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.org D&D game (NEXT GAME: 1/4 Sun 3pm EST)

NOTICE: If you get on IRC and join #d&d, I'll help you with character creation.

Campaign Information:

Edition: 3.5e

Setting: The Dragon Coast, Forgotten Realms

Time: Weds 6:00PM EST, Sunday at various times

DM: Captain Murphy/Sophist

Current Party:
Perihelion: Conjurer
Venetia: Cleric
Glitchfinder: Sorcerer
etheon (gone temporarily): Rogue

House Rules:
Courtesy of Sophist.

No Meta-gaming: No strategy discussions in OOC conversations during gameplay. All suggestions must be made in character in context of what is transpiring in game time.

DM is always right: Even when I am wrong. I don't like muddying up gameplay over little arguments concerning obscure rules and methods. When the game occurs I am god and can do anything I damn well please. If you have grievances they will be broached before or after games. If I am wrong I will likely make amends after the fact in some fashion. Failure to follow on this rule/request of the DM and getting into public arguments with the DM over rules during gameplay will drastically reduce your chance of getting a fair shake on the matter. The point of the rule is to prevent one person from holding up the game. I am a fair man, just save it for before or after the game.

Skills checks in hostile/competitive situations are blind rolls: I roll them in private. You will not see the number that results from the roll. This is to keep other players from being influenced by the number gleaned from the roll. Instead you will have to rely on the result that is declared.

Spell making and general custom crafting: Custom Projects of any kind must be filtered through the DM. Ones that are very involved may only be passed by the DM between game sessions. The DM shall determine research time, neccessary components for any custom craftsmanship or spell. New Spells may not contain spell effects that are not chronicled in the mage/sorceror's spell inventory. The DM reserves the right to dictate all of the properties of the created spell or item.

Follow Alignment: Failure to do so will result in alignment change to whatever your character is leaning toward. Alignment change will force your character through a crisis period as he is coming through a dynamic shift in how he sees the world. During that period the character is very moody and inattentive to the situation in front of him. He will incur serious experience point penalties until the crisis period is finished this will be in addition to any class issues that come up from the alignment change. This is to keep you folks from sloppy alignment role playing. Let your alignment inform the kinds of decisions your character would make. Good role playing will always receive a good reward, even if in the short term the act actually hurts you.

DM May change all rules including house including house rules as deemed neccessary. There will be full notification of rule changes.

Character Design Preferences:
Again, from Sophist.

Alignment: Any
Race: Any Faerun
History: Must make up a detailed origin so that I can figure out a way to write you into the game.
Inventory: Cannot be more than the value of 110 gp. This includes money the character starts with.
Level: 1

Choose three aspirations for your characters: These are three things your character hopes to achieve in their lifetime. They may change over the course of the game but they are goals that your character wants to achieve at some point. These should be reflective of your character's alignment and personal history. If the character is chaotic and has been driven from his homeland by some jerkoff, one of his aspirations may be revenge. Doing this will help me write scenarios for the campaign that are tailored appropriately for all your characters. Also fulfilling aspirations will be very rewarding for your characters.

Flaws: You may choose two flaws to obtain one additional feat for your character.

Additional notes: This campaign will take place on the Dragon's Coast and will involve a lot of contact with pirates, the high seas, unsavory thieves and cutthroats, and all manners of merchants and wizards for hire. So choose your character's skills wisely for that kind of climate. This is not an endorsement of being evil, though. I'd like a mixed party more than anything else.

I reserve the right to veto any character trait or stat for any reason.

Please post in this thread to confirm you are joining this game and register a nick on IRC if you haven't already done so.

I've uploaded some rars of books you may or may not want. (shut up I can link copyrighted material if I want I'm a mod die in a fire)

Player's Handbook
New to D&D and not sure where to start? Read the PHB. You don't need to read the entire thing; just go over the basic mechanics and take a look at the various classes. Those of us who are more experienced will help you learn the rules. This is the only book you NEED, and if you've never played D&D before, I recommend sticking to this until you're comfortable with the material. The setting books later on might be worth a skim, but it's up to you. You can read the d20 SRD linked later instead of the PHB if you want, but this is organized better. And has pretty pictures.

Player's Handbook
Dungeon Master's Guide
Monster Manual

PHB plus the other three core books. You don't really need to worry about the DMG, but it has some prestige classes (classes you can enter later that build on your initial class and give you cool things) that might be of interest. The MM, of course, has stats and descriptions for all the basic monsters.

Player's Handbook II
Dungeon Master's Guide II
Monster Manual II
Monster Manual III
Monster Manual IV

You don't really need any of these, but they're here if you want them. The PHBII has some new bases classes, prestige classes, and spells. The MMs just have new monsters, obviously, and the DMGII has...basically nothing you want as a player.

Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting
Player's Guide to Faerun
Pirates of the Fallen Stars

You should either get this or check out the wiki linked below. In general, the wiki only has setting information, whereas the source books also have feats and prestige classes and spells and the like. FRCS and PGtF both have useful information on Forgotten Realms in general, and Pirates of the Fallen Stars is the sourcebook for the Pirate Isles, which are next to the Dragon Coast, and is the closest I could find to a sourcebook for the Dragon Coast region.

Additionally, I have pdfs of just about every sourcebook ever printed for D&D 3.5e, and if I don't have it, I can probably get it. There are sourcebooks for just about every niche you could want, so if you want something that's not here even if you don't know the name of the book, let me know, and I'll get it for you. That said, don't go crazy. Sophie has said that it's okay to use different sourcebooks as long as you run what you're doing by him first, but try to avoid massive overkill.

Useful Websites:

I imagine we'll be using this site to host character sheets:

This is a very useful online SRD, which has most or all of the PHB and a few other things in easy searchable format:

This has information on the FR setting but none of the feats or prestige classes in the books (still extraordinarily useful):

This is a free online gametable we may be using (don't have to download now if you don't want):

IRC Channel:
#d&d on irc.slacked.org

You can get to it by clicking the IRC Chat link at the top of the page and then typing "/join #d&d"
in an IRC channel? cool.

btw, I dont know much about DnD, I just played a few DnD games before.

Oh wait I forgot what Armor Class does again...

High Hopes

Awesome Bro

I'd definitely be interested in this. I remember I used to spend a whole bunch of time in the RP forum here.

If you're interested, we can also do a D20 Modern game as well.
err, if you have a rulebook that I can read, I'll go and try...

I've DMned before but it was in a really loose rules game, and we were using Rock-Papers-Scissors instead of dice :x
I've already filled the dm slot.

The campaign will be based on the forgotten realms faerun setting, and will start on the Dragon's Coast.
House Rules:

No Meta-gaming: No strategy discussions in OOC conversations during gameplay. All suggestions must be made in character in context of what is transpiring in game time.

DM is always right: Even when I am wrong. I don't like muddying up gameplay over little arguments concerning obscure rules and methods. When the game occurs I am god and can do anything I damn well please. If you have grievances they will be broached before or after games. If I am wrong I will likely make amends after the fact in some fashion. Failure to follow on this rule/request of the DM and getting into public arguments with the DM over rules during gameplay will drastically reduce your chance of getting a fair shake on the matter. The point of the rule is to prevent one person from holding up the game. I am a fair man, just save it for before or after the game.

Skills checks in hostile/competitive situations are blind rolls: I roll them in private. You will not see the number that results from the roll. This is to keep other players from being influenced by the number gleaned from the roll. Instead you will have to rely on the result that is declared.

Spell making and general custom crafting: Custom Projects of any kind must be filtered through the DM. Ones that are very involved may only be passed by the DM between game sessions. The DM shall determine research time, neccessary components for any custom craftsmanship or spell. New Spells may not contain spell effects that are not chronicled in the mage/sorceror's spell inventory. The DM reserves the right to dictate all of the properties of the created spell or item.

Follow Alignment: Failure to do so will result in alignment change to whatever your character is leaning toward. Alignment change will force your character through a crisis period as he is coming through a dynamic shift in how he sees the world. During that period the character is very moody and inattentive to the situation in front of him. He will incur serious experience point penalties until the crisis period is finished this will be in addition to any class issues that come up from the alignment change. This is to keep you folks from sloppy alignment role playing. Let your alignment inform the kinds of decisions your character would make. Good role playing will always receive a good reward, even if in the short term the act actually hurts you.

DM May change all rules including house including house rules as deemed neccessary. There will be full notification of rule changes.

Character Design Preferences

Alignment: Any
Race: Any Faerun
History: Must make up a detailed origin so that I can figure out a way to write you into the game.
Inventory: Cannot be more than the value of 110 gp. This includes money the character starts with.
level: 1

I reserve the right to veto any character trait or stat for any reason.
Dibs on wizard. Probably going LE/NE for alignment.

Also, Sophie, you should probably lay down some guidelines about sourcebooks. Allowing a lot gives people flexibility but can lead to overpowering and overconvolution. Off the top of my head, are you allowing the Spell Compendium? (A few of the spells are overpowered, but a lot of them are really neat and add cool flavor, imo. I'd avoid things that are overpowered.) Also, how are we doing stats? Do you have a problem with people rolling till they get an 18 or whatever?
all it'll come down to really is my inserting a bot that occasionally retorts with Mr. T quotes

actually that would be almost as cool as a swearingen bot

oh oh i change my choice to being al swearingen the limey ogre

"In life you have to roll a lot of die you don't fucking want to do. Many times, that's what the fuck life is... one vile fucking roll of the die after another."

"How do the elves hope to defeat me? Allied as I am with the imbecile, the contemptible, and the promiscuous fucking insane."

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