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Oh no, 8 script requests in one post! O_o

Ok, so I'm brand new here so if I put this in the wrong spot please don't kill me. :please02:

I really need these eight scripts for my game......they may or may not already exist. If they do, I cant find them >_<
Anyway, here they are. I'll try to include as much information as I can.

1. Animated Neutral and hit stances

I'll try to explain what i mean by this. Is it possible for player sprites to be animated? For example, can the player sprites be given the appearance that they are breathing rather than the appearance of a cardboard cutout like the default RMXP battle system?

The second part of this question is that is there a script that makes it so after a target/s is hit by an attack, (Player or enemy) it will flinch? For example, like in just about any of the Final Fantasy Games, when the player is hit by an attack, they look like they were just hit by attack?

2. Attacks with Different Outcomes

Again, as with every script I am requesting, I will try to explain.
Instead of a player attack coming out like:

*Player chooses the 'attack' option, selcts an enemy.*
*Sword animation hits and opponent takes damage*
*enemy attacks*
*Player chooses the 'attack' option, selcts an enemy.*
*Sword animation hits and opponent takes damage*

....is there a script that makes an attack come out like this?:

*Player chooses the 'attack' option, selcts an enemy.*
*Sword animation hits and opponent takes damage*
*enemy attacks*
*Player chooses the 'attack' option, selcts an enemy.*
*Sword animation appears to hit the opponent TWICE and the and opponent takes damage*
*enemy attacks*
*Player chooses the 'attack' option, selcts an enemy.*
*Sword animation appears to hit the opponent 5 TIMES and the and opponent takes damage*

This is of couse a rather rough explanation, so let me explain further. First off, please dont confuse this with a critical hit. What I just mean is like a 'Percentage outcome'.

Lets say there is a weapon that changes form in its attacks. Lets call it a "Morph Sword".
For example, the attack command (Using the Morph Sword) has...
A 10% chance of becoming an axe, then hitting. (Uses the axe animation)
A 10% chance of becoming a spear, then hitting. (Uses the spear animation)
A 10% chance of becoming a cane, then hitting. (Uses the cane animation)
A 10% chance of becoming a flamethrower, then hitting. (Uses a fire animation)
A 60% chance of becoming a longsword, then hitting. (Uses sword animation)

I hope this gets my message accross.

3. Weapon Change in battle

I am not entirely sure this is possible, but is there a script that allows you to change weapons mid-battle?

EXAMPLE: You enter a battle with a ghost only to find that your equipped weapon (Handgun) is ineffective. You could then go to 'items' then switch out a different weapon from your inventory that works (Like a holy blade for example) I beleive a system like this was used in FF3, correct me if I'm wrong.

4. Critical Hits having a different animation than normal attacks.

Pretty self explanaory, but I'll explain anyway.

EXAMPLE: In Chrono Trigger, when Chrono scored a critical hit, his sword hit twice rather than once. For those who have never played Chrono Trigger, In Fire emblem: the sacred stones, when a General performed a critical, he would spin the spear before attacking. I dont beleive this requires much more explanation.

5. Password entering system.

EXAMPLE: There is door in your game somewhere that when you try to open, the words 'Enter password' would appear. You would then have to enter the correct password (Via a keyboard input) to get it to open.

One thing however, you would actually type in the code with the keyboard, not with a ingame text selector type thing used to give your character a name.

Pretty self explanatory.

6. Party/Items leaving then coming back

EXAMPLE: A thief comes by and steals all your items, but you find him later in the game and he gives all the same items he stole back to you. (Without replacing the items you currently have in your inventory.)

EXAMPLE No.2: Bob the assassin leaves your party towards the begining of the game, but much later he joins you again, WITH ALL THE SAME STATS AND ITEMS HE HAD BEFORE.

7. Different Skills depending on equipment

This probably has not been done before, so I will explain.

EXAMPLE: Lets say that when you have a "chef's butcher knife" equipped, you have access to the special move: 'CHOP-SUEY'
HOwever.......when you unequip the weapon, you no longer have acces to the move 'CHOP-SUEY'. (It doesnt even show up grayed out in your skill screen.)

EXAMPLE 2: If you a wearing a "Winged platebody" You have access to the special move: "Sky attack". But when you remove the "winged Platebody", you cant use "Sky attack" anymore.

EXAMPLE 3 (A bit more compicated example): Let's say that there is an armor called 'Red Armor'. There is a helmet, plate, and Shield in the set. When all 3 Red items are equipped, you have access to the move 'Red Rage'. However, if you DO NOT have all 3 red items equipped, you cannot use 'Red Rage'

Is a script like this even possible?

8. Different Weapon Animations Depending on Wielder.

This one may be a bit hard to explain, but I'm going to try to anyway.

EXAMPLE: Let's say there are 2 different classes, which are 'Mage' and 'Pimp'. Both of these classes can use canes, but each class has their own attack animation with it. For example, the Mage may just make the default cane hitting animation, while the pimp has a attack animation where the cane hits the enemy, then gold falls all over the place. (For lack of a better example)

Keep in mind, these are the EXACT same weapon, just the animation for it is different for different classes.

