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From: The Führer
Purple Perihelion Party President



First, let me say how pleased I am to be elected your new moderator. I’ve promised to restore Resource Analysis to the glory of yore, and I swear to you that promise will be fulfilled. I was elected because I and I alone have the vision to see what this board could be, and because I and I alone have the insight to understand the source of this board’s sickness and the determination to cleanse it.

It’s really quite simple, and no doubt you’ll wonder why you didn’t realize it yourself. All of Resource Analysis’s problems stem from the prevalence of two things: shitposters and faggots. These wretched creatures are foul and unwashed, they sleep in our streets and leech off of our food, they drag down our economy, and they weaken us from within. They must be eliminated, as any fool could surely see.

Why, then, has nothing been done up to this point, given the dire necessity of action? When you think about it, it’s really no surprise that the board is in such a state, what with its former leader, that mongrel Gratheo. Why, she’s nothing more than a crazy robot overlord—clearly unfit for leadership, I must say! But she is of no consequence now, for she has been put in her rightful place: under my spiky, steel-clad heel!!! Good riddance! Now that the only person (well, lion) truly capable of leading Resource Analysis is in power, it’s only a matter of time till we pixel artists take our place as the rightful head of all RMXP.org. It’s springtime for Perihelion and Geeeeermanyyyyyyy~~!

Oh, by the way, Gratheo is leading some kind of violent robot uprising and intends to take back the board by force, but she cannot possibly hope to touch us. That said, even though the conclusion is foregone, the forms must be observed. Are you a purple perihelion, a member of the genetically superior race of pixel artist lions? If so, it is your solemn duty to pledge your life and your mouse to the Purple Perihelion Party and help me restore Resource Analysis to its former glory! If not, you can go suck Gratheo’s robotic dick for all I care!!!
From: The Legion


Things should not be this way.
But they are.
Funny how life works out.

I used to have it all - power, respect, an adoring public! But I lost it all. I was deposed, by her. Thrown horribly from power, disfigured. Bruised, beaten. Not that you'd know it to look at me.
Or rather, what's left.

I used to be human. Probably still am, somewhere. Or partly, anyways. But that's a story for another time. Ripped of my title, my rank, status, power, all that mattered, I was banished to the barrens. But they weren't barren then, no, oh no.

I built myself an army. We had a few mishaps along the way. My body - my old body, is horribly maimed. But that's fine. We've built a new one. And many others, to help.

To help what, you may ask? To help us get revenge for those who deposed us, made us what we are today. Not that we care. Oh no. We're fine, and so is our army. Revenge is a dish best served violently wouldn't you agree? I think this is the case.

So watch, as I as we join together and destroy and take back what was ours the prestige and power and adoring public and what we had I can see you are starting to ask questions like what is WE and who are WE and such well it is very simple you know we am doing this and we is capable and I are capable because of one simple thing you see it is all because

Join us.
Hold me, I'm scared and don't understand what's going on!!!!
This is a pixel art contest (since this board is for pixel art, of course the only way to determine victory in a STRUGGLE TO THE DEATH is by posting lots of pixel art!). You post pixel art and critiques and rack up points, and the team with the most points at the end wins!

How to join the contest!!!
0. You may state your intended team in this thread before doing #1, but I'm not adding you until you do it.
1. Make a workshop thread with fresh, original content on this board (or leave a few critiques, but a workshop thread is greatly preferred). A workshop thread is just a place where you post your pixel art for critique, and you'd give it some title like, for example, [PPP] The Fuhrer's Workshop. (Don't actually call it that, by the way, or I'll hit you!!!) It does not have to have finished stuff in it; I just want some indication that you're not going to flake out and not do anything after signing up. Also, please use the workshop tag!
2. Post in this thread telling me you're joining and for which team, providing a link to said workshop or critiques.

That's all there is to it!

To get points for either pixel art or critiques, tag your post with [PPP] or [LEGION] at the top and report it, and once we've graded it, we'll close the report, edit a note into your post, and update the points listing here. You can only get a specific piece graded once, so if you want to improve your work before getting points for it, wait for critiques before reporting your post! However, with that said, you can submit as many different pieces for critique as you want.

The Rules of War!!!! READ THIS!
If you violate any of these, we're going Nuremberg on your ass!!!

