this is setup for the sword effect, it will not be needed if you don't want it.

Name = Monster
Type = Touched by Hero
Movement = Random

Page 1
Conditional Branch: If the C button is being pressed.
Play Sound: HIT
Move Event: This Event, Away from Hero, Ignore Action If Blocked
Control Variables:[0002: ENEMY'S LIFE] - 1      <N1
Conditional Branch: If Variable [0002:ENEMY'S]== 0
Control Self Switch: A =ON
Play Sound: Hit
Move Event: Hero, Step 1 Backward, Ignore Action If Blocked
Change Hp: [Hero] -1  <N2

Page = 2
Self Switch: A is on
> (Nothing Happens, Just leave it blank)

If there are more than 1 monsters, you will need to add and name more Variable slots to how many monsters there are, if something special is suppose to happen after killing a amount of them, then make a variable [0003:Special Monster's Killed] +1 and have a event react to it.
If you want, You can set this to a variable besides the Basic Hero HP, feel free to do so!


  This is just a simple Parrallel Process in Common Events, Have 2 sets of sprites, One with eyes open and the second with Eye's closed.
Set a wait command, change the Sprite to the Closed eye one, Another wait comman for about a 1-4 frames, and change the sprite back. If your good with Variables AND Conditional Branches, you can make it happen at random

More Gag's and Grab's Will be posted

next set of Event scripts

Picture Positioning Display
Numerical Passwords
Cheat Sys.
Cheating Lock

This may seem simple and all but as I said, this is for those who have trouble with other Ruby Scripts, so I say give few of them a try!
Thanks, However there are some problems with the ABS, The probs include the attack animation, which will like well.... Repeat Over and over again to anyone here who has used that grab bag, To solve it, just put down a wait command, that or make a switch to turn the sword hits on and off. As for killing the monster Bug, I have re-edited the Event script on the monster so it should work.

There are more ABS's that can be setup, even your OWN little RPG turn by turn battle with events. Ill get to that in the near future, Until then, here are a few more Little event Grab Bags. IF ANYONE HAS PROBLEMS WITH ONE, Like a animation repeating or doesn't work PM ME, and I'll have a Solution!

Variable's are essential for every game you'll ever make, for just arcade purposes, or epic quest's and adventures.

Variable's are actually a number, a plain and simple number with a variable address, and you can name that address anything you want.

The Number of a variable can show how much of anything a character posses's like gold, how much a character feels, or give off the position of a character on a map. This is why they are so important.
The most common use for a variable is used to add, record and keep track of scores, I'm saying this now, for that the Next set of Grab Bag's here, you'll need to understand what they are for.

Switches in a game are like the switches on game system's and computers, you can turn them ON and OFF.

The use of Switches in game is nesscessary, for instance, in the legend of zelda, once you open a chest, a switch turns on, and that switch tells the game and the game system that its opened and cannot be opened again.

In RMXP, its the same principle, however you have 2 switches, Local, and a plain Switch.

A plain switch can effect the whole game in RMXP depending if its on or off.
A Local Switch in RMXP makes the event of anything effect itself and itself only.

Battle Sys. ABS: Large Grab Bag
The VERY first yet simple ABS made with event's.

Last one I showed how to make a sword, I will now show how to make a projectile, THIS MAY LAG IF YOU PLAN ON PUTTING TO MANY ENEMIES. However this is what I promised, so here is the instuctions on making a Projectile in a event.

This may make the whole game lag, depending IF your using a lot of the parrallel process events.
But then again here it is.

Map Event
Name: Bow and Arrow
Parrallel Process

Conditional Branch: If Hero has Bow Equipped
Conditional Branch: If Hero has Arrow Equipped

Control Variable:[0001]= Player's Map X
Control Variable:[0002]= Player's Map Y

Conditional Branch: If Hero is facing up
Conditional Branch: If the C button is being pressed.
Control Variable:[0002]= -1
Control Switch: [0001: Arrow Pos.]= ON

Set Event Location: This Event, Variable [0001][0002]
Move Event: This event, Up, Repeat Action

Conditional Branch: If Hero is facing down
Conditional Branch: If the C button is being pressed.
Control Variable:[0002]= +1
Control Switch: [0001: Arrow Pos.]= ON

Set Event Location: This Event, Variable [0001][0002]
Move Event: This event, Down, Repeat Action

Conditional Branch: If Hero is facing left
Conditional Branch: If the C button is being pressed.
Control Variable:[0002]= -1
Control Switch: [0001: Arrow Pos.]= ON

Set Event Location: This Event, Variable [0001][0002]
Move Event: This event, Left, Repeat Action

Conditional Branch: If Hero is facing right
Conditional Branch: If the C button is being pressed.
Control Variable:[0002]= +1
Control Switch: [0001: Arrow Pos.]= ON

Set Event Location: This Event, Variable [0001][0002]
Move Event: This event, Right, Repeat Action


