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NON-SDK Event Spawner?

Hey people, I've been looking for a Non-SDK event spawner script. I really like Sephirothspawn's but in my project it's impossible to use SDK due to incompatibility. So I wonder if there's another one which I could use here.

I found this one, Sephiroth's as well, it's an old one. I took off all the SDK's things and it worked smoothly (I think xD)

# ** Event Spawner


# SephirothSpawn

# Version 1

# 2006-03-11


# ~ Instructions

#   - Create a call script with 

#       create_new_event(x, y, name)

#   - Set Page Commands *See Page Commands

#   - Set Event Commands *See Event Commands

#   - If needed, add pages with

#       create_new_page

#   - Repeat

#   - Finish Event With

#       finish_event


# * Basic Event Commands

# create_new_event(x, y, name)

# create_new_page

# finish_event


# * Page Commands

# set_event_graphic(character_name, character_hue, direction = 2, pattern = 0, opacity = 255, blend_type = 0, tile_id = 0) 

# set_event_move_type(type)

# set_event_move_speed(speed)

# set_event_move_frequency(frequency)

# set_event_walk_animation(truth)

# set_event_step_animation(truth)

# set_event_direction_fix(truth)

# set_event_phasing(truth)

# set_event_always_on_top(truth)

# set_event_trigger(trigger)

# set_event_condition_switch1_id(switch_id)

# set_event_condition_switch2_id(switch_id)

# set_event_condition_variable_id(variable_id)

# set_event_condition_variable_value(variable_value)

# set_event_condition_self_switch(switch_letter)

# set_event_move_route(list, repeate, skippble)


# * Event Commands

# set_event_command_show_message(message)

# set_event_command_input_number(variable_id, max_digits)

# set_event_command_message_options(position, showing)

# set_event_command_key_input_proc(variable_id)

# set_event_command_wait(frames)

# set_event_command_comment(comment)

# set_event_command_end_event_proc

# set_event_command_erase_event

# set_event_command_common_event(common_event_id)

# set_event_command_switch_opp(start_swith, end_switch, opp)

# set_event_command_variable_opp(lower, upper, opperation, opperand, *params)

# set_event_command_local_switch_opp(l_switch, opp)

# set_event_command_timer_opp(opp, mins, secs)

# set_event_command_change_money(add, constant, param)

# set_event_command_change_items(item_id, add, constant, par)

# set_event_command_change_weapons(w_id, add, constant, par)

# set_event_command_change_armors(a_id, add, constant, par)

# set_event_command_change_party(actor_id, add, initial)

# set_event_command_change_windowskin(skin_name)

# set_event_command_change_battle_bgm(bgm_filename)

# set_event_command_change_victory_me(me_filename)

# set_event_command_dis_allow_saving(opp)

# set_event_command_dis_allow_menu(opp)

# set_event_command_dis_allow_encounters(opp)

# set_event_command_teleport(type, map_id, x, y, face, fade)

# set_event_command_change_event_location(event_id, direct, x, y, facing)

# set_event_command_scroll_map(dir, tiles, speed)

# set_event_command_change_map_settings(setting, file_name, hue, op, blend_type, mag, s_x, s_y)

# set_event_command_tint_fog(r, g, b, gr, frames)

# set_event_command_change_fog_opacity(opacity, frames)

# set_event_command_show_animation(target, animation_id)

# set_event_command_change_hero_trans(opp)

# set_event_command_move_event(target, move_array)

# set_event_command_porceed_mvmt

# set_event_command_prepare_transition

# set_event_command_execute_transition(transition_file)

# set_event_command_tint_screen(r, g, b, gr, frames)

# set_event_command_flash_screen(r, g, b, gr, frames)

# set_event_command_shake_screen(strength, speed, duration)

# set_event_command_show_picture(pid_id, pic_file, location, constant, x, y, x_mag, y_mag, opacity, blend_type)

# set_event_command_move_picture(pid_id, frames5, location, constant, x, y, x_mag, y_mag, opacity, blend_type)

# set_event_command_rotate_picture(picture_id, speed)

# set_event_command_tint_picture(pict_id, r, g, b, gr, frames)

# set_event_command_erase_picture(picture_id)

# set_event_command_weather_effects(effect, strength, frames)

# set_event_command_play_bgm(bgm_filename)

# set_event_command_fade_bgm(frames)

# set_event_command_play_bgs(bgs_filename)

# set_event_command_fade_bgs(frames)

# set_event_command_memorize_bgm_bgs

# set_event_command_play_memorize_bgm_bgs

# set_event_command_play_me(me_filename)

# set_event_command_play_se(se_filename)

# set_event_command_stop_se

# set_event_command_enemy_encounter(troop_id, can_escape, can_lose)

# set_event_command_open_shop_window(inventory)

# set_event_command_enter_hero_name(hero_id, max_charas)

# set_event_command_change_hp(actor_id, added, constant, par, can_kill)

# set_event_command_change_sp(a_id, added, constant, par)

# set_event_command_change_status(actor_id, added, state_id)

# set_event_command_complete_healing(target)

# set_event_command_change_experience(target, added, constant, param)

# set_event_command_change_level(target, added, constant, param)

# set_event_command_change_base_stats(actor_id, stat, added, constant, param)

# set_event_command_change_skills(actor_id, learn, skill_id)

# set_event_command_change_equipped_items(actor_id, equipment_type, equip_id)

# set_event_command_change_hero_name(actor_id, name_text)

# set_event_command_change_hero_class(actor_id, class_id)

# set_event_command_change_hero_graphic(actor_id, character_file, character_hue, battler_file, battler_hue)

# set_event_command_open_main_menu

# set_event_command_open_save_menu

# set_event_command_gameover

# set_event_command_return_to_title

# set_event_command_call_script(script_string)



# * SDK Log Script


#SDK.log('Event Spawner', 'SephirothSpawn', 1, '03.11.06')



# * Begin SDK Enable Test


#if SDK.state('Event Spawner') == true



# ** Game_Map



class Game_Map


  # * Add Event


  def add_event(id, event)

    unless @events.has_key?(id)

      @events[id] = Game_Event.new(@map_id, event)






# ** Spriteset_Map



class Spriteset_Map


  # * Add Event


  def add_event(event_id)

    sprite = Sprite_Character.new(@viewport1, $game_map.events[event_id])






# ** Scene_Map



class Scene_Map


  # * Public Instance Variables


  attr_accessor :spriteset




# ** Interpreter



class Interpreter



  # *** Basic Event Commands


  # Commands are for creating, adding pages, & finishing an event




  # * Create New Event


  def create_new_event(x, y, name)

    # Creates New Event Variable

    @event_spawner = RPG::Event.new(x, y)

    # Sets Event Id

    id = 1

    while $game_map.events.has_key?(id)

      id += 1


    @event_spawner.id = id

    # Sets Events Name

    @event_spawner.name = name



  # * Create New Page


  def create_new_page

    # Adds Event Page

    @event_spawner.pages << RPG::Event::Page.new



  # * Finish Event


  def finish_event

    # Adds Into Game_Map # Events

    $game_map.add_event(@event_spawner.id, @event_spawner)

    # Adds Into Spriteset_Map


    # Deletes Event Spawner Information

    @event_spawner = nil




  # *** Event Page Options


  # Commands are for options you control on the main page in the event wizard




  # * Set Event Graphic


  def set_event_graphic(character_name, character_hue, direction = 2, pattern = 0, opacity = 255, blend_type = 0, tile_id = 0) 

    # Gets Events Last Page

    last_page = @event_spawner.pages[@event_spawner.pages.size - 1]

    # Creates New Graphic Setup

    graphic = RPG::Event::Page::Graphic.new

    # Sets Graphic Character File

    graphic.character_name, graphic.character_hue = character_name, character_hue

    # Sets Character File Properties

    graphic.direction, graphic.pattern = direction, pattern 

    # Sets Graphic Pic Properties

    graphic.opacity, graphic.blend_type = opacity, blend_type

    # Sets Tile ID

    graphic.tile_id = tile_id

    # Sets Last page Graphic

    last_page.graphic = graphic



  # * Set Event Move Type

  #     (0: None, 1: Random, 2: Follow Hero, 3: Custom)


  def set_event_move_type(type = 0)

    # Gets Events Last Page

    last_page = @event_spawner.pages[@event_spawner.pages.size - 1]

    # Sets Event Move Type

    last_page.move_type = type



  # * Set Event Move Speed

  #     (1: Slowest, 6: Fastest)


  def set_event_move_speed(speed = 1)

    # Gets Events Last Page

    last_page = @event_spawner.pages[@event_spawner.pages.size - 1]

    # Sets Event Move Type

    last_page.move_speed = speed



  # * Set Event Move Frequency

  #     (1: Lowest, 6: Highest)


  def set_event_move_frequency(frequency = 1)

    # Gets Events Last Page

    last_page = @event_spawner.pages[@event_spawner.pages.size - 1]

    # Sets Event Move Type

    last_page.move_frequency = frequency



  # * Set Event Walk Animation


  def set_event_walk_animation(truth = true)

    # Gets Events Last Page

    last_page = @event_spawner.pages[@event_spawner.pages.size - 1]

    # Sets Event Move Type

    last_page.walk_anime = truth



  # * Set Event Step Animation


  def set_event_step_animation(truth = false)

    # Gets Events Last Page

    last_page = @event_spawner.pages[@event_spawner.pages.size - 1]

    # Sets Event Move Type

    last_page.step_anime = truth



  # * Set Event Direction Fix


  def set_event_direction_fix(truth = false)

    # Gets Events Last Page

    last_page = @event_spawner.pages[@event_spawner.pages.size - 1]

    # Sets Event Move Type

    last_page.direction_fix = truth



  # * Set Event Phasing


  def set_event_phasing(truth = false)

    # Gets Events Last Page

    last_page = @event_spawner.pages[@event_spawner.pages.size - 1]