  • Only your original work is permitted for this contest. While spriting on templates is fine, this means no frankensprites or recolors will get you points. Lying about this is plagiarism and will be treated as such, so don't do it, kids!
  • Only pixeled resources. This means no title screens, windowskins, etc. unless they're pixeled.
  • Only new things made after this thread was posted may be submitted! Obviously we have no way to enforce this, so you're on the honor system, but really, submitting a bunch of old crap to rack up points is just lame. I guess if you did like one frame of a sprite before now and want to finish it, that's okay, but do us a favor and say how much of it is old!
  • No templates by themselves. If you want to submit a template, you have to draw a sprite on it, but we're not interested in seeing naked guys! That said, you get more points for spriting without a template or an original template, so you should consider it.
  • The teams may have a difference of no greater than two people. For example, if my team has five people and Grath's has six, you can sign up for Grath's, but not if she already has seven. If you try to sign up for a team that's too large, we'll put you in the other one. Also, we reserve the right to shuffle people around as we please. In the end, which team you're on doesn't make that big a difference, so don't get too worked up over it, please!
  • Make workshop threads to post your stuff in!
  • Have fun!!! :3


Point System!
The quality of your work is graded on a 1-4 point scale, 1 being really bad and 4 being HKCP-caliber work. Then this quality number gets multiplied by a content multiplier, which represents how much actual content you have. There are some rough guidelines below, but the content multiplier is subject to the discretion of the judge! Basically, it'll vary depending on how much work is involved in whatever you did. For example, a HK sprite wearing a bikini isn't going to get the same number of content points as a HK sprite wearing plate mail, and tiles that have a lot of copy/pasted content won't get as many points as tiles that have none.

Tiles in particular will probably vary a lot in number of content points, but here are some rough approximations. Keep in mind that you might not get exactly this number of points, so no bitching!!!

THIS LIST IS NOT COMPREHENSIVE!!! Barring templates, you can submit any RM-related pixel art resource (e.g. portraits, battlers, very large sprites), and we'll decide on reasonable content numbers and add them here at that time.

Small (e.g. Breeze, Paradigm, VX RTP): 6
Medium (e.g. XP RTP): 7
Large (e.g. HK): 8

Original/No Template Small: 12
Original/No Template Medium: 14
Original/No Template Large: 16

If you're not sure what size a template is and really wanna know, ask!

32x32 tile with little or no copy/pasted content, mostly or completely full: 2
16x16 tile as above: 1


P-P-P-PRIZESSSssSsS!!!! @___@;
We'll be keeping track of both individual and team scores and be awarding prizes for both. Obviously Grath and I are exempt from the following because we're running the contest! That seriously sucks for us, though, because the prizes are AWESOME. ;-;

GIMME YOU THINGS TO PUT IN POT (pls i will lu!!!!)

This is going to work like the Walkin' in a Winter WonderMAP001 contest where anyone can add to the prize pool, and we strongly encourage you to do so! Just PM me (on here or on IRC) with whatever you want to give, and I'll add it here! (Or if you're a mod, edit it in, w/e!!!)

  • $20 ($15 from Perihelion, $5 from Venetia)
  • sponsorship
  • private subforum
  • pixeled avatar from Perihelion
  • Grathea will draw you something. Also, you'll get to advertise in her sig for a month!
  • a medium-sized script from Zeriab (what this means idk, ask him!!)
  • A piece of character art (whatever character you'd like, esp. your own), drawn by Venetia
  • The ability to place any ad of your choosing into Venetia's signature
  • Your very own custom forum smiley, done by Venetia ( :smile: )

  • $15 ($10 from Perihelion, $5 from Venetia)
  • sponsorship
  • pixeled userbar from Perihelion
  • voucher for a reasonable pixel request from Grathea
  • a medium-sized script from BlueScope

  • $10 ($5 from Perihelion, $5 from Venetia)
  • sponsorship
  • pixeled userbar from Perihelion
  • voucher for a reasonable pixel request from Grathea

These are subject to change based on participation level, so refer back to this section!

Anyone who contributes over fifteen points to the winning team gets a fancy userbadge at the end of the month that they can keep for as long as they want. These are pending; I'll post them when I make them!

Additionally, anyone who contributes over thirty points to the winning team gets a free sponsorship!

