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Only one character in battle.

Wait, so I have 4+ actors in my party and only the 1st actor willl fight?

I can't guarantee this will really work, but so far as I can think of...

Within Scene_Battle class, method main...
1. Save your current party to a variable (we'll need it later).
2. Slice your current party to one actor.

Within the same class, method battle_end...
1. Restore your current party by the one you stored earlier in the beginning of the battle.

Though this may work at first glance, I don't think Seph's script will allow us to do so (I must merge squall's large party script with modified Seph's in-battle switch to do such effect).

As you see, I have problem to do your request, so maybe others can do it for him?
Im working on a way right now...
I just have one question...
Do you want there to be a maximum of one character on the screen at a time or do u want u to be able to add multiple characters when needed?
you're making a Pokémon game too huh?:D

well tnks for the request, i tryed to ask for it in the old forum, but no one understood me...
you are lucky-er then me!!!:lol: ':| :lol:

what line do i copy to make my game have this script in it?
there is no * near anything!!!

doesn't work with the PokemonStarterKit...

YAY!!! it does work!!!
thnk u guys!!!

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