Whew, those are all the questions I have to ask, sorry the post is so long. I would be very thankful if someone could direct me to where I could find these scripts, they are absolutely essential to my game! (I'm not kidding)

Much thanks, and long live RMXP.org! This place is awesome!<3
About '3. Weapon Change in battle', see this:
Change Equipments in Battle (Sorry, it's Japanese)
There are two different scripts. One is creating 'Equip' command, and you can change your equipments via that command(it may not compatible with some custom battle command scripts). For another, you can change your equipments just selecting equipments in 'Item' command. If you want to change only weapon in battle, you'll need to edit either one of these scripts.(or wait for someone making what you want)



Number 5 can be done with events.

First of all, make a new character/hero/whatever in the database. Use one character per password door, and make sure they are extra's, not real party members.

When you make the door event, use the 'Enter hero name' command, and make it change the Password Hero's name. Then make a conditional branch. Set the branch to 'Hero's name is _____' and make it the password.

Hope you get that, I'm tired now and kinda suck at explaining things to start with.

EDIT: As for keyboard use, theres already a script for that, just use the search button. The events will work with the script.
~Atlaswing~;148911 said:
Multi-Attack script by Trickster can solve number 2

Yeah I allready looked at this one. not what i was looking for exactly.

A better example of number 2 would be as follows:

Say theres a weapon called 'Dice wand'

It has.......
a 20% chance of making a huge dice fall on the enemy
a 20% chance of healing the enemy to full health
a 20% chance of casting parylizing on the enemy
a 20% chance of healing the enemy 200hp
a 20% chance of poisoning the enemy

Also note that the animations for all the outcomes are different.

Or an even better example, say a weapon has a 50% chance of hurting the enemy, and 50% chance of hurting you instead.

This is the kind of script I was looking for.


Awesome Bro

Number 6 can be solved with Events:

Make a new Character in your Database, call him Bob (What you chose, lol)

Place him in your Party

Make him level up (Just make an event on the floor to make him get lvl 50 or something)

Make him Leave Party via Change Party Command

Make him rejoin in Initial State via Change Party Command

All done ! - Just try it out on a Test Map to see what I mean

Heres a Demo to show you, Just talk to the people from left to right (<-- to -->):
Amethystcape;148915 said:
Yeah I allready looked at this one. not what i was looking for exactly.

A better example of number 2 would be as follows:

Say theres a weapon called 'Dice wand'

It has.......
a 20% chance of making a huge dice fall on the enemy
a 20% chance of healing the enemy to full health
a 20% chance of casting parylizing on the enemy
a 20% chance of healing the enemy 200hp
a 20% chance of poisoning the enemy

Also note that the animations for all the outcomes are different.

Or an even better example, say a weapon has a 50% chance of hurting the enemy, and 50% chance of hurting you instead.

This is the kind of script I was looking for.

This can be done with a common event, if nobody scripts it for you.

First, make a seperate skill for each of the chances.

Then, put a change variable in the common event. Change the variable you want for the percentage to "Random: 1 to 100".

Next, put conditional branches:

If variable is less than 20
> force action: skill, the skill you want, "last target"
> If variable is less than 40
> > force action: skill 2, last target
> else
> > > If variable is less than 60
> > > > force action: skill 3, last target
> > > else
> > > > If variable is less than 80
> > > > > force action: skill 4, last target
> > > > else
> > > > > force action: skill 5, last target
> > > > end
> > > end
> > end
> end

Then, make a skill for the actual skill, and set it to do common event, and choose the right one.

It's extremely complicated, but it should work.
7. Actually Trickster's IP system can solve that, but not the 3rd example (I'm also looking for that, if not lazy of making myself :D). But in case you don't need the IP system...

Note that I haven't tested its compatibility amongst other scripts and it applies only to the default battle system and default equipment system (5 slots). It may also require a cleanup, which I am too lazy to do it right now ;)

module RPG
  class Weapon
    #weapon_id => skill_id
    #look at these IDs in the database
    #strip out the leading zeroes
    #separate each input by commas as example:
    1 => 1,
    2 => 7
  class Armor
    #armor_id => skill_id
    #look at these IDs in the database
    #strip out the leading zeroes
    #separate each input by commas as example:
    1 => 16,
    2 => 22,
    5 => 6

class Game_Actor < Game_Battler
  attr_accessor :old_weapon_id,:old_armor1_id,:old_armor2_id,:old_armor3_id,:old_armor4_id
  #learn skill when equipping weapon
  def set_weapon_attr(weapon_index)
    skill_id = RPG::Weapon::SKILL_WEAPONS[weapon_index]
    #set skill
    unless skill_id == nil
      #skill already learnt?
      unless skills.include?(skill_id)
  def remove_weapon_attr(weapon_index)
    unless weapon_index == 0
      skill_id = RPG::Weapon::SKILL_WEAPONS[weapon_index]
      #remove skills
      unless skill_id == nil
        if skills.include?(skill_id)
  #learn skill when equipping armor
  def set_armor_attr(armor_index)
    skill_id = RPG::Armor::SKILL_ARMORS[armor_index]
    #set skill
    unless skill_id == nil
      #skill already learnt?
      unless skills.include?(skill_id)
  def remove_armor_attr(armor_index)
    unless armor_index == 0
      skill_id = RPG::Armor::SKILL_ARMORS[armor_index]
      #remove skills
      unless skill_id == nil
        if skills.include?(skill_id)