    # Sets Event Move Type

    last_page.through = truth



  # * Set Event Always on Top


  def set_event_always_on_top(truth = false)

    # Gets Events Last Page

    last_page = @event_spawner.pages[@event_spawner.pages.size - 1]

    # Sets Event Move Type

    last_page.always_on_top  = truth



  # * Set Event Trigger

  #     (0: action button, 1: contact with player, 2: contact with event,

  #      3: autorun, 4: parallel processing)


  def set_event_trigger(trigger = 0)

    # Gets Events Last Page

    last_page = @event_spawner.pages[@event_spawner.pages.size - 1]

    # Sets Event Move Type

    last_page.trigger  = trigger



  # * Set Event Condition: Switch 1 ID


  def set_event_condition_switch1_id(switch_id = 1)

    # Gets Events Last Page

    last_page = @event_spawner.pages[@event_spawner.pages.size - 1]

    # Sets Event Move Type

    last_page.condition.switch1_id  = switch_id



  # * Set Event Condition: Switch 2 ID


  def set_event_condition_switch2_id(switch_id = 1)

    # Gets Events Last Page

    last_page = @event_spawner.pages[@event_spawner.pages.size - 1]

    # Sets Event Move Type

    last_page.condition.switch2_id  = switch_id



  # * Set Event Condition: Variable ID


  def set_event_condition_variable_id(variable_id = 1)

    # Gets Events Last Page

    last_page = @event_spawner.pages[@event_spawner.pages.size - 1]

    # Sets Event Move Type

    last_page.condition.variable_id  = variable_id



  # * Set Event Condition: Variable Value


  def set_event_condition_variable_value(variable_value = 1)

    # Gets Events Last Page

    last_page = @event_spawner.pages[@event_spawner.pages.size - 1]

    # Sets Event Move Type

    last_page.condition.variable_value  = variable_value



  # * Set Event Condition: Self Switch


  def set_event_condition_self_switch(switch_letter = 'A')

    # Gets Events Last Page

    last_page = @event_spawner.pages[@event_spawner.pages.size - 1]

    # Sets Event Move Type

    last_page.condition.self_switch_ch  = switch_letter



  # * Set Event Move Route


  def set_event_move_route(list = [], repeat = true, skippble = false)

    last_page = @event_spawner.pages[@event_spawner.pages.size - 1]

    # Sets Event Repeat And Skip Funcions

    last_page.move_route.repeat = repeat

    last_page.move_route.repeat = skippble

    # Sets Event Move Route

    for move_command in list

      # Splits

      parameters = []

      case move_command

      when 'Down'        ; code = 1

      when 'Left'        ; code = 2

      when 'Right'       ; code = 3

      when 'Up'          ; code = 4

      when 'Down-Left'   ; code = 5

      when 'Down-Right'  ; code = 6

      when 'Up-Left'     ; code = 7

      when 'Up-Right'    ; code = 8

      when 'Random'      ; code = 9

      when 'Toward Hero' ; code = 10

      when 'Away Hero'   ; code = 11

      when 'Forward'     ; code = 12

      when 'Backward'    ; code = 13

      when 'Face Down'   ; code = 16

      when 'Face Left'   ; code = 17

      when 'Face Right'  ; code = 18

      when 'Face up'     ; code = 19

      when 'Turn 90 Right'  ; code = 20

      when 'Turn 90 Left'   ; code = 21

      when '180 Turn'       ; code = 22

      when 'R/L 90 Turn'    ; code = 23

      when 'Face Random'    ; code = 24

      when 'Face Hero'      ; code = 25

      when 'Face Away Hero' ; code = 26


        if move_command.include? 'Jump'

          x = move_command.slice(move_command.index('(')..move_command.index(',')).delete('(').delete(',').to_i

          y = move_command.slice(move_command.index(',')..move_command.index(')')).delete(')').delete(',').to_i

          code, parameters = 14, [x, y]

        elsif move_command.include? 'Wait' ||

          move_command.sub(/(\d+)/, '')

          code, parameters = 15, [$1]

        elsif move_command.include? 'Switch On'

          move_command.sub(/(\d+)/, '')

          code, parameters = 27, [$1]

        elsif move_command.include? 'Switch Off'

          move_command.sub(/(\d+)/, '')

          code, parameters = 28, [$1]

        elsif move_command.include? 'Change Speed'

          move_command.sub(/(\d+)/, '')

          code, parameters = 29, [$1]

        elsif move_command.include? 'Chagne Frequency'

          move_command.sub(/(\d+)/, '')

          code, parameters = 30, [$1]

        elsif move_command.include? 'Play SE'

          move_command.sub(/(\d+)/, '')

          code, parameters = 44, [$1]

        elsif move_command.include? 'Call Script'

          move_command.sub(/\((\w+)\)/, '')

          code, parameters = 45, [$1]



      # Crates New MoveCommand

      move_command = RPG::MoveCommand.new

      # Sets MoveCommand Properties

      move_command.parameters = parameters

      move_command.code = code

      # Adds MoveCommand to List

      last_page.move_route.list << move_command





  # *** Event Commands


  # These Commands are for adding event commands to your event




  # * Clear Empty Event Commands


  def clear_empty_event_commands

    # Gets Events List Page

    last_page = @event_spawner.pages[@event_spawner.pages.size - 1]

    # Deletes Blank Event Commands

    for command in last_page.list

      if command.code == 0 || command.parameters == []






  # * Set Basic Event Commands


  def set_basic_event_commands(code, parameters = [])

    # Gets Events List Page

    last_page = @event_spawner.pages[@event_spawner.pages.size - 1]

    # Deletes Blank Event Commands


    # Creates Event Command

    command = RPG::EventCommand.new

    command.code = code

    command.parameters = parameters

    # Adds Event Command

    last_page.list << command

    # Adds Blank Command

    last_page.list << RPG::EventCommand.new



  # * Set Event Command : Show Message

  #   ~ message = ['Line 1', 'Line 2', 'Line 3', 'Line 4']


  def set_event_command_show_message(message = [])

    # Gets Events List Page

    last_page = @event_spawner.pages[@event_spawner.pages.size - 1]

    # Deletes Blank Event Commands


    # Adds Message Commands

    for i in 0...message.size

      # Creates Event Command

      command = RPG::EventCommand.new

      command.code = (i == 0 ? 101 : 401)

      command.parameters = [message[i]]

      # Adds Event Command

      last_page.list << command


    # Adds Blank Command

    last_page.list << RPG::EventCommand.new



  # * Set Event Command : Input Number

  #   ~ variable_id = $game_variable

  #   ~ max_digits = maxium number of digits


  def set_event_command_input_number(variable_id = 1, max_digits = 1)

    set_basic_event_commands(103, [variable_id, max_digits])



  # * Set Event Command : Message Display Options

  #   ~ position = (0: Top, 1: Middle, 2: Bottom)

  #   ~ showing = (0: Show Window Background, 1: Dont Show)


  def set_event_command_message_options(position = 2, showing = 0)

    set_basic_event_commands(104, [position, showing])



  # * Set Event Command : Key Input Processing

  #   ~ variable_id = $game_variable


  def set_event_command_key_input_proc(variable_id = 1)

    set_basic_event_commands(105, [variable_id])



  # * Set Event Command : Wait

  #   ~ frames = number of frames ( Approx. 20 / sec)


  def set_event_command_wait(frames = 20)

    set_basic_event_commands(106, [frames])



  # * Set Event Command : Comment

  #   ~ comment = comment for event


  def set_event_command_comment(comment = '')

    set_basic_event_commands(108, [comment])



  # * Set Event Command : End Event Processing


  def set_event_command_end_event_proc




  # * Set Event Command : Erase Event


  def set_event_command_erase_event




  # * Set Event Command : Erase Event

  #   ~ common_event_id = Command Event ID


  def set_event_command_common_event(common_event_id)

    set_basic_event_commands(117, [common_event_id])



  # * Set Event Command : Switch Opperation

  #   ~ start_swith = Starting Switch

  #   ~ end_switch = End Switch

  #   ~ opp = (0: true, 1: false)


  def set_event_command_switch_opp(start_swith = 1, end_switch = 1, opp = 0)

    set_basic_event_commands(121, [start_swith, end_switch, opp])



  # * Set Event Command : Variable Opperation

  #   ~ lower : lower boundary of variables

  #   ~ upper : upper boundary of variables

  #   ~ opperation : (0: Set, 1: +, 2: -, 3: *, 4: /, 5: %)

  #   ~ opperand : (0: Constant, 1: Variable, 2: Random Number, 3: Item,

  #                 4: Hero, 5: Monster, 6: Sprite, 7: Other)

  #   ~ opperand_params

  #       - Constant : #

  #       - Variable : Variable ID

  #       - Random Number : X..Y

  #       - Item : Item ID

  #       - Hero : Hero ID, Stat (0: HP, 1: SP, 2: Max HP, 3: Max SP, 4: Str,

  #                               5: Dex, 6: Agi, 7: Int, 8: Atk, 9: PDef,

  #                               10: MDef, 11: Eva)

  #       - Monster : Monster ID, Stat (As Above))

  #       - Event Sprite : Event ID (-1: Self, 0: This Event, 1-X: Event ID),

  #                        Tile (0: X Tile, 1: Y Tile, 2: Face, 3: Screen X,

  #                              4: Screen Y, 5:Terrain)

  #       - Other : (0: Map ID, 1: Party Size, 2: Money, 3: # of Steps,

  #                  4: Timer in Secs, 5: # of Saves)


  def set_event_command_variable_opp(lower = 1, upper = 1, opperation = 0,

      opperand = 0, *params)

    # Sets up Parameters

    params =  [lower, upper, opperation, opperand]

    params.each {|x| p << x}

    set_basic_event_commands(122, params)



