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NTLDS Error (Press Control + Alt + Delete to restart)



**NTLDR** Sorry.  Misspelled it.

It happened.  The infamous error has now struck MY computer.

Heres what I've tried so far to resolve it:

-Replaced all the NT load files (NTLDS, NTDETECT.COM,)
-Tried fixing the Boot.ini file with "FIXBOOT" and "FIXMBR"
-Tried repairing windows through the CD, and the repair console
-Tried running windows in safe mode
-Tried switching hardrive cables

NOTHING IS WORKING.  I know I can fix this by doing a clean install of windows...but I have everything stored (sigh, I'm an idiot for not backing up) on this computer.

Any suggestions/ideas/solutions that may have worked for you? :(
I have never had this error, but I've heard of it. I think what's happening is that you're trying to recover the NT load files, but not the specific file you need. I found this explanation on a tech site:

The file is actually NTLDR (NT Loader) and that is the main boot file for the Windows NT/2000/XP operating system. You might be able to use the recovery option, but I have NEVER had luck with that. You can find it in i386 folder on the Windows XP CD-rom. It doesn't matter whether he has Pro and you have home, but you should be able to pull it from your own CD.

Here is the easiest solution. Have your friend make you a MS-DOS boot diskette. Put NTLDR onto the floppy, but in a seperate folder, so the system doesn't get confused. Boot from the floppy. Now when you get to the DOS prompt change your directory to:

C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\Download\6ca7b3a8e fd5a9b6f87fff395a2eb989

First do a "dir" on the directory to see if NTLDR is there. If it is, then switch to this directory:


First do a "dir" to list the files and see of the NTLDR is there.

If NTLDR is not in either of these places, then copy the file from the floppy to the folder. That should take care of the problem if all that happened was corruption of the NTLDR file. I however think that it is a worse problem than that.

Also, check this out:


Maybe it'll help :(



Thanks, Venetia.  I've already checked computer hope...but your first suggestion is new to me.  I'll try that out and see how it goes.

Thanks again!
I wish I still had it, but I used to have a floppy of a fix for this that got you passed the NTLDR.  If I can find a copy, I will upload it for you somewhere. 



Really?  That would help on immense levels.

Venetia, that first suggestion did not work.  I'm going mental ><
Don't reformat until I can see what I can do.  I am at work now, but when I get home in a little while, I will look into it.

In the meantime, if you can, here is a site with 3 fixes for it.  You just need a working pc to make a new boot disk.


If you can't make one, I will make a boot CD ISO and upload it for you.



I've tried the ISO...and none of the 10 options seem to work (it works/boots fine)

Right now I'm installing a parallel windows xp so I can recover files (Another XP on the same partition - different folder)...but that damn error is blocking the installation from completing (you know, after windows "checks disk space" and then restarts to complete the installation).\

If you could offer any help I would be so grateful.  :)  I'll lose too much if I format >< 

EDIT:  The problem may lie within the master boot records...since the HD will NOT boot at all.  It still doesn't make sense though.  I've repaired the boot.ini file and ran "FIXMBR" and it said it was fixed.  I'm really confused.  In addition, I thought I should mention the cause of this error in the first place is because last night I hit "restart" on my computer after it froze up.  Right after restarting, BAM there it was.
All the NTLDR disk fix does is bypass that part so the OS will load.  Once we can at least get you there, you can get what you need and reformat, or fix the ntldr file for good.  Other option may be to put your drive in another PC as a slave and just copy the files off of that.  I worked in a place where this error would come up randomly and we always used a floppy cause the pc's sucked.  I'll have to look into it.



Argh.  Well I only have access to 3 laptops...and one PC >_> So I don't think I can hook up my HD using the laptop.

It would really rock if you found that bypass :D
All right, I see you have been trying pretty much everything you can and that is good.  Maybe one more thing you can try since the CD did not work either(which is what I was gonna give you anyway, but I can't find it).  You can enter BOOTCFG /rebuild in the repair console screen and it will rebuild the boot file. 

Have you changed anything recently in the pc?  Hardware?  Anything?  Do you know why your pc froze up in the first place?

If this last thing doesn't work, I would just do what I said above and make your drive a slave in another pc and copy your files over.  Then you can do a re-install.

Another suggestion for future reference, is to partition your drive.  If you have a big enough drive, say 80 GB, make a partition of 10 GB for the OS and then use the rest for data storage.  That way if this happens again, you can just reinstall Windows and you won't lose anything.



It sounds to me like you had a non-standard MBR, and then you suffered some hard drive corruption or else deleted NTLDR (you didn't do that, did you?  nah you wouldn't do that :D), and then tried to replace NTLDR unsuccessfully, and then tried to repair your MBR, which on account of it being non-standard totally ruined it. Usually you would have a non-standard MBR due to having a "dynamic" type NTFS partition, a dual boot or other setup on which WinXP is on a second partition more than 90gb from the start of the drive, or other odd condition having to do with your OS or boot record being in a strange location on the drive.  It is otherwise possible that the sector which contained your MBR was irreparably damaged due to HDD corruption, in which case all your efforts were in vain anyway.

The good news is even in that case the disk is still perfectly useful as long as you're not booting off it and assuming it was a one off corruption and not the beginning of complete drive failure.

So I guess since you're all fixed up that's irrelevant now but just as a point of curiosity there you have it.

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