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New triggers script

Is there a script that has extra triggers, e.g. collision triggers and keyboard triggers?

There is another game making program called game maker, this is also a very successful game, with its own forums. One of the reasons the program is so successful is its simplicity. Unlike RPG XP, there r so many possibilities, only brought on by simple events and actions. In Game Maker the possibilities are virtually limitless. Sure you could say its game maker not RPG maker, although that doesn't mean much. Just because RPG maker is on a specific gaming field does not mean it shouldn't have the same attributes as Game Maker. So what I propose is that someone who is a capable scripter takes up the challenge of adding some specific triggers (events).

Some new Triggers could be:
• On the press of a certain keyboard button.
• On the release of a certain keyboard button.
• While this certain keyboard button is being pressed.
• On the collision of these certain events.
• On the click of this certain mouse button.
• On the creation of this certain event.
• On the destruction of this certain event.
• On character set loop end.
Just to name a few.

If someone knows a way to make this thread more appealing please reply.
If you are interested in taking up this challenge, don’t just think someone else will do it, ‘cause then it won’t get done. If more then one person was to make this script it wouldn’t be such a bad thing, all the scripts could be put together to create a higher standard one. I am sure so many people could make use of a script like this and with it you could make all sorts of mad things like, complex mini games or completely different games with RPG Makers graphics and scripting system. Together Game Maker’s basis and RPG Maker’s graphics and scripts would make limitless possibilities, where your imagination is your only boundary. Not only would it do that but it would also solve so many other peoples scripting requests and make life so much easier.

For the keyboard trigers use my Input script: Alewoks Input Module, and make a script Condition Branch, and put:
• For "On the press of a certain keyboard button."
Input.press?(Keys::A) == true
(You can change the A, see in the Keys module the available keys)

• On the release of a certain keyboard button.
Input.release?(Keys::A) == true

• While this certain keyboard button is being pressed.
Input.trigger?(Keys::A) == true

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