  # * Set Event Command : Local Switch Opperation

  #   ~ l_switch = ('A', 'B', 'C', 'D')

  #   ~ opp = (0: true, 1: false)


  def set_event_command_local_switch_opp(l_switch = 'A', opp = 0)

    set_basic_event_commands(123, [l_switch, opp])



  # * Set Event Command : Timer Opperation

  #   ~ opp = (0: start, 1: stop)

  #   ~ mins = Total minutes

  #   ~ secs = Total Seconds


  def set_event_command_timer_opp(opp = 0, mins = 0, secs = 0)

    set_basic_event_commands(124, (opp == 0 ? [0, mins * 60 + secs] : [1]))



  # * Set Event Command : Change Money

  #   ~ add : (0: Add, 1: Subtract)

  #   ~ constant : (0: Constant, 1: variaible_id)

  #   ~ param : number or variable_id


  def set_event_command_change_money(add = 0, constant = 0, param = 0)

    set_basic_event_commands(125, [add, constant, param])



  # * Set Event Command : Change Items

  #   ~ item_id : item id in database

  #   ~ add : (0: Add, 1: Subtract)

  #   ~ constant : (0: Constant, 1: variaible_id)

  #   ~ par : number or variable_id


  def set_event_command_change_items(item_id, add = 0, constant = 0, par = 0)

    set_basic_event_commands(126, [item_id, add, constant, par])



  # * Set Event Command : Change Weapons

  #   ~ w_id : weapon id in database

  #   ~ add : (0: Add, 1: Subtract)

  #   ~ constant : (0: Constant, 1: variaible_id)

  #   ~ par : number or variable_id


  def set_event_command_change_weapons(w_id, add = 0, constant = 0, par = 0)

    set_basic_event_commands(127, [w_id, add, constant, par])



  # * Set Event Command : Change Armors

  #   ~ a_id : armor id in database

  #   ~ add : (0: Add, 1: Subtract)

  #   ~ constant : (0: Constant, 1: variaible_id)

  #   ~ par : number or variable_id


  def set_event_command_change_armors(a_id, add = 0, constant = 0, par = 0)

    set_basic_event_commands(128, [a_id, add, constant, par])



  # * Set Event Command : Change Party

  #   ~ actor_id : actor id in database

  #   ~ add : (0: Add, 1: Subtract)

  #   ~ initial : (1:initial state, 0:current state)


  def set_event_command_change_party(actor_id = 1, add = 0, initial = 0)

    set_basic_event_commands(129, [actor_id, add, initial])



  # * Set Event Command : Change WindowSkin

  #   ~ skin_name : skin file name


  def set_event_command_change_windowskin(skin_name = '')

    set_basic_event_commands(131, [skin_name])



  # * Set Event Command : Change Battle BGM

  #   ~ bgm_filename : BGM file name


  def set_event_command_change_battle_bgm(bgm_filename = '')

    # Creates Audio File

    a_file = RPG::AudioFile.new

    a_file.name = bgm_filename

    set_basic_event_commands(132, [name])



  # * Set Event Command : Change Victory Me

  #   ~ me_filename : ME file name


  def set_event_command_change_victory_me(me_filename = '')

    # Creates Audio File

    a_file = RPG::AudioFile.new

    a_file.name = me_filename

    set_basic_event_commands(133, [a_file])



  # * Set Event Command : Disallow / Allow Saving

  #   ~ opp = (0: true, 1: false)


  def set_event_command_dis_allow_saving(opp = 0)

    set_basic_event_commands(134, [opp])



  # * Set Event Command : Disallow / Allow Menu

  #   ~ opp = (0: true, 1: false)


  def set_event_command_dis_allow_menu(opp = 0)

    set_basic_event_commands(135, [opp])



  # * Set Event Command : Disallow / Allow Encounters

  #   ~ opp = (0: true, 1: false)


  def set_event_command_dis_allow_encounters(opp = 0)

    set_basic_event_commands(136, [opp])



  # * Set Event Command : Teleport

  #   ~ location_type : (0: Specific Location, 1: Stored in Variables)

  #   ~ map_id : (Map ID or Variable ID)

  #   ~ X : (X or Variable ID)

  #   ~ Y : (X or Variable ID)

  #   ~ Face : (0: Retain Facing, 2: Down, 4: Left, 6: Right, 8: Up) 

  #   ~ fade : (0: Yes, 1: No). 


  def set_event_command_teleport(type, map_id, x, y, face, fade)

    set_basic_event_commands(201, [type, map_id, x, y, face, fade])



  # * Set Event Command : Change Event Location

  #   ~ event_id : (0: This Event)

  #   ~ direct : (0: Direct, 1: Variables, 2: Another Event

  #   ~ x : (Constant X, Variable ID, or Event ID)

  #   ~ y : (Constant Y, Variable ID)

  #   ~ facing (0: Retain, 2: Down, 4: Left, 6: Right, 8: Up) 


  def set_event_command_change_event_location(event_id = 0, direct = 0,

                                                    x = 1, y = 1, facing = 0)

    set_basic_event_commands(202, [event_id, direct, x, y, facing])



  # * Set Event Command : Scroll Map

  #   ~ dir : direction (2: Down, 4: Left, 6: Right, 8: Up)

  #   ~ tiles : number of tiles

  #   ~ speed : speed (1: Slowest, 6: Fastest)


  def set_event_command_scroll_map(dir = 2, tiles = 0, speed = 1)

    set_basic_event_commands(203, [dir, tiles, speed])



  # * Set Event Command : Change Map Settings

  #   ~ setting : (0:Panorama, 1: Fog, 2: Battle Background)

  #   ~ file_name

  #   ~ hue : (0..360)

  # * For Fog Only

  #   ~ opacity : 0.255

  #   ~ blend_type : (0, 1, 2)

  #   ~ maginification

  #   ~ start_x

  #   ~ start_y


  def set_event_command_change_map_settings(setting = 0, file_name = '', 

                hue = 0, op = 255, blend_type = 0, mag = 1, s_x = 0, s_y = 0)

    params = [setting, file_name]

    params << hue if [0, 1].include?(setting)

    params.push(hue, op, blend_type, mag, s_x, s_y) if setting == 1

    set_basic_event_commands(204, params)



  # * Set Event Command : Tint Fog

  #   ~ r, g, b = -255..255

  #   ~ gr = 0..255

  #   ~ frames = frames for transition


  def set_event_command_tint_fog(r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, gr = 0, frames = 20)

    set_basic_event_commands(205, [Tone.new(r, g, b, gr), frames])



  # * Set Event Command : Change Fog Opacity

  #   ~ opacity = next opacity

  #   ~ frames = frames for transition


  def set_event_command_change_fog_opacity(opacity = 64, frames = 20)

    set_basic_event_commands(206, [opacity, frames])



  # * Set Event Command : Show Animation

  #   ~ target = (-1: Player, 0: This event, 1-X: Event ID #'s)

  #   ~ animation_id = animation from database


  def set_event_command_show_animation(target = -1, animation_id = 0)

    set_basic_event_commands(207, [target, animation_id])



  # * Set Event Command : Change Hero transparency

  #   ~ opp = (0: transparent, 1: opaque)


  def set_event_command_change_hero_trans(opp = 0)

    set_basic_event_commands(208, [opp])



  # * Set Event Command : Move Event

  #   ~ target : (0: This Event, 1-X: Event ID)

  #   ~ Move Array


  def set_event_command_move_event(target = 0, move_array = [])

    m_a = []

    for move_command in move_array

      parameters = []

      case move_command

      when 'Down'        ; code = 1

      when 'Left'        ; code = 2

      when 'Right'       ; code = 3

      when 'Up'          ; code = 4

      when 'Down-Left'   ; code = 5

      when 'Down-Right'  ; code = 6

      when 'Up-Left'     ; code = 7

      when 'Up-Right'    ; code = 8

      when 'Random'      ; code = 9

      when 'Toward Hero' ; code = 10

      when 'Away Hero'   ; code = 11

      when 'Forward'     ; code = 12

      when 'Backward'    ; code = 13

      when 'Face Down'   ; code = 16

      when 'Face Left'   ; code = 17

      when 'Face Right'  ; code = 18

      when 'Face up'     ; code = 19

      when 'Turn 90 Right'  ; code = 20

      when 'Turn 90 Left'   ; code = 21

      when '180 Turn'       ; code = 22

      when 'R/L 90 Turn'    ; code = 23

      when 'Face Random'    ; code = 24

      when 'Face Hero'      ; code = 25

      when 'Face Away Hero' ; code = 26


        if move_command.include? 'Jump'

          x = move_command.slice(move_command.index('(')..move_command.index(',')).delete('(').delete(',').to_i

          y = move_command.slice(move_command.index(',')..move_command.index(')')).delete(')').delete(',').to_i

          code, parameters = 14, [x, y]

        elsif move_command.include? 'Wait' ||

          move_command.sub(/(\d+)/, '')

          code, parameters = 15, [$1]

        elsif move_command.include? 'Switch On'

          move_command.sub(/(\d+)/, '')

          code, parameters = 27, [$1]

        elsif move_command.include? 'Switch Off'

          move_command.sub(/(\d+)/, '')

          code, parameters = 28, [$1]

        elsif move_command.include? 'Change Speed'

          move_command.sub(/(\d+)/, '')

          code, parameters = 29, [$1]

        elsif move_command.include? 'Chagne Frequency'

          move_command.sub(/(\d+)/, '')

          code, parameters = 30, [$1]

        elsif move_command.include? 'Play SE'

          move_command.sub(/(\d+)/, '')

          code, parameters = 44, [$1]

        elsif move_command.include? 'Call Script'

          move_command.sub(/\((\w+)\)/, '')

          code, parameters = 45, [$1]



      # Crates New MoveCommand

      move_command = RPG::MoveCommand.new

      # Sets MoveCommand Properties

      move_command.parameters = parameters

      move_command.code = code

      # Adds MoveCommand to List

      m_a << move_command


    set_basic_event_commands(209, [target, m_a])



