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Normal Event Problem

Hey guys.

I have normal scene. It has a fire moving in paralel process, a sound repeating itself in a paralel process and finally, it has 5 events that all move simultaneously. It does everything good until the movement part. From there, it breaks, the music keeps playing, but the image is sort of stuck. What am I to do?

Well, it has the fire moving and the sound in paralel process. Then I have 5 characters (5 differente events) that, at a certain point of the cutscene, move all simultaneously. When you are supposed to see everyone and everything moving, the game like, "crashes", the screen freezes and only sound keeps playing (so I know the program hasn't crashed completly). What can I do to fix it?

The fire is BGS, there's another sound playing above the fire.
Maybe you could upload it, so we could get a better idea of what you mean. Sound playing =/= not complete crashed btw. It's probably because of your move routes being blocked, but I'm not entirely sure without taking a better look.
It's kinda big... Wait.

E1 - Fire
E2 - Paralel Processing Sound
E3 - Character 1
E4 - Character 2
E5 - Character 3
E6 - Character 4
E7 - Character 5
-> - Moving Right
v  - Moving Down
|  - Moving Up
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
|                                              |
|          ^                        E6      |
|          |                          |        |
|          E7              ^        v        |
|                    E1    |        E3      |
|                          E5        |        |
|                E4 - ->          V        |
|E2                                            |
| - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -|

I know, it looks hard to understand... But, just read what I said and associate the Events and movements. When the 5 movements activate, instead of [E3, E7] moving, what happens is that the image freezes and we can't see the continuity of the cutscene.
But like, it's not their movements that are ignored. The only movements that should be ignored where the error ones, and the others with no erros don't move too. The fire you see moving stops, which means, the screen freezes.
It wasn't the right problem. I checked all the movements and they were all right. It's when the 5 characters are all to begin their movement simultaneously that it crashes. ESC doesn't work, nothing works unless closing the game.
Is it safe to assume that each event has its movements in itself (which explains the parallel processing), or do you control all of the movements within one event? Please post a screenshot.

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