  alias skilled_setup setup
  def setup(actor_id)
    #set skills for initial equipment, if any
    set_weapon_attr(@weapon_id) unless @weapon_id == 0
    set_armor_attr(@armor1_id) unless @armor1_id == 0
    set_armor_attr(@armor2_id) unless @armor2_id == 0
    set_armor_attr(@armor3_id) unless @armor3_id == 0
    set_armor_attr(@armor4_id) unless @armor4_id == 0
    @old_weapon_id = @weapon_id
    @old_armor1_id = @armor1_id
    @old_armor2_id = @armor2_id
    @old_armor3_id = @armor3_id
    @old_armor4_id = @armor4_id
  def equip(equip_type, id)
    case equip_type
    when 0  # Weapon
      if id == 0 or $game_party.weapon_number(id) > 0
        $game_party.gain_weapon(@weapon_id, 1)
        @old_weapon_id = @weapon_id
        @weapon_id = id
        $game_party.lose_weapon(id, 1)
    when 1  # Shield
      if id == 0 or $game_party.armor_number(id) > 0
        update_auto_state($data_armors[@armor1_id], $data_armors[id])
        $game_party.gain_armor(@armor1_id, 1)
        @old_armor1_id = @armor1_id
        @armor1_id = id
        $game_party.lose_armor(id, 1)
    when 2  # Head
      if id == 0 or $game_party.armor_number(id) > 0
        update_auto_state($data_armors[@armor2_id], $data_armors[id])
        $game_party.gain_armor(@armor2_id, 1)
        @old_armor2_id = @armor2_id
        @armor2_id = id
        $game_party.lose_armor(id, 1)
    when 3  # Body
      if id == 0 or $game_party.armor_number(id) > 0
        update_auto_state($data_armors[@armor3_id], $data_armors[id])
        $game_party.gain_armor(@armor3_id, 1)
        @old_armor3_id = @armor3_id
        @armor3_id = id
        $game_party.lose_armor(id, 1)
    when 4  # Accessory
      if id == 0 or $game_party.armor_number(id) > 0
        update_auto_state($data_armors[@armor4_id], $data_armors[id])
        $game_party.gain_armor(@armor4_id, 1)
        @old_armor4_id = @armor4_id
        @armor4_id = id
        $game_party.lose_armor(id, 1)

class Scene_Equip
  alias skilled_update_item update_item
  def update_item
    case @right_window.index
    when 0 #weapon
      #remove weapon?
      if @actor.weapon_id != @actor.old_weapon_id
        weap_index = @actor.old_weapon_id
      #set weapon?
      unless @actor.weapon_id == 0 then
        weap_index = @actor.weapon_id
        #set skills
        unless weap_index == 0
    when 1 #armor #1
      #remove armor1?
      if @actor.old_armor1_id != @actor.armor1_id then
        armor_index = @actor.old_armor1_id
      #set armor1?
      if @actor.armor1_id != 0 then
        armor_index = @actor.armor1_id
        #sets skills
    when 2 #armor #2
      #remove armor2?
      if @actor.old_armor2_id != @actor.armor2_id then
        armor_index = @actor.old_armor2_id
      #set armor2?
      if @actor.armor2_id != 0 then
        armor_index = @actor.armor2_id
        #sets skills
    when 3 #armor #3
      #remove armor3?
      if @actor.old_armor3_id != @actor.armor3_id then
        armor_index = @actor.old_armor3_id
      #set armor3?
      if @actor.armor3_id != 0 then
        armor_index = @actor.armor3_id
        #sets skills
    when 4 #armor #4
      #remove armor4?
      if @actor.old_armor4_id != @actor.armor4_id then
        armor_index = @actor.old_armor4_id
      #set armor4?
      if @actor.armor4_id != 0 then
        armor_index = @actor.armor4_id
        #sets skills
Wyatt;153082 said:
This can be done with a common event, if nobody scripts it for you.

First, make a seperate skill for each of the chances.

Then, put a change variable in the common event. Change the variable you want for the percentage to "Random: 1 to 100".

Next, put conditional branches:

If variable is less than 20
> force action: skill, the skill you want, "last target"
> If variable is less than 40
> > force action: skill 2, last target
> else
> > > If variable is less than 60
> > > > force action: skill 3, last target
> > > else
> > > > If variable is less than 80
> > > > > force action: skill 4, last target
> > > > else
> > > > > force action: skill 5, last target
> > > > end
> > > end
> > end
> end

Then, make a skill for the actual skill, and set it to do common event, and choose the right one.

It's extremely complicated, but it should work.

Yeah, this is a really good way to do it without a script. But you actually don't need to go all the way to 100. If you want 20% chance for each one, use 1 ~ 5. Then, set If Variable = 1, If Variable = 2, etc.

1/5 = 20%

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