  # * Set Event Command : Proceed With Movement


  def set_event_command_porceed_mvmt




  # * Set Event Command : Prepare Transition


  def set_event_command_prepare_transition




  # * Set Event Command : Execute Transition

  #   ~ transition_file = transition file name


  def set_event_command_execute_transition(transition_file = '')

    set_basic_event_commands(222, [transition_file])



  # * Set Event Command : Tint Screen

  #   ~ r, g, b = -255..255

  #   ~ gr = 0..255

  #   ~ frames = frames for transition


  def set_event_command_tint_screen(r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, gr = 0, frames = 10)

    set_basic_event_commands(223, [Tonew.new(r, g, b, gr), frames])



  # * Set Event Command : Flash Screen

  #   ~ r, g, b = -255..255

  #   ~ gr = 0..255

  #   ~ frames = frames for transition


  def set_event_command_flash_screen(r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, gr = 0, frames= 10)

    set_basic_event_commands(224, [Tonew.new(r, g, b, gr), frames])



  # * Set Event Command : Shake Screen

  #   ~ strength = 1..9

  #   ~ speed = 1..9

  #   ~ duration = frames of shake


  def set_event_command_shake_screen(strength = 5, speed = 5, duration = 10)

    set_basic_event_commands(225, [strength, speed, duration])



  # * Set Event Command : Show Picture

  #   ~ pic_id

  #   ~ pic_file

  #   ~ location : (0: Top-Left, 1: Center)

  #   ~ constant : (0: Constant, 1: Variable)

  #   ~ x : # or Variable ID

  #   ~ y : # or Variable ID

  #   ~ x_mag

  #   ~ y_mag

  #   ~ opacity : 0..255

  #   ~ blend_type : 0..2


  def set_event_command_show_picture(pid_id = 1, pic_file = '', location = 1,

                            constant = 0, x = 0, y = 0, x_mag = 1, y_mag = 1,

                                               opacity = 255, blend_type = 0)

    set_basic_event_commands(231, [pid_id, pic_file, location, constant, x,

                                       y, x_mag, y_mag, opacity, blend_type])



  # * Set Event Command : Move Picture

  #   ~ pic_id

  #   ~ frames

  #   ~ location : (0: Top-Left, 1: Center)

  #   ~ x : # or Variable ID

  #   ~ y : # or Variable ID

  #   ~ x_mag

  #   ~ y_mag

  #   ~ opacity : 0..255

  #   ~ blend_type : 0..2


  def set_event_command_move_picture(pid_id = 1, frames = 25, location = 1,

                            constant = 0, x = 0, y = 0, x_mag = 1, y_mag = 1,

                                               opacity = 255, blend_type = 0)

    set_basic_event_commands(232, [pid_id, frames, location, constant, x, y,

                                          x_mag, y_mag, opacity, blend_type])



  # * Set Event Command : Rotate Picture

  #   ~ picture_id = 1..9

  #   ~ speed = speed of rotation


  def set_event_command_rotate_picture(picture_id = 1, speed = 0)

    set_basic_event_commands(233, [picture_id, speed])



  # * Set Event Command : Tint Picture

  #   ~ pict_id = 1..9

  #   ~ r, g, b = -255.255

  #   ~ gr = 0..255

  #   ~ frames = frames of transition


  def set_event_command_tint_picture(pict_id = 1, r = 0, g = 0, b = 0,

                                                         gr = 0, frames = 20)

    set_basic_event_commands(234, [pict_id, Tone.new(r, g, b, gr), frames])



  # * Set Event Command : Erase Picture

  #   ~ picture_id = Picture ID


  def set_event_command_erase_picture(picture_id = 1)

    set_basic_event_commands(235, [picture_id])



  # * Set Event Command : Weather Effects

  #   ~ effect = (0: None, 1: Rain, 2: Storm, 3: Snow

  #   ~ strength = 1..9

  #   ~ frames = frames of transition


  def set_event_command_weather_effects(effect = 0, strength = 5, frames= 25)

    set_basic_event_commands(236, [effect, strength, frames])



  # * Set Event Command : Play BGM

  #   ~ bgm_filename = name of bgm file


  def set_event_command_play_bgm(bgm_filename = '')

    # Creates Audio File

    a_file = RPG::AudioFile.new

    a_file.name = bgm_filename

    set_basic_event_commands(241, [a_file])



  # * Set Event Command : Fade BGM

  #   ~ frames = frames of transition


  def set_event_command_fade_bgm(frames = 25)

    set_basic_event_commands(242, [frames])



  # * Set Event Command : Play BGS

  #   ~ bgs_filename = name of bgs file


  def set_event_command_play_bgs(bgs_filename = '')

    # Creates Audio File

    a_file = RPG::AudioFile.new

    a_file.name = bgs_filename

    set_basic_event_commands(245, [a_file])



  # * Set Event Command : Fade BGS

  #   ~ frames = frames of transition


  def set_event_command_fade_bgs(frames = 25)

    set_basic_event_commands(246, [frames])



  # * Set Event Command : Memorize BGM / BGS


  def set_event_command_memorize_bgm_bgs




  # * Set Event Command : Play Memorize BGM / BGS


  def set_event_command_play_memorize_bgm_bgs




  # * Set Event Command : Play ME

  #   ~ me_filename = name of me file


  def set_event_command_play_me(me_filename = '')

    # Creates Audio File

    a_file = RPG::AudioFile.new

    a_file.name = me_filename

    set_basic_event_commands(249, [a_file])



  # * Set Event Command : Play SE

  #   ~ se_filename = name of se file


  def set_event_command_play_se(se_filename = '')

    # Creates Audio File

    a_file = RPG::AudioFile.new

    a_file.name = me_filename

    set_basic_event_commands(250, [a_file])



  # * Set Event Command : Stop Sound Effect


  def set_event_command_stop_se




  # * Set Event Command : Enemy Encounter

  #   ~ troop_id

  #   ~ can_escape : true or false

  #   ~ can_lose : true or false


  def set_event_command_enemy_encounter(troop_id = 1, can_escape = true,

                                                             can_lose = true)

    set_basic_event_commands(301, [troop_id, can_escape, can_lose])



  # * Set Event Command : Open Shop Window

  #   ~ inventory list :[ ]

  #     - [type, id]

  #       - type : (0: Item, 1: Weapon, 2: Armor)

  #       - id : item, weapon or armor id


  def set_event_command_open_shop_window(inventory = [])

    params = []

    for item in inventory

      command = RPG::EventCommand.new

      command.code = 605

      command.parameters = item

      params << command


    set_basic_event_commands(302, params)



  # * Set Event Command : Enter Hero name

  #   ~ hero_id = ID of hero in database

  #   ~ max_charas = maxium characters in name


  def set_event_command_enter_hero_name(hero_id = 1, max_charas = 6)

    set_basic_event_commands(303, [hero_id, max_charas])



  # * Set Event Command : Change HP

  #   ~ actor_id

  #   ~ added : (0: Added, 1: Subtracted)

  #   ~ constant : (0: constant, 1: Variable)

  #   ~ par : (Constant # or Variable ID)

  #   ~ can_kill : true or false


  def set_event_command_change_hp(actor_id = 1, added = 0, constant = 0,

                                                   par = 0, can_kill = false)

    set_basic_event_commands(311, [actor_id, added, constant, par, can_kill])



  # * Set Event Command : Change SP

  #   ~ actor_id

  #   ~ added : (0: Added, 1: Subtracted)

  #   ~ constant : (0: constant, 1: Variable)

  #   ~ param : (Constant # or Variable ID)


  def set_event_command_change_sp(a_id = 1, added = 0, constant = 0, par = 0)

    set_basic_event_commands(312, [a_id, added, constant, param])



  # * Set Event Command : Change Status

  #   ~ actor_id

  #   ~ added : (0: Added, 1: Subtracted)

  #   ~ state_id


  def set_event_command_change_status(actor_id = 1, added = 0, state_id = 1)

    set_basic_event_commands(313, [actor_id, added, state_id])



  # * Set Event Command : Complete Healing

  #   ~ target = (0: Compelte Party, 1-X: Hero from database)


  def set_event_command_complete_healing(target= 0)

    set_basic_event_commands(314, [target])



  # * Set Event Command : Change Experience

  #   ~ target : (0: Entire Party, 1-X: Actor ID)

  #   ~ added : (0: Added, 1: Subtracted)

  #   ~ constant : (0: Constatnt, 1: Variable)

  #   ~ param : (Constant # or Variable ID)


  def set_event_command_change_experience(target = 0, added = 0,

                                                     constant = 0, param = 0)

    set_basic_event_commands(315, [target, added, constant, param])



  # * Set Event Command : Change Level

  #   ~ target : (0: Entire Party, 1-X: Actor ID)

  #   ~ added : (0: Added, 1: Subtracted)

  #   ~ constant : (0: Constatnt, 1: Variable)

  #   ~ param : (Constant # or Variable ID)


  def set_event_command_change_level(target = 0, added = 0,

                                                     constant = 0, param = 0)

    set_basic_event_commands(316, [target, added, constant, param])



  # * Set Event Command : Change Base Stats

  #   ~ actor_id

  #   ~ stat : (0: Max HP, 1: Max SP, 2: Str, 3: Dex, 4: Agi, 5: Int) 

  #   ~ added : (0: Added, 1: Subtracted)

  #   ~ constant : (0: Constatnt, 1: Variable)

  #   ~ param : (Constant # or Variable ID)


  def set_event_command_change_base_stats(actor_id = 1, stat = 0, added = 0,

                                                     constant = 0, param = 0)

    set_basic_event_commands(317, [target, stat, added, constant, param])



