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No longer called Garas, Now something different I am working on



In the land of LeSola, The King, Jin created a barrier, that divided the world. Kyrae must defend the world to restore balance


Where is the specifics? This is a terrible synopsis.

the worst peice of man you have heard of.


Theres not even enough to comment on. This sounds really bad. Could you post the chapters here? I doubt anyone is going to click a link to read it.
I will post the chapters here  then, but keep in mind, this is a work in progress, so, in philosopher's terms:

It still stinx.

I'm currently working on the Good" version. Until then, I'll edit the post above to make it sound, er, decent.
Dude, you're supposed to post CONTENT before a topic, this isn't project discussion, the Writing forum is too inactive for immature hype dude. You'll need to elaborate on the character's personalities too, there is too little, it's just an OVERVIEW(if you could even call it that) at the moment.



Farah":37w4z3ze said:
Dude, you're supposed to post CONTENT before a topic, this isn't project discussion, the Writing forum is too inactive for immature hype dude. You'll need to elaborate on the character's personalities too, there is too little, it's just an OVERVIEW(if you could even call it that) at the moment.

Farah is exactly right, and thats what I was going to point out sooner or later. Could you please post some of the work? Nay, I think its required to have some sort of written projection and not a mere synopsis.

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