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OK please help. Can't get script to even enter into the game

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That's what I want. I opened it. I unzipped it but there was nothing inside it when I extracted it. I figured...oh well maybe I'll just open up a demo of it so I can just copy and paste manually. Well that doesn't work. Even though it is RPGMAker XP, like mine, the demo (forgotten Story) won't work due to incompatabilities.

Please help with specific instructions. Don't assume i know anything. Even if it's obvious, please put it down.



The official RPG Maker must be purchased for $60 or the trial version can be dled from downloads.com, the reason why it wouldn't open the proect is cause its an illegal copy.
IS this what you mean? It's under "main" in script editor

# â–  Main
#  各クラスの定義が終わった後、ここから実際の処理が始まります。


# This variable determines the default font type
$defaultfonttype = "Tahoma"
# This variable determines the default font size
$defaultfontsize = 22

# トランジション準備
# シーンオブジェクト (タイトル画面) を作成
$scene = Scene_Title.new
# $scene が有効な限り main メソッドを呼び出す
while $scene != nil
# フェードアウト
rescue Errno::ENOENT
# 例外 Errno::ENOENT を補足
# ファイルがオープンできなかった場合、メッセージを表示して終了する
filename = $!.message.sub("No such file or directory - ", "")
print("File #{filename} not found.")



VRaptorX;137663 said:
but it was able to open the zipped files my friend game to me to teach me on what RPGmaker XP does. It was able to open his games.

Because he has an illegal crack and translation.

1) Do not spam the forum with duplicate topics

2) Software piracy is not tolerated here. Get the legal English version.
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