  # * Set Event Command : Change Skills

  #   ~ actor_id

  #   ~ learn : (0: learn, 1: forget)

  #   ~ skill_id


  def set_event_command_change_skills(actor_id = 1, learn = 0, skill_id = 1)

    set_basic_event_commands(318, [actor_id, learn, skill_id])



  # * Set Event Command : Change Equipped Items

  #   ~ actor_id

  #   ~ equipment_type : (0: W, 1: S, 2: H, 3: Armor, 4: Acc)

  #   ~ equip_id


  def set_event_command_change_equipped_items(actor_id = 1,

                                            equipment_type = 0, equip_id = 0)

    set_basic_event_commands(319, [actor_id, equipment_type, equip_id])



  # * Set Event Command : Change Hero Name

  #   ~ actor_id

  #   ~ name_text


  def set_event_command_change_hero_name(actor_id = 1, name_text = '')

    set_basic_event_commands(320, [actor_id, name_text])



  # * Set Event Command : Change Hero Class

  #   ~ actor_id

  #   ~ class_id


  def set_event_command_change_hero_class(actor_id = 1, class_id = 1)

    set_basic_event_commands(321, [actor_id, class_id])



  # * Set Event Command : Change Hero Graphic

  #   ~ actor_id

  #   ~ character_file

  #   ~ character_hue

  #   ~ battler_file

  #   ~ battler_hue


  def set_event_command_change_hero_graphic(actor_id = 1,

                                      character_file = '', character_hue = 0,

                                          battler_file = '', battler_hue = 0)

    set_basic_event_commands(322, [actor_id, character_file, character_hue,

                                                  battler_file, battler_hue])



  # * Set Event Command : Open Main Menu


  def set_event_command_open_main_menu




  # * Set Event Command : Open Save Menu


  def set_event_command_open_save_menu




  # * Set Event Command : Gameover


  def set_event_command_gameover




  # * Set Event Command : Return to Title


  def set_event_command_return_to_title




  # * Set Event Command : Call Script

  #   ~ script_string = string of script


  def set_event_command_call_script(script_string = '')

    set_basic_event_commands(355, [script_string])




  # *** Move Codes


  # This table is for the coding for the move commands



  # ~ Name        -  Parameters  -  Code

  # Down          -  []          -  1

  # Left          -  []          -  2

  # Right         -  []          -  3

  # Up                -  []          -  4

  # Down-Left         -  []          -  5

  # Down-Right        -  []          -  6

  # Up-Left           -  []          -  7

  # Up-Right          -  []          -  8

  # Random            -  []          -  9

  # Toward Hero       -  []          -  10

  # Away Hero         -  []          -  11

  # Forward           -  []          -  12

  # Backward          -  []          -  13

  # Jump(x, y)        -  [x, y]      -  14

  # Wait(sec)         -  [seconds]   -  15

  # Face Down         -  []      -  16

  # Face Left         -  []          -  17

  # Face Right        -  []          -  18

  # Face up           -  []          -  19

  # Turn 90 Right     -  []          -  20

  # Turn 90 Left      -  []          -  21

  # 180 Turn          -  []          -  22

  # R/L 90 Turn       -  []          -  23

  # Face Random       -  []          -  24

  # Face Hero         -  []          -  25

  # Face Away Hero    -  []          -  26

  # Switch On(s_id)   -  [switch_id] -  27

  # Switch Off(s_id)  -  [switch_id] -  28

  # Change Speed(spd) -  [speed]     -  29

  # Chagne Frequency(freq)  -  [frequency] -  30

  # Play SE           -  RPG::Audio File  -  44

  # Call Script       -  Script String    -  45




# * End SDK Enable Test



And there's another one, ver 2.1 that I really liked its functions but it's also SDK and needs MACL...