Map Event
Name: Where is the arrow Going?
Switch: [0001: Arrow Pos] is on
Parrallel Process

Control Variable: [0003] Set, This event's MapX
Control Variable: [0004] Set, This event's MapY
Control Variable: [0005] Set, Event 001's MapY
Control Variable: [0006] Set, Event 001's MapY

Conditional Branch: If Variable [003]==Variable[005]
Conditional Branch: If Variable [004]==Variable[006]
Control Variables:[0002: ENEMY'S LIFE] - 1

This is the a simple thing to do. Make a variable for each girl and call it
"Girl's Love for hero1"
"Girl's Love for hero2"
Have this variable react to any cutscene's of event's, there is no HUGE complication, or complicating objectives that you need to make it work.
If you like throw in a conditional branch in the comon event's to make the girl say something diferent, or romantic when the variable reach's a certain number. you can do the same with the map events on different pages.

Cheat Lock
I know this is kinda useless, but for those who actually don't want people messing up their games like health and more, You can stop it by making 2 variable's,
the first name it Cheat Lock, Hero HP, Cheat Lock, Hero HP Temp,
and have them both set on whatever the Hero's Stat is. Every time the game starts, set it to check both variable's,
if both variable's match, then all is well and fine and the game play continues.
If the Hero's HP does not match both Variable's, or if all 3 number's are out of line, then you can put down "Cheater's don't prosper" and have the game reset.

Numerical Passwords
Good for those who like to make Safe combo's for games on mystery.
Input Number: [Safe Combonation] 4 Digit's
Conditional Branch: If Variable [003]==1234
Message: ITS OPEN
Message: Wrong combination

Picture Positioning Display
This little event script is to help show where the picture is. For instance, You got a pic of a windmill, you use this to find out the positioning for it on the screen. Although many people with RMXP, or any version of the RPG maker may have already other methods of how this works, but still it doesn't hurt to show others who don't know. This is done with a easy map event.

Map Event
Parrallel Process

Show Picture: 1, "Cloud", UpperLeft (Variable[0001][0002])
Conditional Branch: If the Up button is being pressed.
Control Variables:[0001] -= 1 <N1
Conditional Branch: If the Down button is being pressed.
Control Variables:[0001] += 1
Conditional Branch: If the Left button is being pressed.
Control Variables:[0002] -= 1
Conditional Branch: If the Right button is being pressed.
Control Variables:[0002] += 1
Conditional Branch: If the C button is being pressed.
Show Text:
\v[0001] Y
\v[0002] X

The Variables here and for the rest of the commands MUST match the variables used in the show picture command when asked for a position or else the trick won't work, and the picture will just appear there.
The text box that will appear when you press Space bar SHOULD show the X and Y coordinates on the game map screen, Record those coordinates once you get the picture in a place you want it at, so that when you get to editing the game, you'll be able to just put in the coordinates without guessing.

Picture Positioning Display
Numerical Passwords
Cheat Sys.
Cheating Lock
Got a request for a event or a short event? Post here a request or PM me and I'll see if it can be done.
Calendar: For those who want to add like well........ Months.
This is based on a single common event.

Comon Evet
Parallel Process
Switch: Time

Wait: 30 frames
Control Variable:[0001] +=1
Conditional Branch: If Variable [0001] == 60
Control Variable:[0002]= +1
Conditional Branch: If Variable [0002] == 24
Control Variable:[0003: Day]= +1
Conditional Branch: If Variable [0003] == 30
Control Variable:[0004]= +1
Thats all of fit short and simple, Hope you can use it for something you want or like, later.

Outcast's Largest Event Grab Bag (More like truck load)

ABS: Turn by Turn.
Ok, in my personal opinion before you start creating this one, you may want to find a HUD script. Making a HUD with events is hard and is something I don't understand YET, but might in the near future. Making one of these types ABS's thats turn by turn requires little effort yet a lot of work in most cases, only good side to doing this is you can add your own action, options and etc. so on so forth, another thing to it is that it is a Parrallel Process but is on a map and acts as a map event, so the whole game doesn't lag.

Its best to follow the phases first in order

I'm going to try and put our these instructions one at a time.
-Make 5 pics with the words Attack, Defend, Run, Items and a select arrow
-Make a common Event and call it Battle menu or whatever.
-Make a map at any size, call it Battle map or anything you want.

