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Original Zelda Style Script

Remember the original NES Legend Of Zelda? Remember how acton button 2 held items like the bow or bombs? Remember how your sword did damage to the enemy when it hit them? Remember how you attack with your sword by pressing a button, and attacks that hit your shield do no damage? My game needs (Sorry for the use of need) something like that.

I was wondering if anyone had a script to make it as: If sword hits enemy/projectile, enemy/projectile disappears. If action button 1 pushed, sword out for X frames. If action button 2 pressed, item X used. If players hits enemy/projectile, player loses X hearts. If enemy/projectile hits shield, projectile disappears/enemy moves back two squares. Etc.

As far as I know (Not as far as I can throw you), this script doesn't exist. So if an amazing scriptor could help, I'd never forget it. Never.

(P.S. I have the scripting skills of a rock, so if someone could explain the script in slow, easy steps, it would be appreciated.)
Meh...Horrible script request. For 1.) It's just asking if we remember, needs more descriptive elements. Show pictures, references - not everyone has played this game. 2.) Wait 72 hours before bumping. 3.) Try searching the scripts forum. I belive someone has done this.

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