# ** Modules.Event Spawner (2.1)                              By SephirothSpawn


# * Description :


#   This script was designed to allow you to create events via scripts. It

#   will create events immeditately, and can save created events perm. on the

#   map after creation, or appear once. You can also clone events, performing

#   modifications via Event Spawner module, or immeditely end the clone

#   event process and move the new event to a position.


# * Instructions :







#   If you are ever unsure of a event layout, insert this at the top of event

#   commands


#   Call Script : 


#     for event_command in $game_map.events[event_id].list

#       p [event_command.code, event_command.parameters, event_command.indent]

#     end


#   Write down the code, parameters & indention, and use the add event command

#   function to create event commands.


#   To see instructions on creating events, refer to creation instrucitons.

#   To see event command codes & parameters, refer to event command c & p.


# * Making Events Without Huge Call Scripts :


#   This script has a built-in sub-module that will create events with a 

#   simple 1-line call script, rather than creating a 15 line call script.


#   To create a simple event spawn, search for the Presets module, directly

#   below the Event_Spawner module heading.


#   Create a method name, which should match the event you are creating. For

#   example; if you were creating a event on your map that will show a simple

#   text message, you can use a name such as


#   def self.sample_event_text


#   Make sure to put the self. in from of your method name, or it will not

#   read the method and you will have an error.


#   Basic Syntax For Method Naming


#     def self.<event_name>


#   Feel free to use method arguments as well (If you don't understand this,

#   do not worry about it)



#   Once your method is defined, you can now put what you would put in your

#   call script here in the method name.


#   Finish you method by adding a end and you are finished.



#   Example Preset Event:


#    def self.sample_event_a

#      Event_Spawner.create_event(3, 5, 'Sample Event A')

#      Event_Spawner.set_page_graphic({'c_name' => '002-Fighter02'})

#      Event_Spawner.add_event_command(101, ['I am a spawned event'])

#      Event_Spawner.end_event

#    end


#   ~ Creates an event at 3, 5 named Sample Event A

#   ~ Sets 1st Page Graphic Character Name to 002-Fighter02

#   ~ Creates Event Command : Show Message (Code 101)

#   ~ Ends Event


#   To call your event preset, use


#   Event_Spawner.Presets.<method_name>


#   (This Basically Serves as nothing more than call scripts in the script

#    itself, rather than the events.)


# * Event Creation Instructions :



#   **** Basic Event Creation Procedure ****


#   1) Create Event

#   2) Set Page Graphics & Conditions

#   3) Set Page Conditions

#   4) Add New Page (If Needed)

#   5) Repeat Steps 2-4 as needed

#   6) End Event



#   **** Syntax Instructions *****


#   Creating Event

#    - Event_Spawner.create_event(x = 0, y = 0, name = '')


#   Adding Event Command

#    - Event_Spawner.add_event_command(code, parameters = [], indent = 0)


#   Setting Page Condition

#    - Event_Spawner.set_page_condition({<parameters>})

#      'switch1'    => switch_id

#      'switch2'    => switch_id

#      'selfswitch' => 'A', 'B', 'C' or 'D'

#      'variable'   => [variable_id, value]


#   Setting Page Graphic

#    - Event_Spawner.set_page_graphic(

#      'tileid'  => id

#      'c_name'  => 'character_filename'

#      'c_hue'   => 0..360

#      'dir'     => 2 : Down, 4 : Left, 6 : Right, 8 : Up

#      'pattern' => 0..3

#      'opacity' => 0..255

#      'blend'   => 0 : Normal, 1 : Addition, 2 : Subtraction


#   Setting Page Trigger

#    - Event_Spawner.set_page_trigger(trigger)

#      0 : Action Button, 1 : Contact With Player, 2 - Contact With Event

#      3 : Autorun,       4 : Parallel Processing


#   Set Page Move Settings

#    - Event_Spawner.set_page_move_settings({<parameters>})

#      'type'  => 0 : fixed, 1 : random, 2 : approach, 3 : custom).

#      'speed' => 1 : slowest ... 6 : fastest

#      'freq'  => 1 : lowest  ... 6 : highest

#      'route' => RPG::MoveRoute (See Generate Move Route)


#   Generate Move Route

#    - Event_Spawner.generate_move_route(list = [], repeat, skippable)

#      See Method Heading For List Parameters


# * Event Command Code & Parameters


#  ~~ Show Text

#    - Code       : 101 (Lines After First Line : 401)

#    - Parameters : ['Text Line']


#  ~~ Show Choices

#    - Code       : 102

#    - Parameters : Did not comment on yet


#  ~~ When [**]

#    - Code       : 402

#    - Parameters : Did not comment on yet


#  ~~ When Cancel

#    - Code       : 403

#    - Parameters : Did not comment on yet


#  ~~ Input Number

#    - Code       : 103

#    - Parameters : Did not comment on yet

#  ~~ Change Text Options

#    - Code       : 104

#    - Parameters : [ <message_position>, <message_frame> ]


#      <message_position> - (0 : Up, 1 : Middle, 2 : Down)

#      <message_frame>    - (0 : Visible, 1 : Invisible)


#  ~~ Button Input Processing

#    - Code       : 105

#    - Parameters : [ variable_id ]


#  ~~ Wait

#    - Code       : 106

#    - Parameters : [ frames ]


#  ~~ Comment :

#    - Code       : 108 (Lines After First Line - 408)

#    - Parameters : [ 'Comment Text' ]


#  ~~ Conditional Branch

#    - Code       : 111

#    - Parameters : Did not comment on yet


#  ~~ Else

#    - Code       : 411

#    - Parameters : Did not comment on yet


#  ~~ Loop

#    - Code       : 112

#    - Parameters : Did not comment on yet


#  ~~ Repeat Above

#    - Code       : 413

#    - Parameters : Did not comment on yet


#  ~~ Break Loop

#    - Code       : 113

#    - Parameters : Did not comment on yet


#  ~~ Exit Event Processing

#    - Code       : 115

#    - Parameters : []


#  ~~ Erase Event

#    - Code       : 116

#    - Parameters : []


#  ~~ Call Common Event

#    - Code       : 117

#    - Parameters : [ common_event_id ]


#  ~~ Label

#    - Code       : 118

#    - Parameters : [ 'label_name' ]


#  ~~ Jump to Label

#    - Code       : 119

#    - Parameters : [ 'label_name' ]


#  ~~ Control Switches

#    - Code       : 121

#    - Parameters : [ start_variable, end_variable, <boolean> ]


#    <boolean> - (0 : On, 1 : Off)


#  ~~ Control Variables

#    - Code       : 122

#    - Parameters : [ start_var_id, end_var_id, <opperation>, <opperand>, <p> ]


#    <opperation> - (0: Set, 1: +, 2: -, 3: *, 4: /, 5: %)

#    <opperand> - (0: Constant, 1: Variable, 2: Random Number, 3: Item,

#                  4: Hero, 5: Monster, 6: Sprite, 7: Other)

#    <p>

#       When <opperand> is Constant (0)

#        - n

#       When <opperand> is Variable (1)

#        - variable_id

#       When <opperand> is Random Number (2)

#        - lower, higher

#       When <opperand> is Item (3)

#        - item_id

#       When <opperand> is Hero (4)

#        - hero_id, <stat> (See <stat> Below)

#       When <opperand> is Monster (5)

#        - monster_id, <stat> (See <stat> Below)

#       When <opperand> is Sprite (6)

#        - <event_id>, <tile>


#        <event_id> - (-1: Player, 0: This Event, 1-X: Event ID)

#        <tile> - (0: X Tile, 1: Y Tile, 2: Face, 3: Screen X, 4: Screen Y, 

#                  5:Terrain)

#       When <opperand> is Other (7)

#        - (0: Map ID, 1: Party Size, 2: Money, 3: # of Steps, 

#           4: Timer in Secs, 5: # of Saves)


#        <stat> - (0: HP, 1: SP, 2: Max HP, 3: Max SP, 4: Str,

#                  5: Dex, 6: Agi, 7: Int, 8: Atk, 9: PDef, 10: MDef, 11: Eva)

#  ~~ Control Self Switch

#    - Code       : 123

#    - Parameters : [ 'switch_letter', <boolean> ]


#    <boolean> - (0 : On, 1 : Off)


#  ~~ Control Timer

#    - Code       : 124

#    - Parameters : [ <boolean>, seconds ]


#    <boolean> - (0 : On, 1 : Off)


#  ~~ Change Gold

#    - Code       : 125

#    - Parameters : [ <operation>, <type>, <operand> ]


#    <operation> - (0 : Increase, 1 : Decrease)

#    <type> - (0: Constant 1: Variable)

#    <operand> - number or variable_id


#  ~~ Change Items

#    - Code       : 126

#    - Parameters : [ item_id, <operation>, <type>, <operand> ]


#    <operation> - (0 : Increase, 1 : Decrease)

#    <type> - (0: Constant 1: Variable)

#    <operand> - number or variable_id


#  ~~ Change Weapons

#    - Code       : 127

#    - Parameters :[ weapon_id, <operation>, <type>, <operand> ]


#    <operation> - (0 : Increase, 1 : Decrease)

#    <type> - (0: Constant 1: Variable)

#    <operand> - number or variable_id


#  ~~ Change Armor

#    - Code       : 128

#    - Parameters :[ armor_id, <operation>, <type>, <operand> ]


#    <operation> - (0 : Increase, 1 : Decrease)

#    <type> - (0: Constant 1: Variable)

#    <operand> - number or variable_id


#  ~~ Change Party Member

#    - Code       : 129

#    - Parameters : [ actor_id, <operation>, <reset> ]


#    <operation> - (0 : Add, 1 : Remove)

#    <reset> - (0 : Leave As Is, 1 : Reset Actor Information)


#  ~~ Change Windowskin

#    - Code       : 131

#    - Parameters : [ 'windowskin_name' ]


#  ~~ Change Battle BGM

#    - Code       : 132

#    - Parameters : [ 'battle_bgm' ]


#  ~~ Change Battle End ME

#    - Code       : 133

#    - Parameters : [ 'battle_me' ]


#  ~~ Change Save Access

#    - Code       : 134

#    - Parameters : [ <boolean> ]


#    <boolean> - (0 : On, 1 : Off)


#  ~~ Change Menu Access

#    - Code       : 135

#    - Parameters : [ <boolean> ]


#    <boolean> - (0 : On, 1 : Off)


#  ~~ Change Encounter

#    - Code       : 136

#    - Parameters : [ <boolean> ]


#    <boolean> - (0 : On, 1 : Off)


#  ~~ Transfer Player

#    - Code       : 201

#    - Parameters : [ <type>, <map_id>, <x>, <y>, <direction> ]


#    <type> - (0 : Constant, 1 : Game Variable)

#    <map_id> - number or variable_id

#    <x> - number or variable_id

#    <x> - number or variable_id

#    <direction> - (2 : Down, 4 : Left, 6 : Right, 8 : Up)


#  ~~ Set Event Location

#    - Code       : 202

#    - Parameters : [ <target_event>, <type>, <params>, <direction> ]


#    <target_event> - (-1 : Player, 0 : Current Event, N : Event ID)

#    <type> - (0 : Constant, 1 : Variables, 2 : Switch With Event)

#    <params>

#     When type is Constant (0) - target_x, target_y

#     When type is Variables (1) - x_variable, y_variable

#     When type is Switch Event (2) - event_id

#    <direction> - (2 : Down, 4 : Left, 6 : Right, 8 : Up)


#  ~~ Scroll Map

#    - Code       : 203

#    - Parameters : [ <direction>, distance, speed ]


#    <direction> - (2 : Down, 4 : Left, 6 : Right, 8 : Up)


#  ~~ Change Map Settings

#    - Code       : 204

#    - Parameters : [ <type>, <params> ]


#    <type> - (0 : Panorama, 1 : Fog, 2 : Battleback)

#    <params>

#     When type is Panorama (0) - name, hue

#     When type is Fog (1) - name, hue, opacity, blend_type, zoom, sx, sy

#     When type is Battleback (2) - name


#  ~~ Change Fog Color Tone

#    - Code       : 205

#    - Parameters : [ tone, duration ]


#  ~~ Change Fog Opacity

#    - Code       : 206

#    - Parameters : [ opacity, duration ]


#  ~~ Show Animation

#    - Code       : 207

#    - Parameters : [ <target_event>, animation_id ]


#    <target_event> - (-1 : Player, 0 : Current Event, N : Event ID)


#  ~~ Change Transparent Flag

#    - Code       : 208

#    - Parameters : [ <boolean> ]