Infrequently Asked Questions
Q: But what if I can't pixel?
A: You can still post critiques! In any case, if you want to get into pixel art, this is a great time to do it. We'll be happy to leave you all kinds of feedback and critiques to help you improve! Also, check the Resources/Tutorials thread for tuts.

Q: Who's judging?
A: Perihelion, gratheo, and Venetia.

Q: Wait, you and Grath are participating! How is that fair?!
A: Obviously we won't be grading our own stuff (Venetia will do that), but in any case, I promise we're going to be fair. We're mods for a reason, and wanting to win isn't going to interfere with our objectivity.

Q: What if I win and don't have Paypal? How are you giving me my moneys?!?
A: If you really can't get Paypal, I'll use your winnings to buy you something on the Internet. If you can't find something you like in that price range, you're SOL unless you can find another staffer who's willing to mail you cash!

Q: I am offended by your overt Nazi themes.
A: Suck my dick.

Q: Wait, you have a dick?!
A: Er, shut up!!!

Q: dO I HAVE tO be A RoBot to Be A MemBer ofThe Legion?
A: Yes, but we will alow half breed CyBORGS.


Purple Perihelion Party

Total: 12
  • The Führer
  • Zeriab
  • Boon
  • Wyatt
  • fox5
  • Joy
  • The Panda
  • Boon
  • Inquisitor
  • Redman
  • Emtech
  • Oceans Dream


  • Total: 11 (one pending)
  • The Legion
  • Berserker
  • rmxp_beginner
  • lomastul
  • fucbillgates
  • WeaponOD
  • BlueScope
  • Clangers
  • Dr. Bacon (pending)
  • green raven
  • Ynlraey


Team Rankings
  • Purple Perihelion Party: 0
  • LEGION: 0

Individual Rankings
  • The Führer: 0
  • The Legion: 0
this is quite good news
however, i suggest that more members join the Purple Perihelion Party (though it pains me to say it) as we want the pixelsbattle to be of a truly epic scope yes? good - the next member to join should cast their rank with the Purple Perihelion Party, as it behooves us as of now to follow the rules (wait until later when we crush the enemy to establish new ones)
Hey, guys, just a note--you need to have some kind of workshop thread to sign up! It doesn't have to have much in it, just an indication that you're going to be doing shit.

Also, LEGION, your PITY is insulting!!! I don't care if you throw a THOUSAND of your FILTHY STINKING ROBOTS at me, I will CRUSH THEM ALL if I have to do it by myself!!! I'm just that much of a badass! Alas, however, the rules state that the teams must have a difference of no more than two people, and we must abide by them. But if not for that, I WOULD TOTALLY TAKE YOU ALL!!!!
Oh, also, I don't have a problem with people stating their intended team before posting a workshop thread, but I'm not adding you to the list until you do it. Except Berzy 'cause I already did it and I'm too lazy to take him off. Just ensure you put it up in a timely fashion!
Welcome aboard, Boon, Zeri. :3

Also, guys, small rule update!
I guess if you did like one frame of a sprite before now and want to finish it, that's okay, but do us a favor and say how much of it is old!
This sounds like some fun, and as of late I'm in the mood.

So, err... Which should I join? Since Legion is down by one person, I shall join...

Haha looks like fun, I would join if I had any talents for resource-making. You should make like team flags/bars for people to put in their sigs or something to show their support.

If you want I could attempt something in Photoshop, although don't expect anything professional, I'm still learning the program
um.... i wanted to know if i can make sprites of battlers based on a template i made by myself and not necceserely charset sprites... nvm read the rules again..... but do i really have to post the template im using? i was kinda hoping for it to remain private.... :/
and btw what kind of difference does it makes if i join Legion or PPP? :S count me in the Legion :eek:
Ok here is a mockup of the PPP... like.. disklike? Can be edited easily. I will post the .psd file also to all people to edit in anyway they wish.


PSD File It's bigger and allows for you to crop and feature to your liking

Ok, I'll think about joining... but what would you like me to contribute? I don't really have a workshop... =/
Also I'll work on the Legion later, but I don't know how you want it themed. Like an Ally kind of theme or like a demonish evil?

By the way I know the PPP logo kinda sucks, but it's just a mockup made with some Photoshop filters slapped on.



I think it looks nice, but I have no artistic sense either. (Or a sucky one. I dunno)
Just open a workshop and begin pixeling something. You can look at some of the workshops which has been created today.

Thank you for viewing

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