On the common Event we will do this.
Name: Battle Menu
Trigger: Parrallel Process
Switch: 0001:The battle is on

Show Picture: 1, 'Attack' Upper Left (200,200)
Show Picture: 2, 'Defend' Upper Left (200,220)
Show Picture: 3, 'Item' Upper Left (200,240)
Show Picture: 4, 'Run' Upper Left (200,260)
Show Picture: 5, 'Arrow' Upper Left (Variable [0001][0002])
Control Variable:[0001: Select]= 1
Wait: 1 Frame <IMPORTANT must have or the window will freeze and not work.
Conditional Branch: If Button Down is pressed
Control Variable:[0001: Select] += 1 <N2
Control Variable:[0002: Arrow Command Y] += 20
Move Picture: 5, Upper Left (Variable [0001][0002]),
Wait: 1 Frame
Conditional Branch: If Button Up is pressed
Control Variable:[0001: Select] -= 1
Control Variable:[0002: Arrow Command Y] -= 20
Move Picture: 5, Upper Left (Variable [0001][0002]),
Wait: 1 Frame
Conditional Branch: If Variable [0001]==5 <N3
Control Variable:[0001: Select] -= 4
Control Variable:[0002: Arrow Command Y] -= 60
Move Picture: 5, Upper Left (Variable [0001][0002])
Conditional Branch: If Variable [0001]==0<N3
Control Variable:[0001: Select] += 4
Control Variable:[0002: Arrow Command Y] += 60
Move Picture: 5, Upper Left (Variable [0001][0002])
Conditional Branch: If Button C is pressed
Call Common Event: Action Selected
Break Loop

Control Switch: [0001:The battle is on] = off
End Loop

This is used to determine what the action is, for instance, if attack is the first option, and is selected the game won't know what action it is so we give the action a variable for the events to know that Attack was selected.
This is nothing more but a over flow limiter, If you press down one more time, the arrow will move back, as back down and vice versa

Additional Notes:
If you want a better looking menu to select from, you can toss the arrow and change the opacity for the pic to fade and to highlight when it is viewed or selected, this way you won't have to worry about the arrow, however you'll need to make some edits to the conditional branches of course.

In phase 1, I left off the a common event needed to be called, Here is where the game takes the "Select" Variable, and determines which action the player has selected.

Common Event
Name: Battle Interpreter
Trigger: None

Erase Pic: 1
Erase Pic: 2
Erase Pic: 3
Erase Pic: 4
Erase Pic: 5
Conditional Branch: If Variable [0001]==1
Set Move Route: Player

Show Animation: Ev. 001 Enemy, [Sword1]
Control Variable:[0003: Enemy HP] -= 1
Set Move Route: Player
$>Face Left

Conditional Branch: If Variable [0001]==2
Control Switches: [0002: Enemies Turn]
Conditional Branch: If Variable [0001]==3
Script: $scene = Scene_Item.new <N1
Conditional Branch: If Variable [0001]==4
Transfer Player: Variable [0004] [0005] [0006]
Control Variable:[0001: Select] = 1


I will post phase 3 and more later.
I'm going to finish the Turn by Turn.

In phase 3
Its mostly just all random variables, In phases 1-2 We setup the battle menu, you can setup your skills the same way using the same methods in Phases 1 and 2.

In phase 3 we setup a map event to record your steps, So you might want to make sure your steps are recorded by 2 variables, you hero's X and Y.

As for monsters, you can you can setup a few branches to react to a random variable, so that each action by the monsters will be different each strike.

thats the basics, Edit this out to work any way you like.
This is a rough demo, It's not be perfect, but mostly, it has most of these Grab Bag event's.
I TOOK ME 6 HOURS to get all of this ready. Although, mostly all of it works.
I hope this helps.

Only Scripts used
Skip Title

The loading screen and the rest is by myself.

This is demo V1.0
Loading Bar
Turn by Turn(May be a bit slow, hard to control)
ABS -Bugged- (Monster may not die or the sword attacks may not appear, fixing it)
Safe Combo

In V1.5
Will include Hero's affection, Blinking, and other short event's. -Check latest post-
there are 12 months in a year, you minus 11, your back at the first month January. Well thats what I figure.
I did the same thing with money in RM2k3, it bugged. I was making a life sim game, and after it bugged, the month's were stuck on December.

Here I goofed, new edits
Srry bout this bump, but I'm still accepting requests to make anything with events.

In the Demo on the startup screen, A white wave was made, I can show that, I can makes ABS's and make HUD's, etc all with events.

If you want, in Demo 2.0 I can put in the bigger advanced Events
and explanations, etc. Below is a list of what will be included within Demo 2.0.

MAP POS. (For pics)
Adv. Inn.
Radio Adv. (Random stations, and commercial ads when examined)
Loading Bar or Loading Screen

All this in 2.0, anyone want more? PM me and Ill include it.
This might as well be the final time I'm hosting this, Unless someones at least interested and so far no one isn't.

This is 2.0

Most bugs fixed the best I can.
I added......
The Radio
Pic & Map Pos.
Loading Bar Explaination

Unless I get a request, this is all I AM doing.
I hope all my work hasn't gone to waste.
Not a request sorry :P

Just to say this is a nice content thread. Nice job. Try to do some more on your own, without requests.
Thats sorta hard to do. I got down a lot of the badics of the more difficult stuff, IDK what else TOO make.

Some the quick events I can think of ar eeither already posted or invented, Cept a Map CMS.....

I Might as well keep it going then...

Thank you for viewing

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