#    <boolean> - (0 : Transparent, 1 : Non-Transparent)


#  ~~ Set Move Route

#    - Code       : 209

#    - Parameters : [ <target_event>, RPG::MoveRoute ]


#    <target_event> - (-1 : Player, 0 : Current Event, N : Event ID)


#  ~~ Wait for Move's Completion

#    - Code       : 210

#    - Parameters : []


#  ~~ Prepare for Transition

#    - Code       : 221

#    - Parameters : []


#  ~~ Execute Transition

#    - Code       : 222

#    - Parameters : [ transition_name ]


#  ~~ Change Screen Color Tone

#    - Code       : 223

#    - Parameters : [ tone, duration ]


#  ~~ Screen Flash

#    - Code       : 224

#    - Parameters : [ color, duration ]


#  ~~ Screen Shake

#    - Code       : 225

#    - Parameters : [ power, speed, duration ]


#  ~~ Show Picture

#    - Code       : 231

#    - Parameters : [ pic_id, name orgin, <type>, <x>, <y>, 

#                     zoom_x, zoom_y, opacity, blend_type ]


#    <type> - (0 : Constant, 1 : Variables)

#    <x> - number or variable_id

#    <y> - number or variable_id


#  ~~ Move Picture

#    - Code       : 232

#    - Parameters : [ pic_id, name orgin, <type>, <x>, <y>, 

#                     zoom_x, zoom_y, opacity, blend_type ]


#    <type> - (0 : Constant, 1 : Variables)

#    <x> - number or variable_id

#    <y> - number or variable_id


#  ~~ Rotate Picture

#    - Code       : 233

#    - Parameters : [ pic_id, angel ]


#  ~~ Change Picture Color Tone

#    - Code       : 234

#    - Parameters : [ pic_id, tone, duration ]


#  ~~ Erase Picture

#    - Code       : 235

#    - Parameters : [ pic_id ]


#  ~~ Set Weather Effects

#    - Code       : 236

#    - Parameters : [ <type>, power, duration ]


#    <type> - (0 : None, 1 : Rain, 2: Storm; 3: Snow)


#  ~~ Play BGM

#    - Code       : 241

#    - Parameters : [ RPG::AudioFile ]


#  ~~ Fade Out BGM

#    - Code       : 242

#    - Parameters : [ time ]


#  ~~ Play BGS

#    - Code       : 245

#    - Parameters : [ RPG::AudioFile ]


#  ~~ Fade Out BGS

#    - Code       : 246

#    - Parameters : [ time ]


#  ~~ Memorize BGM/BGS

#    - Code       : 247

#    - Parameters : []


#  ~~ Restore BGM/BGS

#    - Code       : 248

#    - Parameters : []


#  ~~ Play ME

#    - Code       : 249

#    - Parameters : [ RPG::AudioFile ]


#  ~~ Play SE

#    - Code       : 250

#    - Parameters : [ RPG::AudioFile ]


#  ~~ Stop SE

#    - Code       : 251

#    - Parameters : []


#  ~~ Battle Processing

#    - Code       : 301

#    - Parameters : [ troop_id, can_escape_boolean, can_lose_boolean ]


#  ~~ If Win

#    - Code       : 601

#    - Parameters : []


#  ~~ If Escape

#    - Code       : 602

#    - Parameters : []


#  ~~ If Lose

#    - Code       : 603

#    - Parameters : []


#  ~~ Shop Processing

#    - Code       : 302 (For Additional Shop Item Setup - 605)

#    - Parameters : [ [ <item_type>, item_id] ]


#    <item_type> - (0 : Item, 1 : Weapon, 2 : Armor)


#  ~~ Name Input Processing

#    - Code       : 303

#    - Parameters : [ actor_id, max_characters ]


#  ~~ Change HP

#    - Code       : 311

#    - Parameters : [ <actors>, <operation>, <type>, <operand> ]


#    <actors> - (0 : All Party Actors, N : Actor ID)

#    <operation> - (0 : Increase, 1 : Decrease)

#    <type> - (0: Constant 1: Variable)

#    <operand> - number or variable_id


#  ~~ Change SP

#    - Code       : 312

#    - Parameters : [ <actors>, <operation>, <type>, <operand> ]


#    <actors> - (0 : All Party Actors, N : Actor ID)

#    <operation> - (0 : Increase, 1 : Decrease)

#    <type> - (0: Constant 1: Variable)

#    <operand> - number or variable_id


#  ~~ Change State

#    - Code       : 313

#    - Parameters : [ <actors>, <operation>, state_id ]


#    <actors> - (0 : All Party Actors, N : Actor ID)

#    <operation> - (0 : Add State, 1 : Remove State)


#  ~~ Recover All

#    - Code       : 314

#    - Parameters :[ <actors> ]


#    <actors> - (0 : All Party Actors, N : Actor ID)


#  ~~ Change EXP

#    - Code       : 315

#    - Parameters : [ <actors>, <operation>, <type>, <operand> ]


#    <actors> - (0 : All Party Actors, N : Actor ID)

#    <operation> - (0 : Increase, 1 : Decrease)

#    <type> - (0: Constant 1: Variable)

#    <operand> - number or variable_id


#  ~~ Change Level

#    - Code       : 316

#    - Parameters : [ <actors>, <operation>, <type>, <operand> ]


#    <actors> - (0 : All Party Actors, N : Actor ID)

#    <operation> - (0 : Increase, 1 : Decrease)

#    <type> - (0: Constant 1: Variable)

#    <operand> - number or variable_id


#  ~~ Change Parameters

#    - Code       : 317

#    - Parameters : [ <actors>, <parameter>, <operation>, <type>, <operand> ]


#    <actors> - (0 : All Party Actors, N : Actor ID)

#    <parameter> - (0 : MaxHP, 1 : MaxSP, 2 : Str, 3 : Dex, 4 : Agi, 4 : Int)

#    <operation> - (0 : Increase, 1 : Decrease)

#    <type> - (0: Constant 1: Variable)

#    <operand> - number or variable_id


#  ~~ Change Skills

#    - Code       : 318

#    - Parameters : [ actor_id, <operation>, skill_id ]


#    <operation> - (0 : Learn Skill, 1 : Forget Skill)


#  ~~ Change Equipment

#    - Code       : 319

#    - Parameters : [ actor_id, <equip_type>, equipment_id ]


#    <equip_type> : (0 : Weapon, 1 : Shield, 2 : Head, 3 : Body, 4 : Acc)


#  ~~ Change Actor Name

#    - Code       : 320

#    - Parameters : [ actor_id, 'name' ]


#  ~~ Change Actor Class

#    - Code       : 321

#    - Parameters : [ actor_id, class_id ]


#  ~~ Change Actor Graphic

#    - Code       : 322

#    - Parameters : [ actor_id, character_name, character_hue,

#                               battler_name, battler_hue ]


#  ~~ Change Enemy HP

#    - Code       : 331

#    - Parameters : [ <enemies>, <operation>, <type>, <operand> ]


#    <enemies> - (0 : All Enemies, N : Enemy Index)

#    <operation> - (0 : Increase, 1 : Decrease)

#    <type> - (0: Constant 1: Variable)

#    <operand> - number or variable_id


#  ~~ Change Enemy SP

#    - Code       : 332

#    - Parameters : [ <enemies>, <operation>, <type>, <operand> ]


#    <enemies> - (0 : All Enemies, N : Enemy Index)

#    <operation> - (0 : Increase, 1 : Decrease)

#    <type> - (0: Constant 1: Variable)

#    <operand> - number or variable_id


#  ~~ Change Enemy State

#    - Code       : 333

#    - Parameters : [ <enemies>, <operation>, state_id ]


#    <enemies> - (0 : All Enemies, N : Enemy Index)

#    <operation> - (0 : Add State, 1 : Remove State)


#  ~~ Enemy Recover All

#    - Code       : 334

#    - Parameters : [ <enemies> ]


#    <enemies> - (0 : All Enemies, N : Enemy Index)


#  ~~ Enemy Appearance

#    - Code       : 335

#    - Parameters : [ <enemies> ]


#    <enemies> - (0 : All Enemies, N : Enemy Index)


#  ~~ Enemy Transform

#    - Code       : 336

#    - Parameters : [ enemy_index, target_enemy_id ]


#  ~~ Show Battle Animation

#    - Code       : 337

#    - Parameters : [ <target_troop>, <battlers>, animation_id ]


#    <target_troop> - (0 : Enemies, 1 : Actors)

#    <battlers> - (0 : Entire Troop, N : Index)


#  ~~ Deal Damage

#    - Code       : 338

#    - Parameters : [ <target_troop>, <battlers>, <type>, <operand> ]


#    <target_troop> - (0 : Enemies, 1 : Actors)

#    <battlers> - (0 : Entire Troop, N : Index)

#    <type> - (0: Constant 1: Variable)

#    <operand> - number or variable_id]


#  ~~ Force Action

#    - Code       : 339

#    - Parameters : [ <target_group>, <battlers>, <kind>, <basic>,

#                     <target>, <forcing> ]


#    <target_troop> - (0 : Enemies, 1 : Actors)

#    <battlers> - (0 : Entire Troop, N : Index)

#    <kind> - (0 : Attack/Guard, 1: Skill)

#    <basic>

#      When Kind is 0 - (0 : Attack, 1 : Guard)

#      When Kind is 1 - skill_id

#    <target> - (-2 : Last Target, -1 : Random Target, N : Target Index)

#    <forcing> - (0 : Execute Instead Of Next Move, 1 : Force Now)


#  ~~ Abort Battle

#    - Code       : 340

#    - Parameters : []


#  ~~ Call Menu Screen

#    - Code       : 351

#    - Parameters : []


#  ~~ Call Save Screen

#    - Code       : 352

#    - Parameters : []


#  ~~ Game Over

#    - Code       : 353

#    - Parameters : []


#  ~~ Return to Title Screen

#    - Code       : 354

#    - Parameters : []


#  ~~ Script

#    - Code       : 355 (Lines After First line - 655)

#    - Parameters : [ 'script text' ]



MACL::Loaded << 'Modules.Event Spawner'



# ** Event_Spawner



module Event_Spawner


  # * Event


  def self.event

    return @event



  # * Create Event


  def self.create_event(x = 0, y = 0, name = '')

    # Creates New Event

    @event = RPG::Event.new(x, y)

    @event.name = name

    # Generates ID

    @event.id = $game_map.events.empty? ? 1 : $game_map.events.keys.max + 1



  # * Add Event Command (See Script Heading for Event Command Details)


  def self.add_event_command(code, parameters = [], indent = 0)

    # Creates New Event Command

    event_command = RPG::EventCommand.new

    # Sets Code, Parameters & Indent

    event_command.code = code

    event_command.parameters = parameters

    event_command.indent = indent

    # Adds Event Command To Page List

    self.get_current_page.list.insert(-2, event_command)



  # * Set Page Condition


  #   'switch1'    => switch_id

  #   'switch2'    => switch_id

  #   'selfswitch' => 'A', 'B', 'C' or 'D'

  #   'variable'   => [variable_id, value]


  def self.set_page_condition(parameters = {})

    # Gets Last Page Condition Settings

    page_c = self.get_current_page.condition

    # If 'switch1' Found

    if parameters.has_key?('switch1')

      # Turns Switch 1 On & Sets ID

      page_c.switch1_valid = true

      page_c.switch1_id    = parameters['switch1']


    # If 'switch2' Found

    if parameters.has_key?('switch2')

      # Turns Switch 2 On & Sets ID

      page_c.switch2_valid = true

      page_c.switch2_id    = parameters['switch1']


    # If 'selfswitch' Found

    if parameters.has_key?('selfswitch')

      # Turns Self Switch ON & Sets Switch Variable

      page_c.self_switch_valid = true

      page_c.self_switch_ch    = parameters['selfswitch']


    # If 'variable' Found

    if parameters.has_key?('variable')

      # Turns Variable On, Sets Variable ID & Sets Value

      page_c.variable_valid = true

      page_c.variable_id    = parameters['variable'][0]

      page_c.variable_value = parameters['variable'][1]




  # * Set Page Graphic


  #   'tileid'  => id

  #   'c_name'  => 'character_filename'

  #   'c_hue'   => 0..360

  #   'dir'     => 2 : Down, 4 : Left, 6 : Right, 8 : Up

  #   'pattern' => 0..3

  #   'opacity' => 0..255

  #   'blend'   => 0 : Normal, 1 : Addition, 2 : Subtraction


  def self.set_page_graphic(parameters = {})

    # Gets Last Page Graphic Settings

    page_g = self.get_current_page.graphic

    # Tile ID

    if parameters.has_key?('tileid')

      page_g.tile_id = parameters['tileid']


    # Character Name

    if parameters.has_key?('c_name')

      page_g.character_name = parameters['c_name']


    # Character Hue

    if parameters.has_key?('c_hue')

      page_g.character_hue = parameters['c_hue']


    # Direction

    if parameters.has_key?('dir')

      page_g.direction = parameters['dir']


    # Pattern

    if parameters.has_key?('pattern')

      page_g.pattern = parameters['pattern']


    # Opacity

    if parameters.has_key?('opacity')

      page_g.opacity = parameters['opacity']


    # Blend Type

    if parameters.has_key?('blend')

      page_g.blend_type = parameters['blend']




