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npc rushing

dont u hate it when a slow npc is blocking your path and u have to wait forever to move on?

well...will anyone plz make a script that...when u keep of pushing on an npc(i mean like keep walking in the npc's direction when u r blocked) they will speed up and move out of the way. i would like it so that u can choose which events can move out of the way like that.

thank you!


Awesome Bro

So, a system where, If you keep running into an NPC, he/she'll move outta the way and if you talk to them after, they say something like "Why did you push me ?"

If so, that reminds me of StarWars Episode 1 - The Phantom Menace for the PS1, That had the same system.

I'd like to see this done *cough*Seph*cough*Trickster*cough*Selwyn*

Sorry, I got a cough :)



I remember this from the Final Fantasies. I'd try, but I'd probably brake RMXP (I am good, but not great, especially when Graphical/Event/etc. based scripts are involved). Ah, well.

arevulopapo;151996 said:
How 'bout setting those events to "Player touch" and putting something like this in it:
move event: this event: move away from player ?

noo...i want them to move only if u push on them...if u do player touch then it would be like everyone is afraid of u or something
Nono, that's perfect, all you need is a variable like so:

You can modify that 40 to any value you want to modify how long you need to run into them before they move. I'd probably also add in a move route event that turned the stop animation on for the player.

The only issue is if you run into a npc for a little while (not long enough for them to move), leave, then come back later, it'll take a shorter time for them to move - but I'm sure this could be resolved somehow.

Edit: Fixed that issue as well - check out the demo I made, all done just by event scripting :)
The best part is that all the commands on that page can just be copied and pasted to any NPC event (just remember to make a new page and set "on hero touch" though).

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