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Yikes! Your grammar is pretty bad, dude. Get a proofreader to help you. Also, your story falls into a bad cliche imo. Deon Flame? Van Heart? Come on, man.

All in all, this does sound like a 7year wrote it, honestly. Its very uninspired and droll. Try to add a bit more originality.

Good luck :3
burningstar2000, you need to read up on the rules for Projects Dicussion; as it is you do not qualify for the topic to be here. I'm locking it until you can PM me a fixed thread. Do not create a duplicate topic.

Read up on this:

Ok, now I'm going to keep this locked and not reopen it because you blanked out the entire thing and essentially now it's all spam. I'm not warning you this time, but next time don't post until you're ready or you will get warned.
it was orginal and i know my grammer sucks you just really put me down thanks alot

By posting anything on Project Discussion, you accept the critique and criticism that will come as a result. If you cannot handle that, DO NOT POST.

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