  # * Set Page Trigger


  #   0 - Action Button

  #   1 - Contact With Player

  #   2 - Contact With Event

  #   3 - Autorun

  #   4 - Parallel Processing


  def self.set_page_trigger(trigger = 0)

    # Sets Last Page Trigger

    self.get_current_page.trigger = trigger



  # * Set Page Move Settings


  #   'type'  => 0 : fixed, 1 : random, 2 : approach, 3 : custom).

  #   'speed' => 1 : slowest ... 6 : fastest

  #   'freq'  => 1 : lowest  ... 6 : highest

  #   'route' => RPG::MoveRoute (See Generate Move Route)


  def self.set_page_move_settings(parameters = {})

    # Gets Last Page

    page = self.get_current_page

    # Type

    if parameters.has_key?('type')

      page.move_type = parameters['type']


    # Speed

    if parameters.has_key?('speed')

      page.move_speed = parameters['speed']


    # Frequency

    if parameters.has_key?('freq')

      page.move_frequency = parameters['freq']


    # Route

    if parameters.has_key?('route')

      if parameters['route'].is_a?(RPG::MoveRoute)

        page.move_route = parameters['route'] 





  # * Set Page Options


  #   'walk_anime'    => true or false

  #   'step_anime'    => true or false

  #   'direction_fix' => true or false

  #   'through'       => true or false

  #   'always_on_top' => true or false


  def self.set_page_options(parameters = {})

    # Gets Last Page

    page = self.get_current_page

    # Walk Animation

    if parameters.has_key?('walk_anime')

      page.walk_anime = parameters['walk_anime']


    # Step Animation

    if parameters.has_key?('step_anime')

      page.step_anime = parameters['step_anime']


    # Direction Fix

    if parameters.has_key?('direction_fix')

      page.direction_fix = parameters['direction_fix']


    # Through

    if parameters.has_key?('through')

      page.through = parameters['through']


    # Always On Top

    if parameters.has_key?('always_on_top')

      page.always_on_top = parameters['always_on_top']




  # * Add New Page


  def self.add_page

    @event.pages << RPG::Event::Page.new



  # * Generate Move Route


  #   list = [ <move_command>, ... ]


  #   <move_command> : [code, parameters]


  #   If no parameters required :


  #   <move_command> : code


  def self.generate_move_route(list = [], repeat = true, skippable = false)

    # Creates New Move Route

    move_route = RPG::MoveRoute.new

    # Sets Repeat & Skipable

    move_route.repeat    = repeat

    move_route.skippable = skippable

    # Passes Through List

    for move_command in list

      if move_command.is_a?(Array)

        code, parameters = move_command[0], move_command[1]


        code, parameters = move_command, []


      # Crates New MoveCommand

      move_command = RPG::MoveCommand.new

      # Adds MoveCommand to List

      move_route << move_command

      # Sets MoveCommand Properties

      move_command.parameters = parameters

      move_command.code = code


    # Add Blank Move Command

    move_route << RPG::MoveCommand.new

    # Return Move Route

    return move_route



  # * End Event


  def self.end_event(save_event = false)

    # Stop If nil Event Created

    return if @event.nil?

    # Fix ID

    @event.id = $game_map.events.empty? ? 1 : $game_map.events.keys.max + 1

    # Add Event to Map & Spriteset Data


    # If Save Event Data

    if save_event

      # Creates Map Event Data (If none Present)

      unless @saved_events.has_key?((map_id = $game_map.map_id))

        @saved_events[map_id] = []


      # Saves Event Data

      @saved_events[map_id] << @event.id


    # Clear Event Data

    @event = nil



  # * Clone Event


  def self.clone_event(target_id, new_x, new_y, new_name, 

      end_event = false, save_event = false)

    # Stops If Event Not Found

    return unless $game_map.events.has_key?(target_id)

    # Gets Event Data

    @event = $game_map.events[target_id].event

    # Changes X, Y & name

    @event.x    = new_x

    @event.y    = new_y

    @event.name = new_name

    # Generates New ID

    @event.id = $game_map.events.empty? ? 1 : $game_map.events.keys.max + 1

    # If End Event

    if end_event

      # Ends Event Creation





  # * Saved Events { map_id => { event_id => name }, ... }


  @saved_events = {}


  # * Saved Events (Read)


  def self.saved_events(map_id = nil)

    # If Map ID not Defined

    if map_id.nil?

      # Return All Saved Event Data

      return @saved_events


    # If Map Data Saved

    if @saved_events.has_key?(map_id)

      # Return Map Saved Event Data

      return @saved_events[map_id]


    # Return Blank Array

    return []



  # * Saved Events (Write)


  def self.saved_events=(saved_events)

    @saved_events = saved_events



  # * Current Page


  def self.get_current_page

    return @event.pages.last





# ** Game_Map



class Game_Map


  # * Alias Listings


  alias_method :seph_eventspawner_gmap_init,  :initialize

  alias_method :seph_eventspawner_gmap_setup, :setup


  # * Object Initialization


  def initialize

    # Original Initialization


    # Create Saved Events

    @saved_events = {}



  # * Setup


  def setup(map_id)

    # Gets Saved Events

    saved_events = Event_Spawner.saved_events(@map_id)

    # If Not Empty

    unless saved_events.empty?

      # Create List (If none exist)

      @saved_events[@map_id] = {} unless @saved_events.has_key?(@map_id)

      # Saves spawned events

      saved_events.each do |event_id|

        @saved_events[@map_id][event_id] = @events[event_id]



    # Original Map Setup


    # If Map Has Saved Events

    if @saved_events.has_key?(@map_id)

      # Add saved events to events list

      @saved_events[@map_id].each do |event_id, event|

        @events[event_id] = event







# ** Scene_Save



class Scene_Save


  # * Alias Listings


  alias_method :seph_eventspawner_scnsave_wsd, :write_save_data


  # * Write Save Data


  def write_save_data(file)

    # Original Write Data


    # Saves Saved Event Data

    Marshal.dump(Event_Spawner.saved_events, file)





# ** Scene_Load



class Scene_Load


  # * Alias Listings


  alias_method :seph_eventspawner_scnload_rsd, :read_save_data


  # * Read Save Data


  def read_save_data(file)

    # Original Write Data


    # Load Saved Event Data

    Event_Spawner.saved_events = Marshal.load(file)



If somebody knows a similar non-sdk like this I'd really apreciate if somebody could link it xD
Otherwise, I think I'll use the version 1.0 then

Thanks in advance \o
See ya
idk ive never used this one, but i said it in my script archive:
# Event spawning utility
# by Khatharr
# For RMXP greatness visit - www.dubealex.com
# Oh, and to make this crap work you just post it into a new section.
# Just make sure that that new section is JUST ABOVE "MAIN"!
# Don't bug me about this script.  I don't wanna hear it.  Thank you.
class Game_Map
  attr_accessor :events
class Scene_Map
  attr_accessor :spriteset
class Spawn_Event
  attr_accessor :monkey
  def initialize(x, y, name = "")
    @monkey = RPG::Event.new(x, y)
    @monkey.id = $game_map.events.size + 1
    @monkey.name = name
  def makepage(type = 0, speed = 3, freq = 3, walkani = true, step = false, lock = false, phase = false, top = false, trigger = 0)
    bliffle = @monkey.pages.size
    @monkey.pages[bliffle].move_type = type
    @monkey.pages[bliffle].move_speed = speed
    @monkey.pages[bliffle].move_frequency = freq
    @monkey.pages[bliffle].walk_anime = walkani
    @monkey.pages[bliffle].step_anime = step
    @monkey.pages[bliffle].direction_fix = lock
    @monkey.pages[bliffle].through = phase
    @monkey.pages[bliffle].always_on_top = top
    @monkey.pages[bliffle].trigger = trigger #0=key, 1=htouch, 2=etouch, 3=auto ,4=para
  def route(page, repeat = true, skippable = false)
    @monkey.pages[page].move_route.repeat = repeat
    @monkey.pages[page].move_route.skippable = skippable
  def movement(page, code = 0, parameters = [])
    ickyptwang = @monkey.pages[page].move_route.list.pop
    @monkey.pages[page].move_route.list.push(RPG::MoveCommand.new(code, parameters))
  def graphic(page, pic = "", tile = 0, hue = 0, dir = 2, pattern = 0, opacity = 255, blend = 0)
    @monkey.pages[page].graphic.tile_id = tile
    @monkey.pages[page].graphic.character_name = pic
    @monkey.pages[page].graphic.character_hue = hue
    @monkey.pages[page].graphic.direction = dir
    @monkey.pages[page].graphic.pattern = pattern #direction handles row, pattern handles column
    @monkey.pages[page].graphic.opacity = opacity
    @monkey.pages[page].graphic.blend_type = blend
  def list(page, code, parameters)
    temp = @monkey.pages[page].list.pop
    arf = @monkey.pages[page].list.size
    @monkey.pages[page].list[arf].code = code
    @monkey.pages[page].list[arf].parameters = parameters
  def condition(page, s1on = false, s1id = 1, s2on = false, s2id = 1, varon = false, varid = 1, varval = 0, sswon = false, sswval = "A")
    @monkey.pages[page].condition.switch1_valid = s1on
    @monkey.pages[page].condition.switch2_valid = s2on
    @monkey.pages[page].condition.variable_valid = varon
    @monkey.pages[page].condition.self_switch_valid = sswon
    @monkey.pages[page].condition.switch1_id = s1id
    @monkey.pages[page].condition.switch2_id = s2id
    @monkey.pages[page].condition.variable_id = varid
    @monkey.pages[page].condition.variable_value = varval
    @monkey.pages[page].condition.self_switch_ch = sswval
  def inject
    $game_map.events[@monkey.id] = Game_Event.new(@map_id, @monkey)
    $game_map.need_refresh = true
    $scene.spriteset = Spriteset_Map.new
    @monkey = nil

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