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New Tablet

My old tablet that I had for 3 years has died. The cord is burned out; you can actually see the black spots. It was a small wacom graphire4. I shall miss it. But I got my new tablet in the mail today! It's a silver bamboo fun.

It's the same size and price as my old tablet. The specs are the same. Only this one is thinner and has a textured surface. It's suppose to feel like drawing on paper, but is sounds like I'm drawing with a marker on cardboard. My old one was smooth and silent. This one doesn't come with a pen holder attached to the tablet either.
The up side is the usb cord is removable making it more portable and easy to replace. The old pen and mouse work with the new one so I can hang onto those.
It took me the whole afternoon to get the drivers installed. Restarting my laptop 3-4 times. But I finally got the pressure sensitivity to work in GIMP which is the main program I use for drawing.
My first doodle:
No, its ARSHES ON CRACK (more like Aluxes now lol)

(lol I just wanted to be able to post that picture somewhere)

So how about instead of posting it here you post it in a spam thread? Don't spam threads just "to post a picture somewhere". No one thinks it's funny.

I deleted it and PMed him telling him not to do it again. Included your note, Devvy. ~Peri

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