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NPC/Actor Detail + Encylopedia

I'm looking for a script that enables the player to see information on certain NPCs and all members of the Party. I thought this was done somewhere before, but I can't find it. I'm going to place this in Scene_Menu, if that helps. At the moment I have two Menus that you can toggle through, as I've pretty much ran out of room on the one. I'd also like to use Character graphics to show what the NPC or the Party Member looks like on map.

The Encylocpedia will be used for information on Races, Terms, and places. This will also go in Scene_Menu.

I'm using RTAB, so I don't think anything SDK works.

Thanks in advance for your help.
Thanks. That Biograghy script looks like it will do for the Party Members. It said something about only being set up for eight, but I imagine that's changeable. I haven't checked it out yet, but I may be able to get it to work for NPCs as well. If not, the NPC part isn't that important.

Now for Encyclopedia part.

Also, thanks for the info on the SDK. I really enjoy the Battle System you did, and have no plans whatsoever to change it. And you keep adding to it, which makes it even better.

The Biography script didn't work. I added the new file 'BioFaces' as it wanted inside the Character file, but I get an error when it comes to selecting the Character I want to see their Bio of.
I am working on a NPC Details / Information Database, where you can push a certain button in front of an actor, and if a condition is met, you can view aspects of their data, as well as a database, where you can view your npcs all together like in a database.

You can add any and all stat types, so NPC's can have as much information as you please, without doing a lot of scripting (just working with constants and simple call scripts to unlock the information).
SephirothSpawn, I have always enjoyed your Scripts. I never have any problem with them, except compatibility with what I'm using. I wish I could use more of them. You are, without a doubt, a genius. You know exactly what people want before they even ask you.
* Tears Up *

I am finishing up a quick crafting system that someone requested a bit back, but you are the second person to ask of this, so I will push this up on my list of things to do. I wasn't planning on releasing it until my test bed is done, but I guess I could start releasing my test bed now, and just update it as I do. I will think about it, but I will give you the script as soon as it's done. It shouldn't take much more than a hour, so PM or bump this topic if I don't get back to you in a week.
Thanks alot. Oh, and flattery is only worth it when you mean what you say. And I never flatter someone without meaning it. There are many great Scripters on this site, and when they help someone out, they become even greater in my eyes.
Right now, it's just shy of 100 that will be in it when it's done, but theres only about 40 completely updated and added. The others are old versions and just starts. But they do all work together right now, so it is looking promising.

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